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In case you were wondering, this is a fantasy RPG campaign setting created by roleplayers for roleplayers who are looking for a new setting in which to play (and without the extra cost!). Specifically, it was created in one of WebRPG's Town Hall Forums (see my link on the Starting Page and look under Town Hall then Role Playing Games, Fantasy - Other, and Fantasy World Creation: Design Group 1). So far, Magehunt is just an outline of a world. It wasn't intended for use with any particular rule system. It is up to others to convert it if they so desire.

How do you use it? Well, I advise potential players to read the Master Document to determine whether or not the setting interests them. Then I�d advise the leader of said group of players (the GM) to read through the entire work. Once this has been accomplished, and it is agreed that all parties are interested, the GM will then suffer through a time of converting this setting to his/her chosen rule system, creatures and PC races can be borrowed from another setting already covered by those rules. The greatest challenge will be choosing what spells each god can grant their clerics according to the spells or grouping of spells your rule system provides and the descriptions given here of each god (AD&D 3rd ed., at least, will make this relatively easy and customizable). Generally, though, once the GM feels he/she understands the setting, he/she must single out any complications that may arise between this setting and the chosen rule system, fixing them to his/her satisfaction. This entire setting, and thus any individual part of it, is, of course, entirely optional and you may make as many copies of or changes to it as you desire.


I would advise most GMs start their players out in the nation of Dalekeeva on the continent of Parmakia. Dalenport has many places of interest (see Places of Interest) which the players' characters (PCs) can visit. There is much wilderness within the boundaries of Dalekeeva and mountains rest on its borders to the west. On the opposite end of this continent lies the enemy nation of Mordregga, whose land was once was once inhabited by two much great nations whose climatic battles terrorized all of Parmakia (see Legends) and left behind many ruins filled with lost treasure and hidden dangers. North of here rests the continent of Chi'lore, land of eternal, deadly winter which history tells us hides an ancient city of powerful magic buried under leagues of snow, a land once ruled by a nation of wizards who in turn ruled the entire world. Legend has it that the city was destroyed by the terrible ice storm that holds sway there still, killing the thousands who refused to flee as they fought over the magical treasuries of that fallen nation, only to be followed by decrees from the gods forbidding the use of magic not granted by them alone. Even the highest level adventurers will find a tough challenge here. South of Dalekeeva lies the enemy nation of Landstrom, which terrorizes the seas from Arowa to Callipsus to Dalekeeva. Callipsus itself is a rival, and adventurers can find more challenging adventures here. If adventures can find passage through Callipsus and Arowa, they will find the city-state of Highloria and the proud nation of Kalkland. Deep in the mountains west of Callipsus lies the secret city of Darkhaven, home to renegade wizards. Wizard PCs will find good company here, but little eslewhere, their profession being despised by the faithful of the many gods. Wizard PCs will need to work in secrecy to survive. Clerics and priests can be found everywhere and in large numbers. Rivalries between the gods, and thus their respective followers, make for much intrigue. Clerics are not immune to persecution either. The followers of certain gods may not find themselves welcome in areas controlled by the followers of rival gods, especially the darker powers like Malladorian, Udra, and Nalithus. Faldinor, with the much bemoaned (by scholars) loss of the libraries of Chi'lore, has a past of which little is known. The libraries of Darkhaven and the lore kept by the elves is great, but incredibly difficult for the commoner to obtain. Whole civilizations may lay forgotten in ruins in the many and great wildernesses of Faldinor, leaving much to a GMs imagination. Conflicts are easy to find abroad. The nations of Parmakia have reached their zenith after years of peace and may be looking to expand and conquer their neighbors. The halflings and orcs of Torgodor loath one another and their battles are constant and bloody. Elves, centaurs, and the mysteene, holding themselves aloof from what they have come to think of as the "human gods," are frowned upon by humans for their use of magic. Mysteene and odissa fight tooth and nail when their numbers mix. Centaurs are caught in the middle. The many islands of Faldinor remain mostly uncharted and feared for their legendary inhabitants, the dragon. Much adventure can be found in Faldinor.


If you have any questions (concerning this setting's conversion perhaps?), have any problems to report, and/or any advice to give, just write me by using the form at the bottom of this page (or you can use your e-mail, just send it to: [email protected]). Especially tell me how you plan to or have used any Magehunt material. Nothing pleases me more than to see it put to good use. Also, it may inspire more additions in the future;-)



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