The Fifth Discipline by Dr. Peter Senge

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The Fifth Discipline by Dr. Peter Senge

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"The Fifth discipline": Not a recipe-book, but a Thinking book. Why most people find it difficult to read?

Unlike a step by step, do-it-yourself book, it is important to understand the concept and theories behind The Fifth Discipline for Learning Organisation. Such understanding is very personal. It is not something (program) you could delegate to staff like most managers do. As great benefits can be derived from the book to oneself, a possible self-transformation with totally different perspectives to view the world, it would be more meaningful to start reading from Mental Model and Personal Mastery disciplines. When you are prepared for a personal journey to understand yourself and the world better, re-read the book will be most fulfilling.

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"The Fifth discipline": After struggling years with TQM, quality practitioners face more frustration than joy in their endeavour. Why?

Most quality practitioners get attracted to the ideals as proclaimed in TQM. But realities show big contrasts. The conclusion is "Top Management is NOT committed", with despair, cynicism and much bitterness. "The Fifth discipline" illustrates a different dimension and does not treat "Top Management commitment" as judgement, which leads nowhere! What are the pre-requisites to commitment : whether top management or any person in the organisation, a deep understanding is necessary? Read and explore "The Fifth discipline". After serious reflection from some of the messages in the book, you may become a more humble person, thereby in harmony with yourself, your organisation and your environment.

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"The Fifth discipline": What is the relationship between System Thinking and ISO 9000 Quality System?

System Thinking involves 5 disciplines : 1) [System thinking], 2) [Shared Vision], 3) [Mental Model], 4) [Team Building] 5) [Personal Mastery].

ISO 9000 Quality System contains a set of Management Principles.

On concept level, the 5 disciplines can be applied directly / indirectly on to the ISO 9000 Quality System. For example: [Shared Vision] discipline can be applied on {Quality Policy}; [System Thinking] discipline can be applied on {Quality System} {Management Review}; {Quality Audit} can be a feedback loop in [System Thinking]; {Corrective and Preventive Action} {Statistical Techniques} can enhance "Cause and Effect" relationship understanding, an important loop for [System Thinking]; A good analysis of {Management Review} can give much clues to [Mental Model] operating among management members; {Process Design} {Process Control} are critical aspects of [System Thinking]; Any serious breakdown in the {Quality System} could be attributed by lack of disciplines in [Personal Mastery] and [Teamwork]

Organisations currently practising ISO 9000 Quality System can gain deeper insights of their operating system when the 5 disciplines of "The Fifth discipline" are applied.

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Other book by Dr. Peter Senge as Editor

Buy from Amazon The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook : Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization

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Andrew Wong

(Business System Observer, Sarawak, Malaysia)

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