The Midas touch : money, people, and power from West to East

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The Midas touch : money, people, and power from West to East

Buy from Amazon The Midas touch : money, people, and power from West to East by Anthony Sampson

What will happen to this planet earth with millions of organisations, like the King who wanted everything he touched turned to gold, rushing towards Midas touch as the only mission in life (personal and organisational)?

Altar is a sacred place for religious believers from ancient time to present. Large Computer screen with currency and stock market movement is the modern day altar to millions dreaming, praying and playing to be rich quickly.

Isn't Midas Touch the only driving force for organisations in the name of greater return to shareholders, customer satisfaction, higher productivity, throughput and profit?

"For centuries mankind has worked on the assumption that we could pursue the goal of steady progress, without disturbing the fundamental equilibrium of the world's atmosphere and its living systems. In a very short time that comfortable assumption has been shattered." Margaret Thatcher, March 1989"

"Market Forces" (economic) seem to be the only forces organisations are dealing with, oblivious to "environmental forces" and "inter-connected and inter-dependent organisational forces". Refer Haze & Learning Organisation.

Buy from Amazon The Midas touch : money, people, and power from West to East by Anthony Sampson

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Andrew Wong

(Business System Observer, Sarawak, Malaysia)

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