Origanum vulgare "The essential oil
poured on a little lint,
and put into the hollow
of an aching tooth,
removes the pain."

Nicholas Culpeper

COMMON NAMES : Oregano, Wild Marjoram,
Joy of the Mountain



GENDER : Masculine

MAGICKAL POWERS : Love, Happiness, Protection,
Health, Money

DESCRIPTION : O. vulgare is a hardy perennial that grows up to 2 feet in height. It sends out creeping roots. Stems of this plant are woody, branched above, often purplish.

The leaves are opposite, petiolate, sometimes toothed, oval and pointed, and are about an inch long.

The flowers are 1/4 inch long, tubular, in corymbs, and have reddish bracts. They have a two lipped corolla that is pale purple, and a toothed calyx. The flower colors range from rose-purple to white, with 4 protruding stamens. Flowers of oregano are in terminal spikelets. O. vulgare flowers July through September.

Oregano is closely related to marjoram, but it has a coarser texture and a stronger flavor.

CULTIVATION : Oregano can be propagated by root divisions in spring or by seed. GreyWing finds this plant extremely easy as it self-sows with enthusiasm. Soil pH 6.8 with well drained average soil and full sun are ideal.

Seeds germinate in 4 days 70 degrees F. Don't cover the seeds with soil.

Oregano is susceptible to root rot and fungal disease, spider mites, aphids and leaf miners.

This plant thrives in Zones 4-10.

PARTS OF THE PLANT USED : The leaves and flowers of this plant are used.

COLLECTION : When the plant is 6 or 8 inches high pinch or snip the tops. This will promote thicker growth. To harvest oregano cut the stems 4 to 5 inches from the ground. Feed the plants well and in a week or ten days, new foliage will show, thicker than it was. Harvest in summer or early autumn, just before full flowering.

PLANT ANALYSIS : The main constituents of oregano are : the essential oil (max. 4%) may contain variable amounts of the two phenoles carvacrol and thymol (see also thyme and savory.) A variety of monoterpene hydrocarbons (limonene, terpinene, ocimene, caryophyllene, beta-bisabolene and p-cymene) and monoterpene alcohols (linalool, 4-terpineol) have also been found.

MEDICINAL ACTION : Antispasmodic carminative, calmative, diaphoretic, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic, and mild tonic.

MEDICINAL USES : No clinical evidence supports or refutes any medical claims attributed to O. vulgare.

Use oregano in an infusion for upset stomach and indigestion, headache, colic coughs respiratory ailments. It is said to alleviate the pain of abdominal cramps in women, and will regulate menstrual cycles when taken 3-4 days before the regular time.

Externally apply to painful swellings in a hot fomentation.

Early American colonists used the leaves in poultices for swellings or sore muscles. The leaves of oregano were also brewed as tea for a weak stomach or a headache. In more recent times, oregano has been used commercially in liniments. The oil from the leaves has been used as a base for toothache remedies.

Place a couple of drops of the oil from oregano on an aching tooth to relieve pain. Do not confuse this oil with what is called "Oil of Origanum" that is extracted from the herb thyme.

To allay nausea of morning sickness eat fresh or dried oregano leaves in salads or other foods.

DOSAGE : For an infusion, steep 2 to 3 teaspoons of the herb in 1 cup boiling water. Take 1-2 cups per day.

MAGICKAL USE : Oregano may be used in love spells or added to food to strengthen love.

HISTORY : The name Joy of the Mountain comes from the Greek words oros meaning "mountain" and ganos meaning "beauty" or "brightness." The sight of a mountain covered with oregano in flower must be beautiful indeed.

Greeks used the leaves of oregano for internal and external fomentations. It was also a remedy for poisons, convulsions and dropsy. Poultices were made from leaves and placed on sores and aching muscles. The ancient Roman scholar Pliny recommended poultices of oregano for scorpion and spider bites.

In Greece and Rome, this plant is dedicated to Hymen, god of marriage, and is worn at weddings.

In Medieval Europe oregano was put into ointments, waters, and powders, used as flavoring in broth and meat dishes.

Oreganos came to North America with the European colonists and escaped to grow wild in the countryside.

This plant became part of standard medicine in U.S. It was listed in various Materia Medica as stimulant and carminative. Oil of oregano is extracted by distilling the herb with water. As much as 200 pounds of oregano may be needed to produce single pound of oil.

Oregano was used to rub furniture, and as a strewing herb.

It became popular as culinary herb after World War II after service men returned from the Mediterranean.

It is said that the sweet taste of the meat from the goats raised in Greece comes from their foraging on oregano growing on the hillsides.

Used as dye, the flowers of oregano give a purplish color to wool and reddish-brown to linen.

LORE : Carry oregano to protect, or place it around house, a little in each room. Remember to renew it each month.

Grow in your garden for protection.

Mix violets and oregano together and wear during the winter months as an amulet against colds.

Given to sad person, a bunch of oregano will bring happiness.

Use oregano in money mixtures and sachets

If grown on grave, it gives happiness to the dead.

Bald men mixed oregano with olive oil and rubbed into scalp, expecting hair to grow.

CULINARY :O.vulgare has little flavor to add to dishes. For culinary use grow O. vulgare subspecies hirtum also referred to as O. heracleoticum and O. hirtum.You may also try O. vulgare 'Viride.'

Oregano has a hot peppery flavor. Use it in the foods of Italy, Greece, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Cuba, Colombia.

This plant enhances cheese and egg combos such as omelets, frittatas, quiches, etc. Add it to yeast breads, marinated vegetables shellfish. The flavor combines well with garlic, thyme, parsley, and olive oil.

Herbed Vegetable Soup With Vermicelli

Magickal Ingredients Include :

CARROTS Mars Fire Sex
CELERY Mercury Fire Sex, Peace, Psychic awareness
BROCCOLI Moon Water Protection
ONION Mars Fire Protection
OREGANO Mercury Air Peace

Celebrations : Any spell or ritual for protection. Any Spring holiday, Ostara, Beltane.

1 Tablespoon Butter

1 Large Diced Onion

2 Chopped Celery Stalks

2 Large Chopped Carrots

2 Heads Chopped Broccoli

1 Large Diced Potato

1 Tablespoon Chopped, Fresh Oregano

1 1/2 Quarts Vegetable Stock

3 ounces Vermicelli

Salt and Pepper

1 Tablespoon Chopped Fresh Flat-leaf Parsley

1 Tablespoon Chopped Fresh Chives

Melt butter in large saucepan over medium heat. Saute the onion until translucent.

Add the other vegetables and saute 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add oregano and saute 2 more minutes.

Add the stock and bring slowly to a boil. Cover and simmer 10 minutes over low heat.

Add the vermicelli, increase the heat to medium again, and cook till vermicelli is tender.

Adjust seasoning. Add parsley and chives just before serving.

Serves 6

Property of GreyWing's Herbal ©

Photograph Origanum vulgarum © 1998 by GreyWing


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