The Age of Heretics (Heroes, Outlaws, and the Forerunners of Corporate Change)

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The Age of Heretics (Heroes, Outlaws, and the Forerunners of Corporate Change)

Buy from Amazon The Age of Heretics by Art Kleiner

What is the difference between Change Agent and Heretic? Was Galileo the Change Agent? But he was banished by the Church as Heretic! Are you a Heretic or a Change Agent?

Buy from Amazon The Age of Heretics

Ever wonder why the proliferation of new management fads, change initiatives, theories and practices in this era as compared with the past? Where did they come from? Who started all these? You get a good clue from the book : "The Age of Heretics"

The Forerunners of Corporate Change, who path the way for us today, are vividly described in the book. They were mostly branded as outlaws and heretics, humiliated, pressured,fired or socially being rejected. Do you recognise the trait and pattern of these heretics in you, in your present belief and endeavour. What are you now? What role do you play in your organisation? Is it an important question : Heretic or Change Agent? Or should you re-examine and make some meaningful sense of your own core-human values first, and not worry about how the world label you? With a sound set of core values, what is, or what should be the growth rate of Knowledge in you as compared with stages of awareness, insights and understanding experienced as a group and pattern, described in the book?

Buy from Amazon The Age of Heretics by Art Kleiner

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Andrew Wong

(Business System Observer, Sarawak, Malaysia)

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