Design 08 SEP 1998 The Entropod


Amidst the joining clouds and sea
A hull appeared, resplendent.
The shores embraced its mighty frame,
It's weary voyage ended.
And wading through the foaming brine
The travelers took note
Of flora, fauna, rocks and trees;
Some spied while others wrote.

But there! A movement in those rocks,
Some shape that looked like man.
The trav'lers had to scrutinize,
They grabbed their gear and ran.
Then one, and two, now three and four,
These creatures came, in awe.
There must be dozens, see them stare,
Perhaps there's hundreds more.

Such primal things, and look! They speak.
What would these natives ponder?
The trav'lers watched the primitives
And couldn't help but wonder
If such a people, such as these
Could pose a serious threat?
Or maybe, one could trade with them
Or teach them, better yet!

And as the trav'lers wondered
How to go about and treat them,
The choice was made; they all agreed,
They might as well just eat them.
With bellies full and strength regained
The trav'lers boarded ship
And flew back home, to Rigel.
Now, wasn't that a trip?

The Entropod


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