Andreas Anastasios

Character Background, Information and Character Sheet

Name: Andreas Anastasios

Age: 20 years
Height: 5�9�
Weight: 160lb
Hair: Curly Black, quite short
Eyes: Dark Hazel
Skin: Dark Olive, Tanned


A young man, only in his early twenties. He is clean shaven, with curly, raven black hair cropped quite short, and hazel eyes. His height and build are average, but his deeply tanned olive skin and weather roughened cheeks tell you he has been traveling for quite some time recently. His skin color makes you think of the occupants of the sea coast, As does his dress and manner. Esorican, Eolian or Uthmani, you decide. There is a warmth to him that you cannot help but notice.


Mihalis Anastasios : (65) Father; Also known as �Mavro Mihali� or �Black Michael�, ex pirate, now landowner and Kirie (lord) over the fortified village of Mavrovouno (Blackmountain) in south Eolia. Rumoured to have Uthmani blood.

Vasisliki Anastasia : (41) Mother; subordinate and obedient wife.

Demetra Anastasia : (23) Eldest child, older sister to Andreas. She eloped with a man from a nearby village at the age of fifteen, causing a family feud that lasts to this day. As yet there are no deaths, but it has gotten close a number of times. Andreas secretly keeps correspondence with Demetra, and hopes on day to reunite the family. She is strong willed, and a trifle impulsive. She has a friend who can sneak letters to and from the leper colony.

Aris Anastasia: (22) Eldest son and heir to Mihalis. He is quite an intelligent man but has his head filled with patriarchal and prejudicial notions about rank. He and Andreas did not get on very well prior to Aris� confinement, but are coming to an understanding of sorts via letters since then. Currently he is confined in the leper colony of Ritsa.

Background and History:

Andreas� family moved into the Manothian region of south Eilos just before the birth of Demitra. Mihalis was looking to settle down, and to avoid capture. Mihalis (or Mavro Mihalis as he was known with terror along the Iolios Sea was a fairly successful pirate. He made a deal with the local plutarch of Anomata, money for respectability, and bought the name Anastasios. He and his family had managed to gather enough wealth to set themselves up a village in the Manothian peninsula, and settled down to farming. They produce oil, silk and wine, the first of which is beginning to become renowned.

Andreas Anastasia grew up not knowing his families clouded past. He was taught from a young age the responsibilities of a younger son: work hard and run things, while the elder rules and decides policy. From the age of eight he and his brother began to be taught all the skill necessary for ruling a small town. Among these were some weapon skills, at which Aris proved skillful, and Andreas merely competent.

The family became so respected in the region that Mihalis sent Andreas and his brother to famed monastery of Mistra to study and learn the higher class skills necessary for lords. Aris here proved merely adequate, while Andreas was remarkably good at his studies, often borrowing books for pleasure and learning things far outside the simple education that was intended. The Monks / Nuns encouraged this trait in him, and he began to truly gain a classical education.

But here, old family rivalries turned Andreas� life onto a new tack. Powerful families who Mihalis had made enemies moved against the two boys. The Siricianos family in particular were the instigators of this trouble, as revenge for raids that Mihalis had done nearly a quarter century ago. This family were influential, but could not move against the boys directly. So, instead, they bought a doctor-priest of the plague-carers sect of Hypocratis, and claimed that Andreas' and his brother had contracted leprosy. This sect has authority to act superior to all save the Plutarch of the city to prevent contagion. Aris was home when ten men forced their way into his room. He was examined by the doctor, and the doctor claimed to discover the sores of a leper. Andreas was late in coming home to their leased house, and saw the military outside the home. He escaped to the town center, and when the doctor and the troops came for him, He recognized the robe worn by the doctor and its significance.

In an act of sheer audacity, he stripped the clothes from his back proclaiming at the top of his voice that he would show that there were no marks upon him. In such a public display, the doctor could not claim to find marks, and was forced to retreat.

Aris was not so lucky. He was immediately forcibly removed to the leper colony where he resides to this day.

Mihalis was heart broken, but unable to do anything. He did not have the ear of any powerful people in Mistra, and though he desired to take up arms and pit himself against the forces of the city-state, his own Plutarch of the smaller city state Anomata expressly forbade such action, and when Mihalis went to see him, said that if Mihalis made any offensive action, he would once more be without home, and Anomata would move troops in to claim his (now quite successful) village.

Mihalis decided to try to free his firstborn regardless, by covert means. But when his closest old friends heard they would have to break into the leper colony to aid their erstwhile leader, many refused to aid him. In the end, suddenly feeling much older, Mihalis gave up. He still is Kirie of Mavrovouna, but is a broken man, taking little interest in much more than sampling how well the wine is aging.

So Andreas resolved to save his brother. He organized for food from outside to be sent to his brother, and for preventative medicines to reach him at great cost. He further began to attempt to gain favor with the Plutarch of Mistras. Much time passed, in which Andreas became an almost permanent fixture of the monastery of Mistras, studying law, astrology, religion and philosophy. He was also seen many times in the Yatrian Hospital attached to the monastery, learning all he could about the healing arts. And of course, he spent much time in the libraries learning the high art of poetry to be better able to make a respectful approach to any superior. Eventually, after two years more of petitioning he gained a place as a clerk working for the ambassador from Mistras to the city of Sys. The ambassador was a powerful man in the area, and feasibly could have petitioned the Plutarch in his brother's favor.

