@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ Wednesday, June 25th, 1997 @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ A CLOSET FULL OF SURPRISES (1/1) By April Hackett and Susan Field "Dang!" Susan muttered as the light bulb by her bed blew with a soft pop. "What a time for that to happen," Susan muttered in exasperation. She had been reading from a group of love letters that she had found stuffed in the back of one of the inside drawers of her armoire. Rising from her bed, Susan mumbled, "I wonder where I'm going to find a new light bulb in this house?" Knowing several of her friends were asleep, involved in one project or the other, or out of the house, she decided to try and locate them on her own. After checking in the pantry downstairs, Susan decided to look for a storage or utility closet on the second floor. Grabbing a flashlight from the kitchen as she passed through, she hurried back upstairs and began the search. =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ Twenty minutes later, Susan found herself in a very dark, very large room in the back of the mansion. Obviously, no one had been here for a very long time, as a heavy layer of dust lay on everything that her beam flashed across. She noted all the spider webs that clung to the furniture, keeping as far as possible from them. Thought the flashlight wasn't strong enough to cut through the blackness, she kept flashing it back and forth in front of her, trying to prevent a painful fall. Dodging a particularly thick web on her right, she missed seeing the protruding something that was hanging down from the ceiling and ran smack into it. "Ouch!" she cried, hurriedly bringing the light up to see what this obstacle was. Stepping back a bit, she brought the light up and looked over her obstacle. "It's a staircase!!!" Susan declared, excited. "All right. An easy way to the third floor." Susan looked around for another light source, completely forgetting about her search for light bulbs. Spotting a candelabra sitting on one of the nearby tables with most of the candles in it, she walked over and lit it with her lighter. "Ha! I knew carrying that around would be useful one day," Susan said, smiling as she pocketed the lighter and turned back to the staircase. Grasping the flashlight in one hand and the candelabra in the other, she slowly started up the stairs. The light cast a dim glow around the large cluttered room. Furniture was stacked against the walls, with smaller boxes sitting wherever there was room. Susan slowly moved down the aisle, glancing all around. She saw piles of hardback books, beautiful old antiques, paintings, toys, plus things she couldn't really identify. The light illustrated a long closet against the far wall. "Hmmm! Should I?" As a wide grin appeared, she nodded and said, "Yes!" Susan placed the candelabra on the floor and tried to open one of the closet doors, but it was stuck closed. Trying another one, the same thing happened. "Grrr! Where's Superman, when you need him!" she acidly quipped. Glancing around, she spotted an old tire iron laying half buried under debris nearby, so grabbing it up, she tried again. The door groaned in protest, but finally snapped open. Dropping the iron in surprise, Susan simply stood there, mouth open, as she stared at all the different outfits that were hanging, wrapped in some kind of plastic wrap. The colors and styles were unending. Pulling one out, she saw that what she had in her hand was not clothing, but costumes! Briefly wading through them, she saw a mirage of colors and types, from pirates to princesses, to tights and tunics. There was even a two person dragon costume, it's green and yellow colors as vivid as if it was new. "KEWL!" Susan exclaimed, putting everything back and closing the door. "I've got to tell the others," she said to herself as she hurried back the way she came, flashlight gripped in one hand, and the candelabra in the other. "Now, they can't say no to a party!" @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ STRIKE UP THE PARTY! (1/1) by April Hackett & Susan Field, Unnamed Time: after "A Closet Full of Surprises" Susan rushed into April's room and switched on the light by the bed. "April!! April, wake up!" Susan yelled, shaking her dead to the world friend. Without opening her eyes, April muttered, "Go away, Susan. I'm not getting up yet." "Come on, April. I *have* to tell you something!" Peeling one green eye open to stare at her petite friend, April snarled, "What! And this had better be good. You're small enough I can squeeze you into the laundry hamper." "Ahh, no. I mean, yes. This is really kewl, April!" Susan said, calmed somewhat by the threatened action against her person. "I found something upstairs... in the attic!" "What..." April muttered, turning over on her back and slowly leveling up in bed. "Costumes! Tons and tons of costumes!" "Costumes? Why do we need costumes?" April asked, still half asleep. "Come on, April. Wake up and think," Susan stated, sitting ramrod straight on the edge of the bed. Pointing her thumb at her chest, Susan proclaimed, "I got a terrific idea!" April leaned her head back and silently mouthed words of restraint, before looking back at Susan. "Another idea, huh? I might regret asking this, but what idea might that be?" "Not here! Come downstairs!" Susan replied, pulling on April's arm in attempt to move her from the bed. "All right, Susan!" April stated a little sharply. She always hated being awakened with only a couple hours of sleep. "I'm coming..." =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ "Will you quit pulling on me, Susan. I'm coming," could be heard coming down the stairs. "I thought April went to bed?" Toby remarked to his companions sitting around the table in the main bar. He looked up at the staircase in front of him and waited to see what was going on. "Yes, she did," Michelle replied, taking another sip from her glass. "Well, here she comes, with Susan bouncing all around her," Jules stated, a smile breaking out at the sight slightly above her. "Susan. I'm going to squash you if you don't quit that!" April snarled yet again. Knowing her friend's sleep deprived temper, Susan ran on down the stairs and bounced over to the table and quickly began to inform everyone of her find. "You'll never guess what I just found in the attic!" she exclaimed to the 6 people in front of her. "What, pictures of the TPTB Chairman with a bunch of midgets and a donkey?" said Laurey, grinning and ducking the honey stick that a grinning Jules picked up and threw at her saying, "Rude girl!" "I found something in the attic that will help us in our KtK cause," Susan said, trying a different tact. "What was that, Susan?" Jules asked, not sure she heard her right. "What, two hours all you need?" Laurey asked April, as they crossed the great room toward the table. She was coming in after having spent a few hours outside relaxing and listening for owl calls. "No, I just *love* going without sleep," April mumbled back, heading for the group sitting around the large table. "Really, Susan, what?" Michelle asked, as April and Laurey walked up and dropped into a couple of empty chairs. "Yeah, don't keep us waiting," piped up Jules. "I found loads and loads of costumes!" Susan said, then launched into her plan. "We need to hold a huge masquerade party, using the costumes I found upstairs. With lots of food and plenty of music, the other factions would probably come. Then we could get their names on the KtK flyers that we need," she finished, looking from one to the other friend, waiting for their reaction. "A masquerade party..." Laurey mused, while assorted other thoughtful noises rose from the gathered Uffers. "You know, that's not a bad idea," Toby stated, looking around the table. "Susan, that's a great idea!" Michelle and Wendy exclaimed. "You have to show us where these costumes are, plus there's invitations to make up and food to arrange for..." Maus offered, as several of the crew stood up. "Great. When can we get started!" Susan yelled, her excitement growing again. "Let's round up everyone first, then we can plan out our course of action," Julia stated, seeing a haphazard rush coming. "Susan," April quietly said, hugging her friend. "For once, I'm glad you came up with another idea." she