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Torgodorian (Including Deznor and Qualida) Nations:

Posted by: Vacithius

Name of Nation: Ahwaluh
Name of Capital: Ahwaluh
Location: Eastern central shoreline.
Population Class: Major
Racial Dominance: Halflings
Description of Government: Ruled by an all-powerful royal lineage of high-priests to the god Waluh (Nalithus). A flat-topped pyramid of earth covered in black-flowering vegetation, and standing nearly 300 feet tall, serves as the priest-kings abode, from which he never steps once he is made king. Surrounding the base of this pyramid is a circular ring of thatched-roofed grass huts of emmese size which hold the quarters of the priest-king�s servants and fellow priests of Waluh, all carrying out the holy word of the priest-king to the letter with the help of the priest-kings loyal and very large army. Land Army Size: Very Large
Sea Army Size: None
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: Much like the Aztecs, the Ahwaluh Nation is a glorified city-state with a superior army that has terrorized even neighboring halfling civilizations, conquered them, and demanded tributes with the threat of violence. The army and the priest-king himself are widely known for their striking colored face and body paint, as well as the long and equally bright tail-feathers of birds they wear in their long black hair. Even the priests of Waluh wear brightly colored face-paint in a constant display of pride. Clothing here consists mainly of loin clothes and bone necklaces.
The king has over a thousand wives and only he and his chosen priests are allowed to propagate.
The king has by legend the ability to change into a great bird which watches and sees everything that transpires in his nation. He also has the ability to summon animals to do his will, speak with vegetation, and travel out-of-body to the far reaches of Ahwaluh. He has placed the heads of his enemies on stakes surrounding his abode to serve as a testiment to his enemies of his power and control.
Special Events/Holidays: The Day of the Sun is celebrated by giving tributes to the king gained in raids upon the orcs. The raids are a competition that lasts for a full two cycles of the moon before the Day of the Sun itself. The king announces when the Day will be celebrated and may call for more than one in a single year.

Name of Nation: The Gray Forestlands (Nuh-gatha)
Location: Covers the eastern third of Torgodor, from the coasts to the central hills of Torgodor, including Ahwaluh.
Population Class: Major
Racial Dominance: Halflings
Description of Government: Usually shamans/priests of Waluh and elders given king like status, although some places have a council of elders or warriors that choose both long and short-term leaders. Most lead until they are discredited or die.
Land Army Size: Large
Sea Army Size: Small, some coastal villages have rowing boats, used primarily for fishing, but most battles take place on land.
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: The Gray Forestlands are a dangerous wildland of deadly natives, including head-hunters and even canabal tribes. The Gray Forestlands are general composed of large, but solitary villages with a highly militant and dominant male society. Some alliances between nations do occur, but they more often opt to raid and skirmish with one another.

Name of Nation: The Red Islands
Location: The islands of Eldrack. Leafmar, and Besserech just off the coast of Torgodor.
Population Class: Minor
Racial Dominance: Halflings
Description of Government: Same as The Gray Forestlands.
Land Army Size: Moderate (same army as the sea army)
Sea Army Size: Moderate
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: The Red Islands are an allied nation of pirates who continuously invade The Gray Forestlands with their superior water craft and then escape with their expert seamanship back to the isles. Unlike the coastland, they worship Nuh� tullah (Udra), Magdin (Malladorian), and even Uh� lahu (Oolidil), as well as Waluh, prefering a pantheon of gods to a single god. In their culture, Nuh� tullah is the dark beast, Magdin is the trickster, Uh� lahu remains the wise father, and Waluh (like the mainland) is viewed as the animal warrior.

Name of Nation: The Bone Hills of Torgodor (Gordor)
Location: The eastern half of the central hills of Torgodor, sparse elsewhere.
Population Class: Moderate
Racial Dominance: Orcs
Description of Government: The strongest, bravest, and most intelligent rule with a bloody fist.
Land Army Size: Very Large (almost the entire population is war prone)
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: Much like the Halflings, the orcs are a tribal, barbaric lot. They came to Torgodor long ago and swept through the hills, taking the sacred land of the Halflings, the lands of their ancestors, away from them, winning their eternal hatred. Ever since, the Halflings have become increasingly militant and the two battle in great raids against one another that will surely lead to the destructon of one of them, and nearly has several times, only to begin again. Currently the Halflings are winning and the Orcs weakening, but that may change if the orcs are supplied with a good leader, which they now lack. The Orcs live in separate tribes that generally avoid one another, but they do join together, sort of, to invade the Halfling lands or defend their own with the unifying power of battle lust. As a whole, the Orcs generally worship the gods Numum (Udra), Tallack (Nalithus), and B ngor (Nortumia), but it is often an indirect relationship with Numum and Bengor rarely supporting their causes. Tallack, called the Great High Orc, has converted some war priests to his cause and their power has much respect among the orcs, but they prefer bashing Halfling skulls with clubs to praying.

