
This is a campeign I am running in a fantasy world, and have been for quite some time. It is run face to face, for two groups of my friends, usually on Mondays and Wednesdays, no matter how often I try to change the days because it is inconvenient. ;)

The game uses altered GURPS rules. The alterations evolved out of my personal dislike of GURPS magic.If you want to see what appaling things the wizards can do in this universe, I have a page growing about it here.

The primary idea of the game is that they characters started at the ages of 10-14, when they weere going to apprentice for the first time, to choose their future professions and skills. The characters were 40 points at the start, with bonus points for age dependant upon how young they wanted to be, due to the fact that age lowered their stats. If you want to look at the rules I used for this and other aspects of character creation, go here.

The characters are now in their eary twenties, and each have, after a quite traumatic teenhood, traveled quite far from their little home villiage of Harion. One group are currently on hold, at home, while the players are busy in another game, and the other group is involved in a lengthy quest to go to a international conferance, return a living genetically engineered war creature to the Archangel of Earth in preparation for the next big war, which is approaching rapidly.


The lands of the Hegemony are primarily human dominated, with several major countries. Harion, the town of origin of the many characters, is in the southmost portion of the most peaceful country, Malia. Malia is the only Human country to outlaw slavery. It is also the most lax in enforcing the matriarchy... Harion has actually until his recent demise been ruled by a Baron. His youngest daughter now rules, but her inexperience in politics has been taken advantage of by several less scrupulous leaders. The other Human countries in the hegemony are Airie, Nisitia, and Valcorn. There is also the Dwarvish realm of Petrath to the north, and the Elven Forest of Serentia to the south.

It is currently the year 670 after the Angels came. For a timeline acording to the humans, go here.

The Hegemony is strongly matriarchal. Men are seen as second class citizens, relegated to duties as chlidrearing, housekeeping and farming. That the groups consist of largely men has created several interesting situations of late...

These were presented as part of the test for application to apprentice for the Judge.

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