said, smiling. There was *much* work to do.... @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ PORN POSTERS POSITIVED... SORT OF By Leslie GrantSmith Set after the DK's "Spies Like Us: Delacroix Searches" and "A Ratpacker Squeaks" The doorbell rang, and Leslie, an icy glass of a brown honey lager in one hand, a plate of leftover Chinese food in the other and half an egg roll sticking out of her mouth, called, "Drrrr!!!" But apparently she was the only one nearby, so, sighing, she deflected her trajectory from the safety of her room to the foyer. The doorbell rang again as she set the plate and glass down on the little table next to the door, and removing the egg roll with one hand, chewing and swallowing hastily, she opened the door with the other. As she did, she realized she hadn't even looked through the peep-hole to see who it might be, and she was already crouching down, expecting golly-knew-what, as she peered around the door. "Oh, it's only you," she gusted with some relief, when she saw who it was. The Refrigerator and the Weasel, two of Don Constantine's men, glanced at one another, apparently not accustomed to being greeted so cheerfully, not to mention without fear. "C'mon in," she went on, opening the door wider. They stepped in, eyes flicking around the foyer and into the room beyond. "Would you guys like a beer or something?" "Is - is Lacroix here?" the Weasel asked hoarsely. "Yah, he's up in the library," Leslie confirmed, her senses becoming more and more attuned to where Lacroix was so she could be where he wasn't. She shivered a bit, remembering the mischievous glint in his eye as he slowly edged around the bar room the last time they'd run into each other, keeping between her and her escape route. At least, she hoped it was only mischief. She shook herself out of her fugue. "Do you two wanna see him?" "No, no," said the Weasel hastily, the silent Refrigerator shaking his heavy, neckless head urgently. "You'll do fine. The Don, he gave us something to give to you." He reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He handed it to Leslie, who stared at it, brows furrowing in puzzlement, at the type-written description of a woman. The Weasel reached out and tapped the paper. "That's what the gal who stuck up the porn posts looked like. If we was cops, we woulda given you a composite sketch, but, hey..." "Hey, no, thanks. This is great." She read the description over carefully again, but it didn't ring a bell. Not surprising really. She hadn't met a whole lot of other FK fans. But she knew someone who had... "Well, okay," said the Weasel, shifting his feet uneasily and glancing around the room again. "We'll be takin' off." "Okay," replied Leslie abstractedly, still looking at the paper, closing the door behind the retreating men. "If you're sure you don't want a beer..." Then she stuffed the rest of her egg roll into her mouth, wandered toward the phone, wandered back toward the table in the foyer, grabbed the beer and again went for the phone, leaving her food to get cold. As she passed through the bar, she spotted Kelly behind it, pouring coffee into a mug. "Eye vee," she blurted through the food in her mouth, spraying crumbs. She waved the paper at Kelly as means of explanation. "Geez, Leslie," said Kelly, nose wrinkling in distaste. "I hope someone else is teaching your kids manners." Leslie went into a fugue by the phone. Golly, she missed her kids. The dubious slant to the young Knightie's brow as she declared her mother a weirdo, that cute little glint in the baby Cousin's eye after she'd stuck the cat in the freezer. Leslie sighed. "Hello," said Kelly, gently waving her hand before the other woman's face, snapping her out of a haze caused by an overdose of maternal hormones. Leslie came to, to find Kelly standing next to her by the phone, a cup of coffee in her hand. "Do you need a sip?" She waved the coffee under Leslie's nose. "No, no," said Leslie. "I just... Never mind." She held up the paper. "The Don sent us an ID, a description of whoever stuck the porn (such as it was) with your name on it all over the city. I was going to call--" Kelly plucked the paper from Leslie's fingers and studied it eagerly. Then her brow furrowed. "This is Carrie Krumtum. I know her." "Oh. Okay. So Carrie Krumtum," said Leslie. "And we got a positive ID on Vickie Sykes from a Merc, and Delacroix found a Knightie pin by a telephone pole which had been littered, so that might either be Vickie's, 'cuz she's a Knightie, or a second Knightie. So Carrie and Vickie for sure and maybe a third." "Carrie's with the Nick and Nat Pack now, right?" asked Kelly. "That's the scoop," replied Leslie. She eyed Kelly. "Whaddya wanna do?" Kelly sighed. "I'm not up for pranks." Leslie grinned. "That's *one* of the things War is for, y'know. Affectionate attacks." "Getting the cops called on me for posting porn--" "-which wasn't even very good-" chorused the two women together. "-didn't feel very affectionate," finished Kelly. "Who knows what was on their minds. Maybe they love ya to death." Leslie grin cranked up a notch to goofy. "Poor allusion, Les," Kelly said, rolling her eyes. "Hey, I consider that a very uffish ep," protested Leslie. "*How* many times did LC let Nick drag him to the theater, *why* did Nick want him and Janette there in the first place? And "I hate you" is a step in the right direction..? You can peel this one like an onion. Think-" Kelly waved a frantic hand, fending Leslie off. "No, don't!" she cried, aware the woman could blather on for hours, like a theologian delving into Scripture. "I'm not up for peeling onions at the moment." "Oh," said Leslie. "Sorry. That's right. We were discussing revenge." Kelly stood in thought a moment. Then she smiled sweetly. "I have an idea. Let me at the phone. I need to call a man." @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME... WOULD STILL HAVE THORNS (1/1) By Kelly Green Set sometime after "Porn Posters Positived... Sort Of." The library phone was as unavailable because of the two vampires cocooned within. What cared they for the petty concerns of mortals or the estate awash in human confusion? No. The call would be made from elsewhere, by other means. She retreated further down the long carpeted hallway. At the end of the hallway of the east wing lay the music room, wide and airy, surrounded by big bay windows overlooking the Don's golf course. Moonlight draped the room, cloaking it in turn with purple shadow and pearly luminescence. At one end of the room, a grand piano sat. At the other, a mute gallery of assembled string instruments stood at attention in their respective stands. She carefully dislodged a cello from its resting place, dragged a chair to the window with the other hand, and sat. For a moment she sat transfixed by the view. In the distance a pair of swans moved soundlessly across the pond. Don Constantine, in life, had lived well. Then she drew a bow across the stings experimentally. Odd, that for a house so rarely used as of late, that the cello should be in tune, but it was. She stretched the fingers of her left hand, tightened the rosined bow, then began playing, slow and certain, a melody at once filled with tragedy and triumph. "Beethoven." The single word cut the silence of the room. She hesitated for a moment, then continued playing. Of course he would have come. "Don Constantine," she acknowledged, hearing a muffled dust cover fall on the floor and the barest of complaints from a chair at the indignity of being sat upon. "When I was a younger man I had hopes of many grandchildren using this room," he said. She thought for a moment at what he was really saying, then answered, "A terrible thing that children should be ungrateful. An education that a man such as yourself could provide would be a gift." "A pity that so few children acquire a musical education any more," he replied. "Indeed, "she answered, struggling momentarily with her fingering. "Music holds so many metaphors for life. This war for instance. Too much violin, not enough cello. I've been giving some thought to which instruments would represent which factions. The Nick and Natpackers for instance. They are violins. The Cousins - they are the French Horn." "The Knighties?" he prodded indulgently. "Oh I'm sure they would have nothing other