
Family Liliaceae

"If they be eaten raw...
they send up very hurtful vapours
to the brain, causing troublesome
sleep and spoiling the eyesight..."





GENDER : Masculine

MAGICKAL POWERS : Protection, Weight loss

DESCRIPTION: Chives have bulbs that grow very close together in dense clusters. The leaves are elongated with white, firm sheaths. These slender leaves appear early in spring. They are 6 to 10 inches long, cylindrical, hollow, and taper to a point.

The flowering stem is hollow and either has no leaf or one leaf just below the middle of the stalk. This stalk carries a close globular head or umbel of purple flowers. The petals are about 1/2 inch long.

CULTIVATION : Start chives from seeds or divide older plants. This plant is hardy from zones 3-10, and easy to grow. Any good garden soil in full sun to part shade will be fine, as this is an easy plant. It is also rarely bothered by pests. The seeds germinate slowly, require darkness, constant moisture, and a temperature of 60 to 70 F. Sow 1/2 inches deep. Germination period is 2-3 weeks.

Cut back chives after flowering. The harvesting of the leaves many be started anytime after the plants are 6 in tall. Cut the blades low to the ground leaving about 2 inches. The preferred soil pH is 6.0.

PARTS OF THE PLANT USED : Leaves and flowers of the chive plant are used.

PLANT ANALYSIS : A. Schoenoprasum contains iron, a small amount of arsenic, and volatile oil. The volatile oil is rich in sulphur. It also contains the phytochemical allicin, which may help reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and prevent certain types of cancer.

MEDICINAL USE : The essential oil that is responsible for flavor and medicinal properties of Allium are not as strong in this plant. Chives have less of this oil than larger alliums, and has fewer medicinal applications.

Chives have been used to battle Anorexia Nervosa and similar eating disorders.

MEDICINAL ACTION : Anemia, Antiseptic, Blood, Carminative, Digestive, Diuretic, Spice.

Antibiotic properties of this plant are attributed to the sulfur compounds. The oils of the plant seem to lower blood levels of low-density lipoproteins, the "bad" cholesterol that clogs artery walls.

Chives contain some iron and vitamins (chives are especially high in vitamin C), and are a mild antibiotic, and can also be used as a mild laxative.

DOSAGE : For anorexia, chop up about two heaping tablespoons of chives and simmer them in about a pint of water. Cover for about twelve minutes. Add butter, salt and pepper to taste. This has been shown to increase appetite.

MAGICKAL USE : For protection tie a stalk of chives into a knot and visualize the protective powers of this plant. Add the knotted chive leaf to your food.

To get rid of a personal problems, visualize the problem being tied into the chives, knot it, then bury it.

HISTORY : Allium Schoenoprasum was known to the Chinese as early as 3000 bce. It was used over Asia and northern Europe before the Christian era.

Chives are native to Greece, Sweden, the Alps, and parts of northern Britain.

Chinese herbalists recommended eating raw chives as an antidote for poison and to control excessive bleeding.

Allium Schoenoprasum has been used in food for almost 5,000 years. It was grown in European herb gardens in the 16th century. Colonists to America brought chives to their new homeland.

Dutch settlers in America planted chives in their cow pastures to create chive-flavored milk.

LORE : Chives were once considered an aphrodisiac.

Bunches of chives were hung in the homes of the old world to ward off evil spirits.

CULINARY : Allium Schoenoprasum is excellent in tomato dishes, omelets, and salads. It is also good with potatoes, artichokes, asparagus, corn, peas, carrots, spinach, poultry, and fish. It has a taste like sweet mild onions.

Chive Potato Souffle

3/4 Cup Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese

2 Cups Hot Mashed Potatoes

1/2 Sour Cream

1 1/2 Teaspoon Salt

3 Tablespoons Chopped Chives

3 Eggs, Separated

Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine shredded cheese with mashed potatoes, sour cream and seasonings. Beat the egg yolks until smooth and add them to the potato mixture. Whip until light. Fold in the beaten egg whites and pour into a buttered 1 1/2 quart casserole. Bake 45 minutes and serve immediately. Garnish with additional chopped chives.

Property of GreyWing's Herbal ©

Photograph of Allium schoenoprasum © 1998 GreyWing

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