SOLAR SYSTEM Exploration page
Hi! Welcome to my Solar system page!

Join my Solar system mailing list!
I will send regular updates of the progress of the Galileo spacecraft, And, introducing, the Cassini and solar system updates too! and the NASA space program in general.
Enter your email address below,
then click the 'Join List' button:

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Galileo / Solar System Ambassador

Greetings to the Humaoid beings of Earth!
We are continuing into 1999 and forward to 2000 with the expanded Solar System Ambassador program!

The science and information we are looking forward to, promises to be exciting as well as informative.

Keep watching, and listening for the first sounds from Mars, due soon on Earth in December this year(1999)!
The purpose of this Ambassador program is to spread information about the NASA Space Exploration programs,
(Space and Planetary exploration in general,)
and to help bring its scientific findings to the public.

I have discovered some fun, and decent space and aerospace toys available through the web, and, shopper that i am, i think the prices are pretty good, at least i have not found them at very many places, and certainly not for any less than here:

Apollo 11 Playset cover cover
These folks have many other toys of an educational type as well, from playsets for younger children, to models for the "older kids"!

I invite the other ambassadors to "meet" and communicate electronically through two additional means, the 'Assembly' bulletin board below that I have set up (when you register, be sure to read their information, we can set some privacy factors, as individuals and as a group. I want to be able to include any interested educators in an effort to spread the information, I just don't want us all spending our time dealing with lots of e-mail, etc.)

The other method? through ICQ (available from the Mirabilis website) and a monthly live/online chat forum. The first Wednesday of each month at 6PM Pacific time (0100 UTC I think)look for me as Amb/Ca/K on the ICQ system!
The chat will be called Solar System Ambassadors


Register for Assembly

Join the Solar System Ambassadors

In addition to the Solar System activities sponsored by NASA/JPL,
I will STILL be offering a science fair ribbon to students with outstanding projects that deal with space exploration,
and the Galileo project.
If you would like to make my ribbon available to your school, or HOME SCHOOL science fair contestants,
please contact me with the dates and location of your science fair.
I will reply by e-mail, and establish your participation.

Myself, or an ambassadorial representative will attend to select the ribbon winners! (If local to the central valley of california-or another ambassador around the country)

Ambassadors, the Solar System Passport booklet is now available to download from the RESA site run by Greg Turner. It is a word document, feel free to place your name onto the intro page, and alter/remove the sponsor info on the back page (HINT: i used the insert text box from the graphics menu in "word" to avoid margin/alignment issues)

To get to the RESA WEB, use this link:


If you are interested, and willing to commit a few hours a month, please contact me at the List-bot.

And now, for the ever present LINKS!

To get to the Premeir NASA Educator site-, use this link:


To get see the status of the Project Starshine (Student polished mirrors on a Sattellite, along with student observations and real science,-, use this link:

Project Starshine

To locate papermodels of NASA craft, use this link:

NASA models

To get information on the Galileo Spacecraft, and the GEM
Galileo Europa Mission, use this link:

Galileo at NASA JPL

For excellent information (provided you are an educator) the Dryden Flight Center at Edwards AFB in California
has an excellent Educator's Resource Center, like most NASA facilities. Go to their Web site, below
And use their FAX form (found in the ERC menu). They will send posters and teacher guides to you very quickly!

Dryden Flight Center

NASA Student Involvement Program

The NASA Student Involvement Program (NSIP)
is a national program of investigations and design challenges for students in grades 3-12.
NSIP is designed by scientists and educators to support the National Standards for science,
mathematics, technology, and geography.
This program was formerly known as the Space Science Student Involvement Program (SSIP).
The NSIP web site offers entry forms and information for participating.
Students can choose from one of the following competitions:
Design a Mission to Mars, Watching Earth Change,
Earth Systems in My Neighborhood, or Aeronautics & Space Science Journalism.
The NSIP entry deadline is February 23, 1999.
This is a chance for your students to use their creativity and problem solving skills in areas of science and space exploration. Further information about the NSIP competition can be found at the following Internet location:


For a great online newsletter about aerospace information

National Space Day Fun and information

The Famous Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Don't forget the JPL folks in general for really cool science and space stuff! Visit their web site, and explore their programs and links to other interesting space science sites.

Jet Propulsion Lab Home Page


Basics of Radio Astronomy- JPL

To download a training course on Radio Astronomy - and information on how your school and students can participate with the Antelope Valley School folks in the use of one of the Large Radio Telescopes, go to this link. You can download the materials and get a very good basic grounding in Radio Astronomy. There is an Evaluation exercise, and additional information on the Program. If you ever wanted to look at the possibillity of using one of the really big dishes, this is a good start!
Our Cadets are participating in the Radio JOVE project, and are building their own radio astronomy receiver and antenna!

A course on Radio Astronomy, and using Radio Telescopes

Build your won Radio Telescope and listen to Jupiter-Radio JOVE

More NASA /JPL sites for project information:

Stardust, project to return samples from a comet-

Stardust project


Pluto-Kuiper Express-

Pluto Express


Solar probes-Corona investigations

Solar probe


Genesis - Solar wind sample return to Earth

Solar wind


Basics of Space Flight

Another of the JPL "Classes" available online with materials to download, is the Basics of Space Flight. This is an excellent primer on all things related to space flight, from Orbits, to onboard systems. Excellent explanations and illustrations make this a GREAT resource, for the aspiring astronaut, Space Scientist, or even for a Writers reference!

Basics of Space Flight

For the latest updates on the Deep Space Project go here..

Deep Space-1 news


And to get the latest on the Cassini Mission to Saturn...

Cassini Mission to Saturn



The Civil Air Patrol has numerous resources available for Aerospace Education, from the elementary levels through adults. These lessons are made available to members, and to the community through an external outreach program. In addition, CAP has an educator class of membership that entitles you to many curriculum items at no charge, Special rate to attend the National Congress on Aerospace Education, andthe oppotunity for military airlift to the congress. My page link below gives more information on the CAP aspects of AE and will direct you to the National CAP Website!

CAP Aerospace Education Info.

E-mail the Ambassador:
(Ambassador E-Mail)

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