Name of Nation: Jillithi-rilia
Name of Capital: Sestrilus
Location: Western and Southwestern most forests, hills, and shoreline of Torgodor.
Population Class: Moderate
Racial Dominance: Mysteene
Description of Government: Ruled by a sorceror-king.
Land Army Size: No Standing Army
Sea Army Size: None
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: The mysteene of Jillithi-rilia generally worship Malladorian, a religion instilled upon them by their king, who is reportedly centuries old but appears young and healthy to this day. Regoraxia (Malladorian), by legend, appointed their king to his current station, whereas before no government or religion existed, according to the mysteene. The halflings and orcs of Torgodor avoid the large nation of Jillithi-rilia out of fear of its magical, and what they term, "ungodly" ways. To them it is a nation of evil spirits, trapped on this world by decree of the gods, and thus no cummincation exists between them. Some forsaken halflings and orcs have made it to the land of the mysteene and have found the gates of the magical city open to them, but it is noted that none are ever rumored to leave its gates again. Many refuse the kings sovereignty and Regoraxia as well, but the mysteen are not an especially violent race and generally leave well enough alone, as long as it doesn�t greatly affect them. Jillithi-rilia is filled with magic users and every race is represented there in very small numbers, but the nation seeks no communication with any other and can easily destroy invaders magically.
Special Events/Holidays: Tribute Day (Ousca Druj), the day when tributes are payed to the king by those in power. Those who displease the king by their tributes are dropped from their office and sometimes even thrown out of the nation like criminals.

Name of Nation: The Enchanted/Forbidden Isles (known to the orcs as: Iska) (halflings: Regewa) (mysteene: X� truiserat)
Name of Capital: None
Location: The islands of Yemzar, Olyshnar, and Quardmar.
Population Class: Minor
Racial Dominance: Mysteene
Description of Government: None
Land Army Size: No Standing Army
Sea Army Size: Negligible
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: X� truiserat is three islands believed to be composed of mysteene wizards who left or were thrown out of Jillithi-rilia by the king. The place is shrouded in complete mystery beyond this.

(Deznor and Qualida):

Wandering bands of orcs of little social order inhabit the deserts and swamps of both lands, and a great red dragon is said to haunt the mountains of Deznor.

Delanorian Nations:

Posted by: Green

Name of Nation: The Great Odissa Tribal Lands (Akorara)
Location: Eastern shore to the forest lands of the west.
Population Class: Major
Racial Dominance: Odissa
Level of Discrimination: Heavily Discriminating
Description of Government: Most tribes consist of a traditional form of government among the Odissa. A council is made up of young and old males, each selecting one leader with either great hunting skills or great wisdom and intelligence. These two councils argue and compromise when it comes to making a decision, but the elders have the greater say and can overrule the younger council. The younger council makes up the hunters of the tribe and it is they who defend the tribe when under attack and guard their homes.
Land Army Size: Each tribe has half of its population as skilled warrior and hunters, making for large armies considering their tribe�s number (Usually just over a hundred).
Sea Army Size: None
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: Odissa tribes are both nomadic and stationary, usually with tribes of a greater number of young being nomadic and those with a greater number of elderly being stationary. Despite the friction that this nomadic versus stationary movement might cause, little conflict really ever occurs and is usually settled peacefully. Any Odissa who kills another Odissa and not in self defense or without a formal proposal and acceptance of challenge (with witnesses on both sides) is ostracized. The female Odissa, although not given voice in council, owns the rights to shared home/property and children and may dismiss a dissatisfactory mate at will, as tradition dictates in Odissa society. Many of the elders are also priests of Ghara (Nortumia), while the young are simply faithful. The main conflict the Odissa face are wandering bands of Orc tribes, which are especially prevalent towards th western forests.
Schemes: The odissa tribes generally avoid the other races, but take great pleasure in hunting down the occassional mysteene trespasser.

Name of Nation: Pallistaris
Name of Capital: Pallistaris
Location: The eastern most forestlands.
Population Class: Moderate
Racial Dominance: Mysteene
Level of Discrimination: Open
Description of Government: None
Land Army Size: No Standing Army
Sea Army Size: Small
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: The ways of the Mysteene of Pallistaris are like that of the ancient ways of their native lands in Torgodor before the arrival of the king, which ended most communication between the two nations. Like in the past, the Mysteene of Pallistaris generally worship no gods, prefering their free magic to a life of devotion. The city-state of Pallistaris is a chaotic one, which only reflects the nature of the Mysteene and their lawless ways. Conflicts are swift and deadly when inacted, but rivalries may last generations. Any who have tried to become a king where simply rejected by the populace or quickly overthrown in a mass uprising. In this way, the Mysteene are on of the most mysterious races of all.
Schemes: Pallistaris respectfully avoids confronting the centaurs or odissa in most cases, although they can�t help but antagonize the odissa whenever they get the chance on an individual level or to spy on the centaurs to learn their nature magic.
Imports: Uncut precious precious stones and various metals.
Exports: Addictive drugs, crafted jewelry, unique weapons (often illegally).

