Ratz Down Under
My favourite subject, my little Ratgirls! One of the best pets you could have! More faithful than a dog, friendlier and cuddlier than a cat, they know their name, use pet litter, and will return much more love than you could ever give them!! Apart from their "gnawing tendencies", rats have been likened to little angels (*: . Rats have had such a bad rap for so long, yet most people equate all rats to the feral sewer rats, not the ball of fluff that runs up to greet you when you come home from work!! So, put your prejudices aside and come meet the Ozratz Family, Pixie Bell, and those that have gone to the 'Rainbow Bridge'. For those of you who already have pet rats, and live in Australia, you may like to check out my page on Rat Bedding Materials.

Leeanne (Click to see larger picture)
About the human Ozrat!
G'day! My name is Leeanne, and I am 33 years old. I live in Townsville, a tropical town in the state of Queensland, Australia!
(For the Astrology buffs, I am a Cancerian, with Aries rising.)

LIKES: Pet rats, parapsychology, people who make a positive impact on those around them, Wiccan studies and practices ("she's a Witch, burn her, burn her!!"), Vampire - The Masquerade RPG. (Go to the link at the bottom of this page for my own character's diary entries, based on actual gaming sessions), and competing in ITF Taekwon-Do tournaments.
DISLIKES: Any person who has blatant disregard for the welfare of those around them, norty rats! (-;


Diary of a Vampire

Read Vampire - The Masquerade chronicles,
as written by 'Teresa Devereux'
and 'The Storyteller'


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