This was Andreas� first long voyage away from the land of his birth. Land and seas were crossed, and many weeks passed on this voyage, during which Andreas saw many strange and unusual things. It was the opening of a mind to the exotic, the learning of practical information where until now, only books had given him delight. For the first time he came to understand that the world outside Eilos was not merely a land of barbarians, but a diverse and complex world of near infinite complexity and wonder.

But once more, tragedy struck. The Ambassador grew sick as the trip continued. His skin yellowed and a terrible fever began to take him. Just before the arrival to the city of Sys, the Ambassador died. He had grown fond of Andreas, and commissioned him to complete the delivery of certain scrolls, and to make himself known to the rulers of the city with a letter of introduction.

Andreas performed his duties, but at the end, he found he had no means of return. He decided that the patronage and influence of the rulers of this city might have influence upon his brother's situation. And so, here he is.


He owns very little, after he was forced to give much of his personal carrying wealth as gifts appropriate from one of his social standing to the people who received him in this city, as his custom demanded.

He has three sets of silken clothes, two from his father�s workshops and one finer set from Anatolia. He also has a set of traveling clothes that are well repaired but patchy. He has two sets of boots (riding and walking) and two sets of leather sandals.

He has a shoulder bag of leather for money and personal belongings, and still owns a small pony for carrying things. The pony has packs for food, a two man tent and tinder, flint and steel, a pan and pot, oil for cooking and for keeping steel, two sets of steel cutlery, and personal effects. Upon the road Andreas learned to cook (somewhat).


He wears a straight knife which he only barely knows how to use, more of a tool than a weapon. He owns a spear / walking stick, which he is trained with. But last of all, and packed away, are has his own drusus (weighted shortsword) and shield, as well as a suit of chain link armor. These were a parting gift from his father, and he has not had the heart to pawn them. He was trained in the use of this gear, and he keeps it well, taking it out to oil and clean it fortnightly, but does so more out of respect for his father than any other reason.

He wears a silver necklace with and ornate heart pendant at all times, and the clasp is designed that once it is locked, the necklace can only be removed by breaking. This is onle holy symbol. He also carries a Bull horn with steel rims shaped into a signal horn, that is sounded on specific religious ceremonies, and utilized in attempts to turn the undead.


Andreas is a scholar and clerk by profession and has taken the vows of Obedience, Hospitality and Charity of the Felicitine monks.


Andreas is a young man, but is quite driven. He is respectful, friendly and curious, trying to understand everything that he can. He is also very bright, and has a habit of assuming command, more by intuition than any drive to prove himself. He is quite intolerant of ignorance and stupidity, and from his inquiring nature and past history gains a great ability to sympathize with the downtrodden and unfortunate. He is generous almost to a fault, and is slightly naive when it comes to others: he thinks that everyone at their core is like him, and is a little too quick to take people at their word. He has been brought up in a patriarchal and mildly xenophobic culture, and he still holds some of those preconceptions: he is likely to be slightly patronizing. But if something is explained to him, or if he is given a chance to understand another�s viewpoint, he will happily revise his views. There is an intrinsic faith and strength to his character, a core of belief in good that forms the center of his psyche.

Statistics: Andreas, Neutral good first level cleric

points Statistic
Strength 10  10  Open Doors  6/20  Bend Bars/ Lift Gates  2%
Dexterity 8    8  Attack bonus  0  Defence Bonus  0
Constitution 11  11  Basic Hit Points  6  Skill Hit Points  3
Intelligence 17  16  Proficiencies  +5
Wisdom 18.5  17  Bonus vs. Mind  +3
Charisma 15.5  15  Reaction Modifier  +3

Normal Clothes or Chainmail (Armor Class: 10 or 5)

Weapon Proficiencies:
Short Sword, Spear

Non Weapon Proficiencies
(4 for being cleric, 5 for intelligence, 3 for childhood, 12 all up)

1- Hysocian (literate) (16)
1- Esorican (literate) (16)
1- Eolian (literate) (16)
0- Eastern Uthmani (Illiterate) (16)

Childhood skills:
1- Cooking (16)
1- Fire building (17)
1- Brewing (16)

Adult skills:
1- Religion (17)
2- Astrology (16)
2- Healing (15)
1- Etiquette (15)
1- Navigation (14)

Special Abilities:
Cleric spells (see below)
Turn Undead

Saving Throws:
Paralyzation, Poison, Death 10
Rod, Staff, Wand 14
Petrification 13
Breath Weapon 16
Magic 15

Spear: Dmg 1d6 SM/1d8 L, THAC0 20
Dagger: Dmg 1d4 SM/ 1d3 L, THAC0 23
Drusus: Dmg 1d6+1 SM/ 1d8+1 L, THAC0 20
(A drusus is a heavy short sword, almost a longsword used by the roman legions. It does +1 damage by comparison to a simple short sword because of weight and size, still less than a long sword.)

Clerical Spells
He has access to the following from his patron Archon
Note: He can ask for three (1st level) miracles in one day and have a chance of being answered (wisdom bonus).

Level 1

MAJOR SPHERES: All, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Sun, Weather

Bless, Combine, Detect evil, Purify Food and Water, Cure Light Wounds, Invisibility to Undead, Endure Cold/Heat, Protection from Evil, Sanctuary, Light, Faery Fire

MINOR SPHERES: Animal, Charm, Divination, Plant

Animal Friendship, Invisibility to Animals, Locate Animals or Plants, Command, Remove Fear, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Detect Snares and Pits, Entangle, Pass Without Trace, Shillelagh

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