Name of Nation: The Centaur Tribes
Location: East of the Mysteene in the western forestlands.
Population Class: Minor
Racial Dominance: Centaur
Level of Discrimination: Total Discrimination
Description of Government: Like the Centaur of Liprica, the Centaur is generally too good natured to require the constraints of a government, generally they live by simple codes, among which killing is forbidden unless in defense against an invading force of another race.
Land Army Size: No Standing Army
Sea Army Size: None
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: Again, like the Centaurs of Liprica, the Centaurs of Delanor live inside small cities with walls of living trees grown with that peculiar magic unique to Centaur-kind. They avoid the Odissa for obvious reasons, but have traded in a sort of gesture of peace with the Mysteene, but they refuse to live among them because of a great dislike of their chaotic nature. Centaur cities and tribes are close to Odissa tribes in size, but the diameter of their tree-walls is great, more than enough to contain them all with room to spare.
Schemes: Like the odissa, the centaur tribes avoid the odissa and mysteene whenever possible. They are loath to admit that they have a deep psychological fear of both races.

Chi' lorean Nations:

Posted by: Green

Name of Nation: The Dwarven Lands (Korladdin)
Name of Capital: Troxelgaft
Location: The entire unfrozen southern tip of the eastern peninsula of Chi� lore. The capital is located in the base of the southern most mountain of that peninsula, ruling all.
Population Class: Major
Racial Dominance: Dwarf
Level of Discrimination: Heavily Discriminating
Description of Government: The land of the dwarves is composed of nearly a hundred clans composed of hundreds of individual families. Each town recognizes its most respected elder, who is supposedly the wisest, as their next candidate for the office of high minister. Every time the nation�s ruler retires or dies, thus vacating the office of high minister, each village sends forth its chosen elder, to be tested by the highest dwarven priest of Oolidil in a grand ceremony held within each clan for each elder. Within the ceremony there is a laying on of hands by the high priest upon the candidate. Then, communing with Ooldil himself (supposedly), the high priest askes for a sign that this will be the new leader of the Dwarven nation. If a sign, or what is taken for one is given following the silent request (which is done in public), then the search ends and a new leader is born. Given the older age of many of the candidates, a reign usually lasts no more than 30 years. Many terms of office have lasted no more than 10 years. Of course, every candidate chosen so far has been a follower of Oolidil.
Land Army Size: Very Large
Sea Army Size: Moderate
Internal Societies of Note or Things of Special Interest: Every clan composes an individual town which carries the clan�s name. Strangers, even from other clans, are never greeted with verbal or physical violence, but social companionship is noticeably lacking and eyes seem to follow one everywhere. Otherwise, it is a custom to treat a stranger with all outward signs of courtesy. Each town has its own sheriff, who protects the town, carries out it laws and the laws dictated by the high minister (though they be few), and is recognized by the people. The town elder (candidate for the office of high minister), serves as the town judge. Should the town disapprove of either the elder or the sheriff�s actions, a new one is chosen by an informal gathering.
Schemes: The dwarven nation is happy with its current lands and seeks only to stop the raiding of the knolls, although they seem comfortable enough dealing with the occasional raid. However, if provoked enough, they will go on the warpath against the knolls.
Imports: Ale and spices.
Exports: Crafted weapons, uncut metals, precious stones.
Special Events/Holidays: King's Day, a day in which dwarves from all over Korladdin journey to the nations capital and take part in duels. The duels are never to the death, unless by accident, and involve many large tournaments of fully armored dwarves attempting to score the most hits against one another with blunt edge swords (overseen by judges), or dwarven wrestling, in which an opponent must be held immobile for a count of ten, or forced out of the center of a ring. Perhaps most interesting of all, this is a time when clans mix and marriages are arranged, for clans never inter-marry.

The Knoll Tribes of northern Chi� lore:

The knolls generally live east of the peninsula of The Ice Desert, and just north of the Dwarven lands and are nomadic in nature. Like the dwarves, there are many tribes of Knolls who travel in brutal packs/tribes that leave the wounded and weak behind to die. They chase the herds of great stags and wolly mammoth of Chi� lore, eternally criss-crossing paths and fighting over hunting rights. Their faith is almost exclusive for Nalithus, whom they call Toggisnar. The southern most tribes of the eastern peninsula are eternally raiding the northern clans of dwarves and, when led by the occasional priest of Toggisnar, strike deadly assualts of religious fervor against their civilized brethren.
Schemes: The knolls wish to takeover the dwarven lands and rid it of all dwarves, but greatly lack the power to do so.

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