The Entropod Anomaly

Crusader jpg

The Crusader

What avenue can one man take,
Once clad in honest chivaly,
When, one by one, his conquests fall
To time and dark obscurity?
The one who placed not his life dear
Above the battle and the cause
Is swallowed up, both life and limb
In futility's relentless jaws!

O! Time and change, thou makest sure
That no man can above thee rise.
Thou plunderest his rightful spoils
Before his ever-aging eyes.
Thou slaughterest companions dear;
The rest turn cowardly and flee
And render helpless, one lone knight
Whose course must end in vanity.

Those who embrac'd his passioned cause
Now glut on haughty insolence
And rail his selfless enterprise
While they but sit upon the fence.
His banner tattered; chainmail torn,
The dents of war obscure his crest.
He turns his steed to misty trails
And searches for a peaceful rest.

The Entropod


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