Star Trek
I haven't really tried to make any Star Trek models. The one here was just a quickie that was inspired by a simple model my nephew matt had made. When I saw his, I sat down and just expanded on it slighty. Matt had a considerable input into the final design also. Another inspiration was Rob Lions Star Wars Microfig Scale models.

Note: These are definately not a scale models of the NCC-1701(a)(b)(c) or (d) :-)
Click on the pictures for full size images.

This is Matt's original simple model. *Very Simple*. But it caught my eye with its very simplicity.

Here is the refined version we came up with. It has features of both the classic and newer ships.

Slightly different view.

Head on view.

Yep, its Apollo's hand. :-)   [couldn't resist that joke]

My instructions for the Microfig Scale Enterprise -
Screenshot (working on steps)

Enterprise model inspired by
Rob Lions Star Wars Microfig Scale Models
-- Proving you can do more with less --

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Last update 6/20/97

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