than the piano but I'm not certain that *I* would choose it for them... I think that for them - for their benefactor - the viola is more suited. Poor viola. Trapped between the high notes and the low. Never quite deciding what it really wants to be." "The Vaqueros?" he asked. "They are guitars, but not electric. For all of his pretenses at the twentieth century, Vachon remains a classical guitar - the stuff of Rodrigo, not the stuff of Clapton or Knopfler or Van Halen or any of the others. And for the NatPackers - I can't really decide. Sometimes the clarinet, but sometimes the harp." "The RatPackers?" he asked. "The kazoo. It's a suitably shiny-thingee that doesn't require much training. And it's portable too." She stopped playing, lost in thought. "The UF?" the Don asked quietly. "Cello. The human voice in all of its pathos and hope." She began to play again, the 7th symphony's second movement. then shifting into it's major key, continued, "Although I'm sure some of my fellow warriors would disagree." He chuckled at the comparison. "But that's not what is really on your mind, now, is it? What is it that you really need orchestrated, Miss Kelly?" he asked. She smiled to herself, looking down. "The family has been wronged. A note of discord played," she answered quietly, "Perhaps intentionally, perhaps not. Either way, at the very least, it calls for a reply." "A wrong." he said thoughtfully. "Would you call this wrong." he paused, searching for a metaphor, "adagio or allegro?" "I would say andante. An error in tempo and of phrasing that does not require a full orchestra rehearsal, rather, a minor, minor lesson," she answered carefully. "One that requires a generous corporate sponsor." She turned in her chair to face him. He smiled with the same remote amusement that his father sometimes used. "Cut of the same cloth", she thought to herself. LaCroix had chosen well. "Tell me the plan." And so she did. And when she was done, she returned the cello to its stand and knelt before him. Taking his hand, she raised it to her lips and kissed the ring that circled the old man's finger. His eyes glittered in the darkness. *Some* children, after all, understood their place in the family. =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ At what, in any other reality, would have been four pm on a Thursday afternoon, fifteen trucks lumbered to a halt in front of the NNP headquarters. At once the security camera turned to peer its soulless electronic eye in confused curiosity upon the commotion in front. Inside the curious faces of faction members appeared at the theatre's glass windows, wary of the delivery, confused. For twenty minutes twenty men, under the watchful guidance of the Weasel and the Refrigerator, unloaded the contents of the truck. When they were done the trucks rumbled away into the night. Moments after the trucks vanished, a small group rode by the front of the theatre, some on horseback, some on motorcycles, some riders doubled on the metal or equine steeds. As they passed, the brisk clopping of the horses hooves on pavement a staccato counterpoint to the bass rumble of the bikes, each rider tossed a single offering to what had been unloaded before the building. Then, they too were gone. After a few minutes the front door of the theatre opened slightly then shut again, then was forcefully shoved open. A couple of Nick and Natpackers stepped out and scanned the street in either direction. Surely this wasn't it was it? More of them followed and stood upon the sidewalk surveying the scene in silence. Mountains of roses were piled in front of the theatre. Hundreds of roses. Thousands even - as if every rose on the eastern seaboard had been delivered to them. White ones, pink ones. Red ones. Roses of every color, piled the entire length of the building, as high as a man could stand. And crates. Only a few of them, but clearly baring the stamp of the Azure. A woman appeared with a crowbar and pried the lid off one. Wine. Bottles of wine. Bottles of very *good* wine. And a package of Benadryl. The crowbar woman found the card. "Who's it from?" asked another one. "The UF," she replied. "Look," someone else said. "Here's a package of Peptobismal. Chewable." She held it up for inspection. "Safety seals intact. Well, at least they're thoughtful," she continued and tossed the package of bright pink lumps to someone who was turning green at the thought of the source. "What's the card say?" "That's all. `All our best. The UF.'" @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ KICKSTARTING THE KNIGHT- NUNKIES ANONYMOUS (1/3) By Lisa Clevenger AKA Sukh Time: After Ride of the ULF Valkyries With grateful assistance from Laurey Annie Raper and the mentioned Addicts Sukh pulled her horse up to a sliding stop in front of the Jeweled Peach. At the door she handed the reins over to a portly guy spouting rude things to her in French about having a horse so close to his restaurant. Ignoring his Gallic ire, she snapped, "I need to find Annie." "But you cannot go in there unless you are a member." The portly guy looked horrified. His mouth opened, then closed with a snap. He was clearly at a loss for how to handle this crisis. "This is real important." She heard laughter coming from a room in the back. Leaving her portly new friend sputtering behind her, holding her mounts reins, Sukh walked over and knocked on the front door. A Natalie in a toga opened the door and glared at her. "Who are you?" "Sukh. Annie said I could come in." "One moment." The door was closed in Sukh's face. A couple of seconds later another person opened the door. She resembled Nat, with that long cinnamon colored hair. " Annie?" "Sukh? Come on in." Annie hustled Sukh into the NA area. A few of the NA lounged around eating Tiramasu and chocolate men. "Want one?" One of the other NA's, a Redhead with a CERK T-shirt, offered her a candy sword pin. Sukh looked at Cherri. "And I don't get a hug?" Cherri blinked Vachonlike a few times then the chocolate haze cleared. "OhMyGod, Sukh? I didn't recognize you in a position of authority!" Cherri have Sukh a bone-scrunching hug. Sukh returned the hug, laughing. Cherri handed Sukh a chocolate LC. "Here, have a special treat. It's a Nunkies." She looked at it. Chocolate Nunkies, anatomically correct chocolate Nunkies. Oh yeah. But business before pleasure. NSVV Nat was glaring at her. Sukh pulled out a piece of fanfic(Shameless self promotion) that she had written and gave it to the glaring Nat. "Here, I thought you might enjoy this. It's a Valentine piece." NSVV Nat read the first page, then walked off, absorbed in the new story. Annie smiled. "What are you up to? I got the impression this was a very urgent." "Well, we need," Sukh pulled a pile of brightly colored flyers out of her leather satchel, " to get all the Addicts to write a letter for KtK on the back of one of these. We think it might help heal the rift thing. If not, well hey, we are helping FK." Cherri perked up. "I'll do one." She picked a red flyer. Another NSVV nodded. "Me too." Susie snagged another flyer. Jules, LC's personal assistant from the last WAR, took another as did Shele and Bev. When they were done, Sukh collected them and handed Annie a small stack of extras. "This is for any extras that wander up." Then she grinned. "Now, about that shrine..." She put her arm around Annie's shoulder. @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ KICKSTARTING THE KNIGHT- VAQUEROS (2/3) By Sukh My thanks to Laurey(my poster gal) Kimber and Nanook looked up at the sound of hooves on pavement. Galloping hooves on pavement. A wild woman rode into view, her red-blonde hair streaming behind her as she urged the dark horse towards the church. The black clad woman slid her horse to a stop in front of the church and rushed toward Kimber. Nanook, the wonder guard dog, wagged his tail as he barked at the approaching woman. "Who is that?" Kimber's Vachon wandered out, attracted by all the barking. The woman waved. " Hi, I'm Sukh." Kimber smiled as Sukh bent over and offered her pet the back of her hand. "ULF Lady Seigneur, right?" Sukh smiled and saluted. "The one and only." Lawyer Vachon was frowning. "That horse is a RCMP horse." Sukh's smile faded. "And?" "You stole a RCMP horse." "I borrowed it. We plan to give them back, safe and sound." She glared at the Vachon. "Don't tell me, you are the successful Vachon." "He is." Kimber stepped in between them. "Now can we get down to business?" Sukh pulled a stack of bright papers form her leather satchel. "We are doing our part for KtK." She handed the Vachon and the Vaquera some of the flyers. "We need to get all the folks in your faction possible to write letters on the back of these and send them to these places." She turned over the flyer and pointed to the address. TriStar/Columbia Pictures Television 10202 Washington Blvd Culver City, CA 90230 USA Network 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, N.Y. 10020 Mr Barry Schulman Vice President of Programming USA Networks / Sci Fi 1230 Avenue of the Americas Suite F118 New York, New York 10020-15132 Mr. Justin Pierce SONY Pictures Entertainment 9050 W. Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 "And if you want another CD, write to-" GNP/Crescendo Record Company, Inc. 8400 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90069 Lawyer Vachon looked over the sheet. "Is it okay if I do one?" Sukh grinned. "Sure, if you don't rat-er-turn me in for the horse." Lawyer Vachon returned her grin with a heart-stopping smile. "Sure. I'll even get the other alternates to write a letter too." "Is that legal?" He shrugged a slacker shrug. "Who cares?" Kimber shook her head and grabbed the papers. "I certainly don't," she quipped as she tried to tug her dog into the church. "I'll get he Vaq's right on it." Sukh swung back onto her horse and grinned. "One for all?" "And all For Forever Knight!" Sukh whirled the horse in a tight circle and took off into the forever Friday night. @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ KICKSTART THE KNIGHT- DIE HARDS (3/3) By Sukh AKA Lisa Clevenger Chocolates to Melanie Bates, Jessicia Murray and Kristine, of the Vachon Fish. Oh yeah, give some to Laurey, my poster gal too and Michelle. I mean it. Share. Sukh slowed the winded horse to a walk as she approached the FK studios. A couple of Die-hards were outside, wandering the parking lot. One of them was really wet. "Melanie?" Sukh thought she recognized her Fang Gang friend. Melanie looked up. "Stop!" She held out a soggy hand. Sukh froze. "What?" "I'll come to you." Melanie hustled up to Sukh and gave the now dismounted Fang Ganger a big hug. "Hiya! Sorry about that, we don't want to trip the lasers." "EEEWW! You're all wet!" Sukh squealed as she broke Melanie's hug. "Sorry! I forgot!" Melanie turned to the other girl that was busy petting the horse. "This is Jessica. Kristine told up to look for you." Sukh brushed water off her leather vest. "Sure. Where is your fearless co-leader?" Jessica grinned. "Delivering some fish to the Vaquera's." Sukh blinked at her. "Fish?" Then she grinned "Bald Vachon fish!" "Yes." "Well, I myself am on a mission." She pulled out a stack of KtK flyers from her ever-present satchel. These are for all the Die-hards to write letters on for saving FK. After they are done then they can send them to the addresses on the front." She turned over a flyer and showed the women the addresses. TriStar/Columbia Pictures Television 10202 Washington Blvd Culver City, CA 90230 USA Network 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, N.Y. 10020 Mr Barry Schulman Vice President of Programming USA Networks / Sci Fi 1230 Avenue of the Americas Suite F118 New York, New York 10020-15132 Mr. Justin Pierce SONY Pictures Entertainment 9050 W. Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 "And if you want another CD, write to these folks." GNP/Crescendo Record Company, Inc. 8400 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90069 "Cool!" Jessica snagged some of the flyers and headed toward the studios, careful to avoid the lasers. " I'll tell the rest." "Melanie?" "Yeah Sukh?" "We need to get the Fang Gang doing this too." Sukh handed Melanie a stack. "I know some are Die-Hards, so make them write extras, okay?" Melanie smiled. "Sure." The papers went a bit soggy in her wet hand. "Okay, one more question." "Fire away." "How did you get so wet?" "I fell into a fountain." "I won't ask any more." Sukh laughed with her Fang Gang friend. "Thanks." Sukh did a graceful thing that her artistic license allowed her to do to remount and saluted Melanie. "All for one?" "And all for Forever Knight!" =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ Sukh made it back to the stables as the others were returning. Michelle wandered up, looking way to innocent for Sukh "What?" "I need a ride to Merc Central." Sukh gave her a LaCroixian glare. "Merc Central? No one knows where it is." "I need to meet Libby and Screed." "Excuse me? Did you say Screed? The bald rat eating guy?" "Yes." Sukh grinned. "Lets go. We may need an interpreter though." @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ MARK OF THE RATPACKER (1/1) By Michelle David Takes place after "An Explosive Ratsie Interlude", before "Screed, the Anti-Nunkies", with Libby 'n Screed on the Merc Lawn. "What I don't see is why we have to do the Ratpack," Sukh complained, as the horse trotted towards Merc Central. Michelle rolled her eyes. "Sukh, don't complain... Sure, so we were off with our predictions, but still, we've gotta do our bit to Kickstart to Knight." She adjusted the blanket on the horse, making sure the RCMP brand was covered. "And then, on the horse... what if Screed decides to have a snack?" "He eats rats. And it was your bright idea, anyway," Michelle replied with a smile. She handed Sukh a Nunkies in Godiva she had picked up at the chocolate store. "Here, pure chocolate Nunkies. Now keep the horse on track." Nervous, she looked around, holding on tightly as they rode double. "Ew do' dwive a howsh, ichel," Sukh replied through the chocolate. "Whatever." =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ Nearing Merc HQ, the two quickly spotted the Ratpacker Libby and Screed lying sullenly on the lawn. "Oh, stop," Michelle said. "Ugh!" she cried, half falling off. Laughing, Sukh gracefully leaped off of the horse and helped her up. She took the flyers also. "'ey ere," Libby greeted the UFers, not rising from the ground. Michelle noticed her hair was wet. "Hi, Libby... Screed," she said, nodding to the carouche. "'ey Screedy," said Libby, introducing them. "This 'ere's shelly-girl, and 'ere's Miss Sue." "Sukh," Sukh corrected Libby. "Wha'ever. Them's UFfers. Miss Sue 'ere's they're leader." "Wassa UFfer?" Screed asked, genuinely curious. "Ahh... we're advocates of the relationship between Nick and LaCroix," Sukh explained. Libby interjected, "'member when you 'n Natsie were in your place 'n Nicksta' come rushin' in, an' Natsie gets all madlike at him?" "Oooh, I read that story!" Michelle said with a wide smile. "'ey ladies, 'ave you seen my Docsie Wocsie around them parts?" queried Screed of the visitors. "Sorry," Sukh said, shaking her head. "Well, ah, now what we came here for," Michelle said, slightly impatient. She took the flyers from Sukh. "You know these things?" Libby looked at them for a moment, and her eyes widened. "No! No! I never seen 'em in all me life!" Michelle frowned. "Oh. Well, they're Kickstart the Knight flyers. We had a theory about the time rift, and thought that if we get enough KtK letters written, then it'll close the rift and make everything work. Obviously, it's been disproven, but still, it's for the good of FK." Libby reluctulantly nodded. "Iffen you ain't pinnin' this all on me an' Screedy, then I guess I kin write a bit..." Sukh smiled. "Great!" Libby looked down at them and read aloud. "Iffen you want FK back, write those letters to the gentlemen at: TriStar/Columbia Pictures Television 10202 Washington Blvd Culver City, CA 90230 USA Network 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, N.Y. 10020 Mr Barry Schulman Vice President of Programming USA Networks / Sci Fi 1230 Avenue of the Americas Suite F118 New York, New York 10020-15132 Mr. Justin Pierce SONY Pictures Entertainment 9050 W. Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 An' iffen you want another CD, write to: GNP/Crescendo Record Company, Inc. 8400 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90069 An' ask real nice-like." Libby looked up an smiled. "'ay, you gotta pen?" Sukh checked her pockets. "Ahh.. here you go." Libby smiled as she eyed the silver pen. "I don' suppose ya' need it all that terribly much?" Sukh's face fell. Michelle whapped her. "Oh, you got that from The Hive. Get another one." Sukh nodded. "So, what are you guys doing out here?" Michelle asked, as Libby wrote furiously on the back of the flyers. Libby shrugged disgustedly. "Hmph! Jus' cos we been usin' a hot tub an' the GHP's hot water, we get kicked out." She eyed Screed. "Course, Screed lip-smackin' 'em didn't help all that much neither." Michelle and Sukh both shuddered at the thought. After a few more minutes, Libby had written two letters. "One in me name, the 'otha' in Screedy's. I'll save a couple more for me fellow Ratpackers. Anythin' to bring back our good Defect, eh Screed?" She gave him his letter. "An' make your mark here," she said, handing him the pen. "Oh- oh, Screed!" the three collectively exclaimed. They sighed as he brought it down from his mouth and handed it to Sukh. Frowning, Sukh eyed the two small holes in the bottom of the flyer. Libby smiled sheepishly. "Every letter counts, an all that jammy-jam. I don' suppose they'll mind all terribly iffen one fan leaves a... mark?" Write your letters! Help Kickstart the Knight! @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ INDEPENDENTS VISITED AND TRUE EVIL ENCOUNTERED (1/1) By Leslie GrantSmith Set sometime after "Evil Pink Penguin" and "Forever Rubber Ducky" The Independents and their characters used with permission. And hoping for my fellow Unnameds forgiveness. Gunner and Leslie pulled up in front of Lacroix's manor, just outside Toronto, and stared at the building, quite impressive in the eternal full moon light. "Wow," said Leslie. "Yeah," replied Gunner. "And I thought the Hive was swank." They hopped out of Leslie's purple van (this was a bit of a hike to take on a horse, besides Gunner claimed he couldn't ride), and climbed up the step to ring the doorbell of the place a group of Independents called home. After a moment, the door was opened by a young woman with a mug of something one hand. Her face fell. "Oh. I was hoping you were someone else." "Sorry," said Leslie. "No penguins. Just UFfers. I'm Leslie and this is Gunner." "Oh, hi, we've chatted on e-mail," replied the woman, her expression lightning. "I'm Tippi." "Really pleased to meet you, Tippi," said Leslie warmly. "Well, come on in. We've been expecting you." Leslie and Gunner entered the manor, sniffing unobtrusively at the scent of ... the sea..? Then both UFfers flinched back as their eyes were blasted by the atomic pink glow in the corner of the foyer, an evilness uncontained by mere cardboard boxes. "What the heck..?" said Gunner, wincing and blinking as he tried to discern what caused the glare. Leslie had covered her eyes and was peeking through her fingers. "Oh," said Tippi, "sorry. I should have warned you. It's a bunch of shirts we're shipping off to the shopping channel. They keep ... oozing out of the boxes. Shipping tape just kinda melts." "Duct tape," suggested Leslie, wiping her watering eyes. "Maybe spot welding. Though you may not want to get them too close to an open flame." "Or maybe you do," suggested Gunner. "Oh, no," protested Tippi. "I'm selling them. Fifty dollars each. To raise ransom money to get Lacroix Penguin back." "Really," said Leslie, eyes gleaming with more than tears. "May I buy some from you now?" "Sure," Tippi replied, shuffling over to the boxes with her eyes mostly closed, the Evilness filtered through her lashes. "How many?" "Seven," stated Leslie, pulling her wallet out of her fanny pack. "Seven!!??" exclaimed Gunner. "I owe some people," she explained, grinning maliciously. Shirts safely ensconced in her backpack, Leslie followed Tippi into the living room. She introduced her and Gunner to the women who were already in the room - April, Margie, Tammy, and Shirl - and a penguin chick, who gazed at the newcomers dolefully. "Would you two like something to drink?" Tippi inquired. "Whatever you're having," Gunner replied, eyeing Tippi's cup with interest. Leslie nodded. Their hostess stepped out of the room, requesting two more Spanish coffees from someone named Baker. "So how's the War going for you two?" Margie inquired. Gunner shrugged as Leslie said, "I almost drowned in my cereal. That was pretty thrilling. Nothing like the excitement you guys are having." She eyed the penguin chick again. Tippi came back in with their drinks, handing them to them and sitting next to them on the couch. Gunner took a large swallow from his mug. "Wow," he gasped, eyes tearing a bit as the hot brandy fumes expanded in his chest and sinuses, "have you been drinking these all War?" "Oh, a few every now and then," Tippi demurred. "That explains a bit," he muttered, going back for a second cautious but appreciative sip. He then followed Leslie's gaze, as she stared at the young penguin, wondering how a bird face incapable of expression could project such melancholy. "Hey, he's kinda cute," Gunner commented. "Maybe I can find a stuffed toy one like him for my kid." "A toy!" NickyChick burst out, surprising both the UFfers, who stared in fascination at the sound of Nick's voice spilling from a large Antarctic bird. "Yes! A fitting recompense, an atonement for centuries of innocent herrings' lives consumed in my lust for fishy blood. A toy - to be chewed, prodded, ignominiously handled, machine washed, left too long in the dryer on high, singeing my plush fur! After all, wasn't I *his* toy for years, centuries..." The penguin trailed off, honking softly to himself. The humans sat silent a moment, blinking. "Make sure you find one that comes without the angst," suggested Shirl quietly. "You don't want to warp the kid." "Too much," corrected Leslie. "You wanna warp them just a little bit. Adds color and dimension to their lives and the lives of those around them." "Remind me not to ask you for child-rearing advice, Lacroixian mommy," grinned Gunner. "Believe me, with kids, it's a matter of warping as you're being warped." "Quid pro quo," interjected the penguin chick. "That's what he would say. I think I miss him. I didn't want him kidnapped. Even when he was dead, he was so close to me, whispering to me in my dreams, appearing to me in large Technicolor productions when awake, casts of thousands." Again, NickyChick trailed off. "Um," said Leslie, "I think we're upsetting him. Let me tell you what we're here for and we'll get out of his feathers." She explained, that though their Administratium theory had proved wrong, that the UF was still trying to get letters written to TPTB, suggesting that they use their money that they had allotted for movies that year on a Forever Knight movie. "So if y'all could just write a note on the back of one of these flyers and send it off to them, that would really help out." She and Gunner rose, tossing back the rest of their Spanish coffee, and with wary eyes on NickyChick, not wanting to precipitate another angst- attack, said their good-byes and left. Once back in the Eggplant, they sat a moment in silence. "All in all," stated Gunner eventually, "I have to say, compared to what went on in the rest of Toronto, this was rather a quiet War for us." Leslie started the van. "I'm hoping to make it a little louder, at any rate." =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ She'd said goodnight to all of her UFfish companions, as they had trailed off to their various bedrooms after a long discussion about the up-coming party. She waited in the hall, head cocked to one side, as bedroom doors were closed and, no doubt, carefully wrapped packages were discovered on the foots of various beds. The first scream came from Sukh's room, followed by one of sheer agony from Jennifer's. Really, the woman was so vulnerable when it came to fabric and colors. Then a chorus of cries and groans rose from five other rooms and doors began to fly open. Jules popped out first, a burning Evil Pinkness in the form of a t-shirt dangling from her fingertips. She spotted Leslie, whose grin had gone beyond goofy to manic. "You!" she accused, shaking the virulent object in her erstwhile friend's direction. "You're not supposed to attack fellow faction members," cried Michelle, taking a menacing step toward Leslie. Grinning, Leslie backed up a step. "It wasn't an