cup and candles

Creating Sacred Space

Sacred Space. The Earth is sacred space, the Air, the Water. There is sacred space all around you. This writing deals with a place of privacy to study and/or perform magickal work in or around your home. Sacred Space. It is a place of focus and learning, celebration and magick. A place where the spirit can soar, to be open to all.

This space may have a portable altar, a permanent working altar, or be used as a place of study, depending on its size and your requirements.

On Finding Space

If you do not live alone and the other or others are not Wiccan, discuss with them your need for privacy.

The place you choose may be permanent if you are fortunate enough to have an unused room or corner of a room. If not, temporary space will do.

Those who have an extra room for your sacred space are fortunate indeed. You may decorate it any way you wish. You may want to match the decorations to the change of seasons. Have a cabinet or closet for any supplies and decorations you may have. You may need extra shelving for tools, props, etc. Add a desk well-stocked with paper, pens, notebooks and journals. Put in a couple of bookcases and have fun filling them. A large over-stuffed chair to read in would be wonderful. Everything needed should be kept close at hand. This is your place for learning and work, make it yours.

If your space is limited there are alternatives. A corner of a room may be used. If you feel the need to hide the space when not in use, a room divider works nicely. Set up a small table with a cloth, and basic altar supplies if you wish. If you are "out of the Closet" you may find yourself spreading further into the room, adding bookshelves, a comfortable seat and a lamp.

Night stands, the top of a dresser, a shelf, all may be used if space is tight. If space is really at a premium, even a windowsill will do.

Decide what kind of lighting you will use. Will it be electric, hurricane lamps, or candles? Or a combination?

Do not forget window shades for privacy.

When you wish to use your space, you will need uninterrupted time. Unplug the phone. If there are no family members working with you, be sure they understand your need for time of your own.

Outdoor Space

For outdoor space, be sure to have fencing, trees or shrubs to obscure the neighbors view of your yard. Stone benches may be used for seating and altar space. Sacred space with an herb or rock garden with statuary would be quite wonderful. Design your own "Witches Garden". Study plants in your area. As you learn about them, add them to your garden.

Choose your space wisely and with care, and you will be rewarded with something special. It will be a place for uninterrupted learning, celebration and joy for you.

Clearing and Dedicating Your Space

If the area is a large one, sweep it with a ritual broom.

You may prefer to smudge with sage or sprinkle with water containing a cleansing or protective herb, or water energized by the full moon.

As you sweep or smudge, recite the following. It is in simple rhyme for easy memorizing.

Energy of a Negative kind
Cleansed from this Space I have defined.

I cleanse this space of things that were
Space now to be where mind will stir.

I dedicate to Light and Air.
Sacred space I here declare.

Dark and Shadows also here
Space Dedicated with no fear.

In this space I am to learn.
Candles, incense I will burn.

Natural energy will abound
With or without circle cast around.

Light and Shadows I will find
in this space my thoughts enshrined.

A place to think with mind unbound
In sacred space that is new found.

I cleanse this space of things that were
Space now to be where mind will stir.

� GreyWing

�Property of the Manor-House for Wiccan Studies

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