Fan Mail for Draugr

Dear Mr. Slade

My name is Janna Erl. I attended your reading at the Bastion Book Store. Our class just finished your book Drauger. I think children 8&up would enjoy it because it is quite complicated to read. I think it is a wonderufl book but like I said children who are 5 would not be able to read it very well. My favorite character is Drauger! I like the part when you said his eyes were gleaming in the woods that part was scary. I also like Sara. I like the book because it is a horror book and I like horror. I think my class enjoyed it because whenever Mr. Good finished a chapter the class would all ask for him to read another chapter. But for sure I enjoyed it.

Hope to see you again sometime

yours truly

Janna Erl

And here are a few exerpts from other letters:

My favorite character is Kar the menacing ugly guy who likes favorite part of the book is the parts close to the end. But all and all the book was real good. But for the next book could you include the same characters and maybe a come back from Kar. Or revenge from his cousin or long lost brother that sees the diary and goes crazy like Kar.

Yours truly,

Adam Scott

Draugr was a great book! I think that you should write a book with Draugr named Draugr two because it was a really good book.

Yours truly,

Heidi Frech

My favorite character is the grandpa because of his sense of humor.

yours truly,

Franklin Bodenchuk

I enjoyed your book and hope you will right a sequel. I liked the last few chapters the best, they were really exiting.

yours sincerely,

Tessa Quinn

I found your book Draugr was very spooky.

Your fan,

Coreena Lewis

I really like your book. I think its not aprpret for small kids and there should be more killing like there should be dead cows ripped into shreds. I really like that Kar guy.



I think draugr is one of my favourite books. I think you should make a second Draugr about all of them coming back next summer,

Your fan,

Brittany Bethinger

My favorite character is Karr because I like monsters.


Alisa Bagshaw

Draugr is a really good book...I think there is no such thing as a draugr...My favorite character is Sara.

Your reader,

Sara Newman

My favorite part of the book was when Sara fell into Kar's grave.

yours truly,

Derrick Moyls

I thought it was a great book and maybe in your next book you could have Draugr come back to life.

yours truly,

Craig Faulkner

I liked you book because it did not get boring like many other books.


Morgan Emerson

Your book Drauger was very surprising. My favorite part in the book was when Sara hid so she did not have to go back home. You know it would be cool if you made a movie called Draugr: The revenge.

Your friend,

Lindsay Penarsky

When I read your book Draugr I thought that I was in dog heaven because when my teacher Mr. Good read the first chaper I thought Wow please read some more. And after he was done and he was on chapter two, I just sat down in my desk and I said to my self, MAN I HAVE TO BE A NOVEL WRITER JUST LIKE MR. SLADE.

Mr. Slade keep up the good work up.

Yours truly,


My favorite part of the book was when the Dragr jump in front of the car and when they saw the boy in the forest.

Your reader,


I like the book of Draugr. It is probably the best book I've read.

Yours truly,

David Daigneault

My favorite character was Granpa. The reason granpa was my favorite character is because he's suspicious and a very good character.

Yours truly,

Michael Ronnie

I would give a mark of 10/10. I think it should be more gory, more frightening.

Your fan,

Allison Schild

I think you should start a second Draugr, you should call it Draugr in refenge. It should be about Karmak got so angry that his son had not killed them all. Then he comes up from the ground but stronger than ever.

Yours truly,

Dallas Johnston

The part I like was when the draugr was breaking into the cabin and the kids were scared.

Yours truly,

Jimmy Baker

One of my favourite characters was Kar. I liked him because he was an enemy and I like villains in stories.

Yours truly,

Nigel Blondeau

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