Faeries-Through the Gateway

For some of us, the Fae have always played a part in our lives, for others it is a new interest as the portals begin to open and many are beginning to see what is usually beyond our normal sight. A poem that expresses totally how I feel about this new era I quote below.

The fairies went from the world dear,
Because mens hearts grew cold.
And only the eyes of children see,
What is hidden from the old:
And only the magick of love dear,
Can ever turn the key.
That unlocks the gates of Fairyland,
To set the Sidhe folk free.

The Little Good Folk
by Kathleen foyle.


Welcoming faeries back into our lives allows us once again to be aware of the magickal hidden forces of nature.
If you are on this path to re-awaken your abilities to share in this enchanted world we have forsaken, there are a few pointers to be aware of.
The Fae can be mischievous, and often when you begin to request faerie sight, they may test your patience and humour. Items may disappear, you may find your path barred either physically or mentaly when walking in a wild place. Send out love to the Fae folk and let them know that you mean no harm and respect them, and if they dont wish you to pursue them this time then so be it.
Wait for a sign. If none comes then return to the way you came and wait for another day.
The wind may suddenly gust when you are nearing a faerie gathering place, listening to the wind with your heart open may prove to be of value.
Surrounding yourself with faerie energies can produce results.i.e. books, pictures,statuettes, and above all faerie stories and discussions. Talking sends out vibrations to the ethers where the otherworld pick up our intentions.

Faerie days

1 Feb (Imbolc)...........................1 May (Beltane)
1 Aug (Lammas)............................1 Nov (Samhain)
25th Mch. Lady day.....................May day eve.
Midsummer eve..........................Midsummer day.
Hallowe'en............................Christmas eve.

Faerie Hours


Faerie Haunts

Wild places....Parks.....Gardens.
Hills and mounds such as Glastonbury Tor.
A lonely Oak or Thorn tree.

Fairy web art to download

since constructing this page I have notice many wonderful sites pertaining to faerie
where there has been much work involved in writing up helpful information.
not wanting to duplicate the same information I decided to point you in the right direction
where you can find much more than I have here. So please visit these sites.
The Fey do exhist, but nothing can compare to personal experience and by making yourself knowledgeable of their kind you are more likely to achieve an encounter.
Faerie Lore & Literature
A Fairy World
Thryomanes' Faerie/Elfish page
Liliths World of Fairies and Angels
Mystoffolyees Home Page
highly graphical
Fairies Fairies everywhere
The Other side


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