Step 1 - We addmited we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanagable.

Step 1 starts with a single word, "We". This assures us that this is not an issue that we need to face alone. There are others in this same situation, others we can draw on for strength, solace, comfort, or guidance.

We addmitted we were powerless..

When we admit something, we are facing a reality, seeing something clearly that we were unable to do so before. We are accepting as true or valid, that this is so. We are not being told this by anyone who is trying to convince us of a point. We are doing this under our own free will. ( We may have had friends, coworkers, or family members who attempted to help us see this situation, but it is by our own selves that we sense the reality of the problem).

We addmitted we were powerless over alcohol...

The concept of being powerless, of not having the strength, energy, or ability to control something may be a humbling expierience, which many may not want to feel. But by addmitting our powerlessness, we are leaving open the idea that this situation is a vacuum of power, but a vacuum implies that there is an outside source to fill it. If we addmit we do not have the power to control something, we must in essance be admitting that the power does indeed exist, and if the power does indeed exist, we can take steps, and actions to harness this energy.

We addmitted we were powerless over alcohol...

We identify alcohol as the specific subject we need help with. We do so because of the need to focus our attention, actions, and deeds on this, and not other possible problems.

We addmitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives...

"Our lives" does not only mean our own individual existance. It applies to the fact that we are all connected in some way or another to others. Our actions affect those around us, family , friends, co-workers, even total strangers who may be affected by our actions and deeds.

We addmitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable.

The concept of "become" indicates a change. You cannot "become" something unless you already are something. But "become" also implies growth - a positive step or action in life.

We addmitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable.

The notion that our lives have become "unmanageable" is not a comforting thought. To be able to be "in control" of oneself is an image that is rooted in our very existence. An untamed animal is not "in control", a newborn baby is not "in control".

By stating that "our lives have become unmanageable", we must also be stating that our lives were manageable, yet now are not. Again if we were able to manage our lives at one time, but are unable to do so now - we must be able to return to the conditions that were.

Once we are able to accept the true light of the situation, we are much more apt to recognize the scope and size of the problem. When we have finally grasped the knowelege that we can improve ourselves and our lives, we have started to do so already.

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