Fade To Gray

There are some sounds that even immortal angels will never forget.

Their first moments; the first time they heard the Symphony. That incredible moment when first a voice was raised in Discord, and Lucifer cried rebellion. Then, the awesome magnitude of sound as the Symphony drowned out the discordant voices, and the rebellion was cast out.
But now, another sound will remain indelible in their minds.

Now, it nears the turn of the Millennium.
The rebellion was quashed over six thousand years ago. Only one third of the angels of heaven joined the Light Bringer, and all signs of the Serpent have been diligently cleansed from the Earth whenever they were found, and driven into Hell. The mundane world has remained mundane, with only the rarest occasions of possession or demonic intervention.Celestials on Earth, hidden in their Roles, go about their day to day tasks, without real concern for the future.

Then, It happens.

Utter, complete silence.

The Symphony stops.

Nothing moves. Creation holds its breath. Mortals remain frozen in place, and time holds still. The angels look up to the sky in that silent moment, and watch in utter confusion as all their Hearts fall from Heaven, tumbling down like snowflakes, a thousand baubles of light dropping from the sun as from a broken chandelier.They fall into the bodies of their vessels in silence.

Then, distantly, a lone voice begins to sing. It is joined by others, and others, until once more the Symphony sounds out across the cosmos. Humans abruptly carry on their lives as though nothing has just happened, but for the occasional priest or shaman, who look about themselves strangely, as though seeing the world again for the first time.

But you know that Something has changed forever.

In Nomine

Fade To Gray is an In Nomine Pbem Role Playing game. Role playing, to quote a friend of mine, is a natural extension of imagination. In books, the reader experiences the imagination of another. In a choose your own adventure book, you get to make a limited number of decisions that affect the out come of a story. Roleplaying takes this one step further, and gives you a number of choices of action that is limited only by your imagination.

In Nomine is an excellent game by Steve Jackson, makers of Car Wars and Gurps, and many sundry other things. These game pages are in no way intended to muck them about, and I hope one or two of them might wander past here, and say hello. It is a game in which one can play angels or demons, or agents of heaven or hell, embroiled in the eternal war between good and evil, or whatever... The general concept has such noteworthy basis as such movies as The Prophesy, Wings of Desire, Angel Heart and so on, or books like Good Omens or Inferno (the Niven one...)

And last, but not least, a Pbem (Play By E-Mail) game is one that is conducted entirely over the electronic medium of email postings. A comprehensive discussion of why this is such a great idea, and how it works, can be found  by looking here.

This game came about because I had a few ideas based arround a few What If?... questions that I asked myself while I was reading the In Nomine basic rule book (highly recommended). I advertised on the In Nomine mail list, aus.games.roleplay and the Pbem new games list, and took in the best characters I was offered.

These pages will no doubt develop more as time goes by. I have plans to include pages for noteworthy NPCs, for character background and the actual storylines themselves.

My dear players. Here is the bad part. If you do follow some of the links to other characters or other character's stories, you will be spoiling some things for yourselves. Please do not do this for any character that you have not met. Thanks guys. And, comments or corrections (donations! ;) are appreciated.

And last, but not least, to all my Lurkers. Thanks for your support and comments, and hopefully you will continue to find the game interesting. If, in reading this, you desire to become a Lurker, merely mail me, and I will forward your email address to Rez, who has been kind enough to set up a lurker list for this game. You will then receive all the posts that players send me and I them, and can watch the story unfold.

"So faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 13, Verse 13

Go to The Evangelos Hugo Paliatseas Homepage (Shesh! what kind of a name is ~that~!)
(note, my homepage is down at the moment, so give me time.)

Questions, Comments or Abuse, Please send to Evan
These pages made by Evan using aolpress... great program! Get it!

So far poor saps were lured here by promises of great graphics and left disappointed, but potentially amused by the game. You were one. Maybe two.

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