Design 08 SEP 1998 The Entropod

The Cowboy

Ol' Cowboy Dan tugged at his hat,
And rolled his weary eyes.
Atop his horse the wind grew chill
And lightning seared the skies.
Now don't that figger, Danny groaned,
As raindrops pelted his hide.
He wished he'd never left the barn;
Shoulda' stayed inside.

But somehow, just like clockwork,
When a big job had to be done
It seemed to Dan, shit hit the fan.
That made it a lot less fun!
But the task at hand would ever stand
If he didn't get off his ass,
So he saddled his horse and grit his teeth,
He figgered the storm would pass.

'Bout halfway soaked to his boxers,
The clouds began to wane;
A couple of streaks of sunlight
Ushered out the driving rain.
And Danny grinned as big as the west,
As the golden sun broke through.
So he jumped off his horse and landed in a pie;
There was shit all over his shoes.

But he laughed outloud and he slapped his knees
And he leaned up against his horse.
No matter what you do, shit happens-
That's the natural human course.

The Entropod


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