Vaccinium corymbosum
"bilberries are good in hot
agues, and to cool the heat of the liver and stomach: they do
somewhat bind the belly and
stay the vomitings and loathings...


COMMON NAMES : Blueberries, Bilberry, Bluets, Whortleberries, Ground-hurts, Trackleberry, Huckleberry, Blea-berry, Hurtleberry



GENDER : Feminine

MAGICKAL POWERS : Money, Prosperity, Legal matters, Luck

DESCRIPTION : Blueberry is a multi-stemmed shrub with green or red twigs that grows to 5 feet. The leaves are 1 1/2 - 3 inches long and are elliptic to egg shaped or broadly lance shaped. They are pointed to rounded at the base and pointed at the tip. The leaves are smooth above, somewhat hairy beneath, and are on short stalks.

The urn shaped flowers are in terminal clusters that appear June-August. Colors of the flowers range from white to faintly pink and are 1/4 - 1/2 inches long with a 5 toothed corolla.

The fruit is blue with whitish bloom.

CULTIVATION : Blueberry is a native plant ranging from Quebec, south to Georgia, and west to Alabama. Plant in moist but moderately well-drained soil that is slightly acid.

PARTS OF PLANT USED : The leaves and fruit of this plant are used.

PLANT ANALYSIS : Vaccinium corymbosum contains quinic acid, iron, and tannins.

MEDICINAL ACTION : This plant is considered astringent, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antidiarrheal, antiedemic, antihyperglycemic, antiulcer, astringent, circulatory stimulant, diuretic, laxative, antihepatotoxic, refrigerant, antidiabetic, tonic, antemetic, and urinary antiseptic.

MEDICINAL USE : Vaccinium has been used for acute diarrhea, atherosclerosis, bleeding gums, calculi, cataracts, degenerative retinal conditions, diabetes mellitus, diabetic retinopathy, dropsy, dysentery, dyspepsia, eyestrain, mild enteritis, nearsightedness, night blindness, poor eyesight, retinitis pigmentosa, sinusitis, sore throat, stomatitis, typhoid fever, ulcer, and varicose veins.

A decoction of leaves or bark of root may be used on ulcers. The fruit is said to be helpful in scurvey and urinary complaints. The roots, when bruised and steeped in gin, are said to have diuretic properties.

Blueberry juice has been used as a gargle for inflammations of the mouth and throat. The effect is stronger if you swallow as late as possible.

DOSAGE : Tablet form, 1 to 2 tablets three times a day, as directed by health care professional. Extract: 1 to 3 teaspoons times a day, as directed by health care professional. Always take with plenty of water at mealtime, unless instructed otherwise. In a decoction of leaves : drink 2-3 cups day.

HISTORY : The common name "whortleberry" is said to be a variant of dialect name "hurtleberry." The meaning of "hurt" is unknown.

In Scotland, the common name "blea-berry" is from Old North County word "blae" meaning livid or bluish.

The syrup of blueberries was used by ancient Greeks to control the flow of mothers milk.

The berries were listed as a medicinal drug by Abbess Hildegarde of Germany in the 12th century.

The berries were used in Europe to color wine.

Native Americans used the leaf tea as blood purifier, also for colic, labor pain, and a tonic after miscarriage. The fumes of burning, dried flowers were inhaled as a cure for "madness" by the Chippewa.

Blueberry tea was also used to tan leather because of the astringent properties of the leaves.

Potawatomi lined the gathering baskets with leaves of sweet fern claiming it kept the berries from spoiling.

LORE : To avoid stomach aches or fevers for that year, pick and eat the berries on a midsummer day.

CULINARY : Blueberries are used fresh to make pies, cobblers and upside down cakes.

Preserves, butter and pate are made with the canned fruit.

The berries are also made into a blueberry wine.

The berries eaten by birds, bear, an many small mammals. The twigs and foliage are eaten by deer and rabbits.

Property of GreyWing's Herbal �

Photograph of Vaccinium corymbosum � 1998 AutumnCrystal GreyWing


Some Magickal Associations of this plant are GreyWing's, as few references to such were found. Research including, but not limited to, works listed in the bibliography of this site give little magickal information on this plant. You may or may not agree with the associations GreyWing assigns. That decision is left to the reader.

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