The Borderless Society - Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy

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The Borderless Society - Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy

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The concept of "The Borderless World" contains how many dimensions? It is really up to your (our) imagination ....

Japan's only management guru Kenichi Ohmae has demonstrated the dimensions of "global marketplace, trading, economic activities, money and information flow .... un-restricted by any physical or mental boundary. As we read "The Borderless Society", we can stretch our creative thinking treating the "world" as our "mind", without constraints of space, time but forces and flow. A World-Mind of environmental forces; consequences or cause-effect of our action and reaction; knowledge concentration / distribution; ..... even evil intention / creation from one small corner of the world, .....

What then is Your personal and organisational ACTION?

Buy from Amazon The Borderless Society - Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy by Kenichi Ohmae

With evidence of "The Borderless World" taking effect, what sort of clash and stress can you imagine with respect to highly compartmentalised organisation structures where you reside? The frustration and difficulties are experienced by many on teamwork to break off the departmental boundaries within organisations. On personal level, we are governed by fragmented and box thinking : from a tiny miserable perspective of a employee, or manager, or farmer, or specialist, or consumer, or politician, or entertainer, or pressmen, or .... Are we not like stone-age men, having no holistic knowledge and capacity to face the fast changing modern world outside our caves?

Buy from Amazon The Borderless Society - Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy by Kenichi Ohmae

"The Borderless World" effect is like a gigantic wave or force or current that swept all matters, all living things. Or it is like a tornado that can destroy? Since you and your organisation, community, society are parts that generate the collective effect, do you still want to think this world has countess boundaries that need much bureaucratic passport and visa to travel and to act or even to think?

Buy from Amazon The Borderless Society - Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy by Kenichi Ohmae

Others books by Kenichi Ohmae

Buy from Amazon Beyond National Borders : Reflections on Japan and the World
Buy from Amazon The Evolving Global Economy : Making Sense of the New World Order (Harvard Business Review Book)
Buy from Amazon The End of the Nation State : The Rise of Regional Economies
Buy from Amazon The End of the Nation State : The Rise of Regional Economies (Hardcopy)

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Andrew Wong

(Business System Observer, Sarawak, Malaysia)

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