attack. They're presents. To show my appreciation for the tour of the RCMP stables. I really enjoyed standing there for a half an hour, hoping for a red serge clad Nick and/or Lacroix to show up." "A present!?" growled April, holding the shirt away from her in offense. "Offered with affection," replied Leslie, admitting circuitously that she had indeed attacked her fellow UFfers, preparing to bolt. "Oh, you," said Laurey and she threw her balled up shirt at Leslie, who was shortly crouched, laughing, under a shower of six more. Grinning, the other women started to return to their rooms. "Hey, these aren't mine," Leslie protested. "I'm going to leave `em here and anyone walking down this hall is going to get a nasty shock." "Like Nick," said Susan worriedly. The thought of poor Nick facing garments of this Pinkness, this Evilness, sent the UFfers scrambling protectively for their shirts, each bearing away one at arm's length before her to be stuffed deep in the bottom of their suitcases. =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ The addresses to send letters requesting more Forever Knight be considered can be found at: http://jessica.simplenet.com/ktk @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ KTK AND THE MERC (1/1) by April Hackett, with valuable writing assistance from Libby Singleton, and Laurie Schagel Time: after Contact Made Stepping out of the van, April and Laurie walked toward the front door door of the large house, just in time to see several figures being pushed firmly out the door. "What's going on?" April quietly asked Laurie, who made a rude noise in her throat at the appearance of the two figures standing on the front porch. "Ey! Ya don't 'ave ta push!" could be heard as the two figures scurried down the walk. "The Grand High Poohbah finally got some sense, I guess. Looks like the Ratsies are history," she chortled, as they neared the couple. "'Ey, ya droogs, ya ain't 'appen ta see a Natalie runnin' 'bout lookin' fer 'er Screedypoo, 'ave ya," the female of the pair asked. Small and slightly built, April recognized her as being one of the Ratpackers. The Screed sighed. "Miss 'er I do. Miss 'er cuddlin' up to me fer them long summer days. 'Er gentle re-assurances when I ferget me 'ousebreakin'. 'Er backrubs when I acc-o-dent-ally impale meself on wooden picket fences...." "I'm.... sure she does," April said. Laurie leaned over and whispered a suggestion. "I'd *like* that, but can they write their names." "I kin make me mark," Screed said. "I'm not sure we want to go there," Laurie said, exchanging a worried glance with April. " But we'll promise to keep an eye out for your, uhr, lady love *IF* you'll do us a little favor." "Ya mean dew a bit 'o bizness wit us?" Libby asked, excitement showing in her expression and rat-like shaking. "Ya feed our ratsies an' we sweep yar floor sort o' jammy jam? Ooooooooo , I'se like tha'. Wot ya say me Screedy?" "Anythin' fer me tew find me Docsie Wotsie!" "We've found a few Kickstart the Knight flyers we'd like you to sign," April explained, pulling a handful of flyers out of her backpack. "Eeeeoooowwwww!" Libby and Screed exclaimed, sounding amazingly like a pair of disgusted Tracy Vetters. "Me Natsie iz worth it, she is," Screed said, a distracted expression crossing his face, before Libby aroused him with a smash on the arm. Laurie handed them each a pen which were refused. "We got our own," Libby said, pulling a couple of jumbo sized crayons from her backpack. "I want pur-pul," Screed said. "No, tha's mine, it is, you'll take red!" Libby replied. "Pur-pul!" "Red!" "Pur-pul!" "Red!" "Pur-pul!" April smacked Screed's shoulder with her fist. "OWIE!" he exclaimed. "Tha' could 'urt a bloke, it could!" "Take the red or we won't keep an eye out for... your Docsie," Laurie threatened. Sighing, Screed dropped to the ground, and sat Indian fashion. He took a stack of the flyers that April handed to him and started drawing little rats on each as his signature. Libby sat beside him, signing her name in an almost legible fashion. "Ya owe me a'nother kissy, ya dew," Libby muttered to Screed under her breath. "Iffen you find 'is Nat, just put us a note on a shiny pretty thingee," Libby said, as she handed all the signed flyers back to the waiting women. "We'll find it, we will...." The two disappeared as quickly as they'd come. "Ahh, I'm not sure what to make of all that," April said, pointing over her shoulder at the retreating figures as they scurried into the street. "What's even scarier, is I think I understood what they said," she continued, a strange look crossing her face. "I know what you mean," Laurie replied. "That's why we Mercs have special rat proof ear plugs." "Want to buy a pair?" she added. "Never know when they might come in handy, you know" "I don't think so," April answered. "Right. Well, come on then, we don't have a lot of time to accomplish this plan of your," the merc warrior stated, waving her hand toward the door. The two entered Merc Central. April surveyed the main room, and wisely refrained from commenting on the state of the room. It looked suspiciously like some sort of explosion had recently taken place. She was *sure* she didn't want to know, especially when she realized what she thought had been a shadow was really a scurrying rat. In fact, there seemed to be an awful lot of rats around. Several Mercs lolled around, munching on chocolate, watching tv, and totally ignoring the surrounding mess - and Laurie and April. "Hey, guys, wake up!" Laurie shouted. Everyone totally ignored her. "April, give me those chocolate bars." April produced a few Cadbury bars from her bag, which Laurie waved under the Mercs' noses. The four Mercs instantaneously perked up. Well, maybe not *perked*, but sat up straighter. "Hmm, that's interesting, chocolate kind of works like smelling salts for mercs," April softly muttered to herself. "Guys, this is ... April." She waved at her companion. The four Mercs did not seem impressed. "If she's April, where's May and June?" Wooby snickered. The other Mercs giggled. April remained silently. "Remember, I told you I'd be bringing her by so we could sign petitions for Kickstart the Knight, the campaign to get us more FK." Laurie told them. More FK? Four pairs of eyes glazed over. Laurie waved the Cadbury bars at them. "Now, even though it's a good cause, *I* have arranged for us to be paid for this task." Laurie had spent a bit of time pondering this; in fact, the Mercs might have considered signing for free, if Laurie had given April that option. Which she, being a good merc, had not. The Mercs sat up even straighter. "Let's do it over here." Laurie pointed to a large table; part of which was clearly singed. "Laurie, why does it smell like someone had a campout in here?" April whispered, following her friend over to the table. "We had a little accident earlier. It's nothing..." she replied. Lisa Reeves and Dawn Steele got up and followed Laurie over to the table. "Where's this flyer you want signed," Lisa asked as several more mercs appeared, drawn by the smell of the chocolate bar Laurie had ripped open. "Hummm, that looks good, Laurie," one said. "Yeh, it smells even better," Wooby stated from the back of the small crowd of mercs. "Is that Cadbury's chocolate?" someone asked, as sniffing could be heard from the crowd. "Here's the flyers and a couple of pens. If you all would just write something along the lines of stating you want more Forever Knight and then sign the flyer, that would be great!" April said, stepping back away from the table. As the mercs moved in on the table, April fished around inside her backpack. "Laurie?" she called. When her friend joined her a short distance away from the table, April said, "Here's the chocolate bars for them. I'm going to leave it up to you to hand them out. Hope you don't mind." "Ah, no, April! I don't mind a bit," Laurie responded, her eyes growing big, as the bars mounted up in her hands. She smiled as she slipped them into a small bag that mysteriously appeared right on cue. Looking back at the table, April and Laurie noticed that there was only one merc left at the table, signing. Walking over, Virginia Foster added the last flourish to her name and moved back to the tv. "Well, that looks like the last one," April stated, very glad to be