
What better place to begin one's search for a liberal home within Christianity than in modern research into the origins of Christianity and events which surrounded the man Jesus? The Real Jesus? is a full discussion of The Jesus Seminar and other modern scholarship, and some good links.

Among Protestant Christian denominations the religious liberal will feel at home with the Quakers, or The Religious Society of Friends . These pages, in unpretentious grey, contain a wealth of information. Then we have the United Church of Christ Home Page - not to be confused with the conservative "Church of Christ." UCC is a mostly non-creedal Christian denomination with liberal views on most or all religious issues.

Hospitality and companionship for the religious liberal who prefers the trappings of ceremony and tradition are to be found among the Episcopalians (just imagine!) Matthew Fox, founder of Creation Spirituality (see below) is now a priest of the Episcopal Church.

A strong contingent of Catholics have chosen not to vote with their feet and are staying to struggle out issues of freedom within the Church. Here are some important links to progressive Catholic organizations:

Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church
Catholic Worker
Radical Catholic Page
Radical and Progressive Catholic Maillists


Creation Spirituality

is an important movement originating in Christianity but embracing elements of earth-based spirituality. Among those whose work inspired the movement are Medieval mystics Meister Eckhart and Julian of Norwich, and modern scientist/philosopher Teilhard de Chardin.

Creation Spirituality "is a search for an authentic spirituality for our time, asking deep questions about the human spirit and its true relationship with the planet. It recognizes an urgent need to revive ancient insights of the whole created order as being sacred, worthy of infinite respect and love. ...Whilst respecting ancient wisdom within the major religious traditions and native cultures, especially our own forbears the Celtic Christians, it also embraces the excitement of the new creation story revealed by the latest scientific developments. This creation process is ongoing as the universe is ever expanding. We are each invited to play a unique role in this sacred unfolding, as co-creators with the divine, using our imagination, creativity, wisdom and logic."

Dame Julian's Abbey
Celebrate! The Festival of the Holy Names Website

Matthew Fox is "among the most popular of Catholic theologians," according to the San Francisco Examiner. He is the author of fifteen books, including Creation Spirituality, which is also the name of a movement he founded. He directs the Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality in Oakland, California, offerring a curriculum in mysticism, feminism, and environmentalism. Fox, who was dismissed by his Dominican order in 1993 , is now an Episcopal priest.

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