
There are a number of activites done at regular meetings within Concordia or close by. Joining the SCA is usually (though not always) based upon joining in one or more of our activities, as it is primarilly a participatory organization. Many of these activities are under the guidance of the Minister of Arts and Sciences, though not necessarily directly.

Target archery with period style bows or crossbows (i.e. non-compound) in a variety of competitions.
Armor Making
The art and science of constucting armor out of metal, leather, and other materials for use in Armored Combat.
Armored Combat
A martial art of re-enacting medieval tourney combat, either one-on-one (tourney) or in teams (melee, pronounced may-lay). This is also called heavy weapons fighting, light weapons being fencing. Heavy weapons is under the direction of the Knight Marshal .
The art and science of creating period style drinks, e.g., beers, ales, wines, cordials, and meads. There is a guild in the Barony for those interested in this activity, the Honorable Company of Fermenters of the Barony of Concordia of the Snows.
Calligraphy and Illumination
The art of medieval style writing and illustration using flat nibbed pens, brushes, paints, and inks to create period style scolls, which we use as awards or to comemorate deeds recognized.
Members study the various methods and styles of food preparation of many cultures of the period, which often involve spice and flavor combinations that may seem strange to modern tastes, but are often quite delicious.
Members of the baronial choir, Cantus Concordia, practice and perform multi-part vocal pieces of period style at demos and events.
Weekly dance practices are held to learn and practice medieval and renaissance dances which we then do together at events and demonstrations.
The study of unarmored swordplay using modern fencing swords. In the SCA fencing is done "in the round," allowing participants to fence anywhere within a given area, as well as the use of off-hand weapons, for a more natural, historical style than colligiate fencing.
The design, use, and study of devices, sometimes called "coats of arms," which are used as a form of indentification, originally for armored combatants, both in period and in our re-enactments today. This activity is under the guidance of the Snowflake Pursuivant , the Baronial herald.
Medieval Theater
The study and re-creation of styles of plays performed in the Middle Ages.
Period Instumental Music
The Barony's instumental emsamble, Vox Nives (Lat., "Voice of the Snows"), researches, studies, and practices both period pieces and works created in period styles (creating some themselves) for performance at demos and events.
Sewing and Embroidery
Used to construct the many styles of period clothing that is worn by members at events, from simple tunics to velvet beaded and laced Tudor court gowns.

There are many other crafts and activities (e.g. bone-working, woodworking, woodcarving, jewelry, metalworking, blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, spinning, etc.) done by members of the Barony or other people nearby. For more information, simply contact the Minister of Arts and Sciences.

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Last modifieded February 11, 2001

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