finished. She didn't think she could handle the smell much longer, although none of the Mercs seemed to notice the entire place smelled like a barbecue. Now she had to worry about how she was going to get home again. "Wait, I haven't signed yet," Laurie said, reaching for the pen and a fly= er. Just then, a loud crashing sound could be heard coming from the front entryway. Laurie added the last flourish to her name and looked back, frowning. "What is going on back there?" she muttered. Handing the flyer to April, who added it to the others in her backpack, Laurie moved to the door, looking for the cause of the disturbance. "Ah, hum... April, I believe this is for you," Laurie said and moved quickly out of the way. "What?" April replied, looking up, only to see an angry Nick standing in the threshold of the room. "What did you think you were doing, running off without telling anyone where you were going?" Nick demanded, moving into the room. "I did tell someone where I was going!" April shot back, annoyed at Nick's tone of voice. "Saying your meeting your *Merc contact* is *not* telling us where you're going!" Nick insisted, his voice growing louder. "Nick, I've been taking care of mys..." April began to argue, when she suddenly remembered the surrounding Mercs, who seemed much too interested in her conversation. Several had Mercly gleams in their eyes; who knew what they were plotting? "Come on, I'm taking you home," Nick ordered, as he took hold of April's arm and began to pull her out of the room. "Wait...wait... Here, Laurie. Here's your payment," April hurriedly said, placing 8 bars of chocolate in her friend's hands. As Nick propelled her toward the front door, April yelled over her shoulder, "Ah, thanks, Laurie. And I'm sorry about the scene." The Mercs watched as the vampire hurried his assumed charge out of their house, still arguing. "Nick, I'm a big girl. Nick? What are you doing?! Oh, *daammnn!" could be heard through the open door to be replaced by the whoosh of displaced air. "Man, Laurie, you really know how to pick 'em," Dawn muttered. She turned her attention to the chocolate in Laurie's hand, dismissing the visitors from her mind. "Now, you said we were being paid? I want my chocolate and I want it now." @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ TALK THE TALK (1/1) By Sukh Time: after Kickstarting the Knight Sukh sat on her balcony staring at the ever present full moon, sipping a nice Chianti. So far things had been, interesting this WAR, but she was beginning to feel restless. Little sleep and her cats seem to have gotten lost in the cavernous old house were not improving her mood. She was tired and still had to change into her costume. Of course she had also been locked in the multimedia room watching third season episodes. Some of those episodes were just downright maddening. Laurey wandered over and sat across from her. "What's wrong?" Sukh shrugged. "I just watched Last Knight again. I always get kinda sad." Laurey sighed. "I know what you mean." "I never did figure out why-" Why what?" Nick stepped out of the shadows. Sukh and Laurey jumped. " I hate when you do that." "Sorry." Nick didn't look very sorry. HE pulled up another chair. "So what were you wondering?" "Umm," Sukh cleared her throat. "The one thing that bugged me the most was the way Nat and you..." Nick raised one eyebrow. "Well, to be blunt, its seemed to me to be a case of premature exsanguination." Sukh closed her eyes, waiting for the deathblow. "You mean that she didn't enjoy it?" Nick looked rather discomforted. "Well, yeah." Nick looked off , staring at the moon. "I waited six years to taste Nat. I never thought I would, but with all that had happened that night...." "I'm sorry, I brought it up." Sukh ran her finger along the rim of her wine glass. "She did enjoy it." Laurey and Sukh looked at Nick. " I could taste her pleasure." "Yeah but, it was only an arm lick." Sukh shrugged. Laurey looked at Sukh, shocked. He took Sukh's arm. "Have you ever had a good arm lick?" He leaned over and undid her sleeve, his nostrils flared. "Vanilla." Sukh was frozen in place as he lowered his blonde head and trailed his lips up her arm, his cool tongue a cold fire. He nuzzled the curve of her elbow, and she gasped at the feel his moist mouth. She closed her eye, her head lolling back at the brush of fangs. Fangs? Sukh's eyes shot open. He tilted his head to look at her, his eyes flashing gold. "Now you understand." Then he was gone. Laurey looked at Sukh. "And you thought LaCroix was the dangerous one." Sukh downed the rest of her wine with a trembling hand. @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ A MOMENT TO MYSELF (1/1) by Laurey (Fenris) Time: shortly before Cooks in the Kitchen Timeline? What bloody timeline? The roof of the stable was bathed in silvery moonlight, making it easy for Laurey to pick her way across the occasional slipped shingle until she reached the peak of the roof, and sat down on the gently slanted surface. 'Mmmmm, a few minutes alone,' she thought, and reclined, stretching lazily. She was having a wonderful time here, and she had become very fond of the other UFfers, but she was used to having time alone to relax and recharge. The fact that the house was bugged by the Don had prevented her from feeling comfortable by herself in her bedroom. The only room in the place that wasn't bugged was the library, and that had become, by unspoken agreement among the UFfers, a place reserved for Lacroix and Nick to talk in. There was a swoosh of air overhead, and she heard a heavy weight land on the shingles behind her. A few seconds later, a large shaggy head nosed under her elbow and nudged her arm up so that her hand was resting on the broad furry forehead. "Hey, Perry." She sat up, pulled the Golden Retriever into a hug, then hauled him over on his side and scratched his chest. Perry closed his eyes and lolled his tongue out, in doggy Nirvana. From the side of the roof where the ladder she had used to climb up rested, she could hear growling, and could see the top of the ladder shaking a bit. Tybalt's foxy head appeared over the top of the ladder and he scrambled onto the roof and trotted over to his mommy. Laurey sighed. "Wherever I go, it's a convention." She *really* wanted to be by herself for just a bit. With an effort, she rolled the heavy Golden over and swatted his rump lightly. "C'mon, Perry. I really need to be alone for just a little while. Would you be a really, *really* good boy and take Tibby for a run? Just keep him out of the street, OK? That's a honey, good boy." Perry sighed, got to his feet, touched his nose to her cheek and turned to Tybalt. Gently, he picked the offended Schipperke up by the ruff of his neck, and leaped into the air. Laurey smiled fondly after the two dogs. Oh, she was going to miss Perry if he had to go back when (and if) the rift closed. She fought down threatening tears, and concentrated on listening to the sounds of the surrounding darkness. The noise of traffic was muted up here on the mansion grounds. Breathing deeply, she began to relax, *finally*. Off in the wooded area to the west of the grounds, she heard a distinctive light "Toot, toot... toot, toot, toot", like a single repeated flute note. A Northern saw-whet owl. She smiled and wished she could go and find the diminutive owl. It would just fit into her hand, and they were so tame... There was a swoosh of air overhead, and she heard a heavy weight land on the shingles behind her. She sighed, and crooked her arm out at an angle, hand raised, for Perry to stick his head under. A cold, vicelike hand gripped her wrist, and a low sibilant voice spoke in her ear. "You've learned to shake hands, how clever." She sucked her breath in with a gasp and spun around, heart in her mouth, to find herself almost nose to nose with an amused-looking Lacroix. Her balance was lost, and she would have slid down and off the roof but for the iron hand around her wrist. It took her a few seconds to gather her wits, and fight down the first instinctive but suicidal urge to grab one of the loose shingles with her free hand and lambaste the ancient vampire upside his ancient head. In a low, shaky voice she said, "Could you do me a favor and fly up there and get my heart for me? I think it landed near the top of one of those pine trees." He chuckled and released her wrist. "May I ask what you're doing up here? Why are you not buzzing about the apiary with your comrades?" She shrugged, settling down on the roof again. "I came out here to be alone for a bit." She started to chuckle, surprising the old vampire, "And I can tell you, it's *not* working." He raised his eyebrows. "My apologies. I'll leave you to your meditations." Looking up, he tensed, ready to fly. Without thinking, she put out her hand and touched his calf, saying, "No, it's okay. Please, stay." He looked at her piercingly, then shrugged and lowered himself to sit just above her. Laurey winced internally and berated herself. 'Bonehead. What did you do that for? I haven't the faintest idea what to say to this man now that he's sitting here. Arg.' The owl began his tooting call again and she cocked her head, listening, glad for the distraction. Suddenly a mental switch clicked over in her head, and she found her voice. Lacroix was looking at her, expectant. She pointed toward the sound. "Saw-whet. Wish I could go visit with him, they're awfully pretty." Lacroix frowned. "Saw...whet? Do you mean the bird that's calling?" Surprised that he didn't know, she nodded. "Uh, yeah. It's an owl. A really tiny one about this size." She held her hands about a half foot apart. "They're really tame, if you can find them and you move slow and don't mean them any harm, sometimes they let you pick them up and hold them." "I see, you're a bird watcher. An interesting hobby," he said in a voice that indicated he thought it was anything but. "Tell me something, my dear." Uh-oh, she thought, where are we going now? He continued. "You wanted to talk to me earlier, just after I arrived the first time, didn't you? What did you want to say to me?" When she didn't answer, he pressed on. "Some pithy observation about my relationship with my son, which you all seem to be quite entranced with? Some advice intended to make myself or Nicholas 'see the light' as it were, about some point you wished to make? Or some observation on the nature of vampires calculated to bring me to some revelation about my nature which I was unable to reach on my own, over the last millennium or so?" His tone grew increasingly sarcastic as he warmed up to his topic. Laurey waited it out patiently, trying to think of how she could put her thoughts into speech in a way that wouldn't further piss off the increasingly annoyed vampire. "Well?" he demanded. In as mild a tone as she could manage, she said, "Ummm, no, actually. I don't know you anywhere near that well to want to talk about anything like that. No, what I wanted to talk about was..." She paused, then her eyes lit up and she said, "Aurochs. What did they look like? What did they *sound* like?" He stared at her, nonplused. "Aurochs?" She edged closer, suddenly animated. "Yes, aurochs! And wolves, wolves were common in Europe then. What was their behavior like, was it different from American wolves? Did you see any of the other extinct animals, like dodos, or moas? Were moas really eleven, twelve feet tall?" He put up a hand to stop her sudden flood of questions. "I hate to disappoint you, but I have little to recount about aurochs. They were wild cattle. We hunted them and ate them in Rome. I believe they tasted like beef, not chicken... really, I have always avoided the 'great outdoors.' I find its charms greatly overrated. And, I have never sought out the company of animals. I prefer the study of the human animal, that is one subject that never ceases to amaze me." Quelled, she looked at him silently for a moment, then said, "That's too bad. It's sad that you didn't notice those things. They shouldn't have been forgotten." She hesitated, then went on. "Don't you care about the world? With your powers, you know, you could take a handful of years, a blink to you, and you could persuade people in governments to put laws into action to preserve what we have left, before we just poison it all. What are you going to do for food if the humans make this world unviable for life, if they kill themselves off eventually. It's not that far away. You'll live to see it, anyway." He seemed to be considering, then sighed. "My dear, I am not political. Not anymore, anyway. It's certainly not in me to become the tree-huggers' secret weapon, I have other things to occupy my time. " She opened her mouth to protest, when Jules' voice spoke up from below them. "Laurey? Hey, Laurey, is that you on the roof? Stop hiding, woman. We gotta start decorating and baking, and all that good stuff! Get down here!" The top of the ladder shook, and Jules' head popped up over the edge of the roof moments later. "Hey, Dr. Smith, get down here, there's work to be done." Then she stopped dead as she realized who else was up on the roof with Laurey. Rolling her eyes and waving her hands, she started apologizing, (but not backing down the ladder). "Oh, man, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything. Hey, take your time, I'll tell folks you're busy, really." Laurey groaned, and said, "Jules, Jules, relax, will ya? We were just talking, and," She paused, and looked back. The roof was empty except for herself. "And we were pretty much done. Let's go get ready, go, go," she waved her hands at Jules, who started back down the ladder. Sighing, she started to follow Jules down the splintery old ladder. Jules waited for her to get to the ground, then started to apologize again. "Really Lor, I'm so sorry I interrupted you." Laurey sighed and put a hand on Jules' shoulder. "Really, Jules, you weren't interrupting *anything*." She paused for a second, then grinned and added, "Darn it." @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ COOKS IN THE KITCHEN (1/1) by April Hackett Time: sometime after "Strike Up the Party!" Jennifer leaned back against the counter and wiped her hand across her forehead. "How is that batch of cookies comin'," she asked. "Almost ready. Have you heard from the caterers about the main spread yet?" April asked, looking up from the bowl she was stirring, and laughed. "Yeah, they said they'll be here later," Susan piped up, as she pulled several trays out of the double oven. "They've already sent all the balloons and paper products for the party. Several of the others are hanging the streamers and balloons now." She looked over at Laurey too, and started laughing. "All right! What's so funny?" Laurey asked, reaching for a large, shiny pot so she could see what they were laughing at. Pulling it to her, the large white streaks through her hair and across her face were visible, but distorted in the bottom of the pan. "What can I say," she laughed in reply. "I'm a great cook, but a messy one." @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ COOKS IN THE KITCHEN (1/1) By Laurey (Fenris) Time: Immediately following Cooks in the Kitchen (Timeline? What timeline?) Laurey put the pot back on the stove, and said, "That's it, I've got to go wash this gunk out of my hair so I can get ready for the party. Would somebody be a ducky, or a honey, or whatever and take my stuff out of the oven when the timer goes off?" "No problem," said Susan, still chuckling. Laurey walked out of the kitchen. A moment later April and Susan both started laughing when they heard Laurey yell as she headed up the stairs. "BLAH! I'M ALL STICKY!! I *LOATHE* BEING ALL STICKY - oh. Hi, Nick." Silence. Susan and April looked at each other, then started laughing twice as hard as before. @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ CLEARLY CANADIAN ROSE WATER (1/1) By Jennifer Brown Hugs to Susan for being a good sport. Thanks to April for beta reading Takes place after "Cooks in the Kitchen" Susan thought to herself in the living room. She headed to the kitchen, following her nose. She tried to push the kitchen door open, but much to her surprise it was locked. She starting kicking the door. "Hey, open up!!" she shouted. "Who is it?" yelled April. "It's Susan," she shouted back. The door was quickly unlocked and she was pulled in. Susan started looking around in amazement. Their was food everywhere. She started salivating and her stomach growled. "What's wrong?" Laurey demanded, carefully decorating a cake. "I'm hungry," she said, her stomach growling loudly. "No kidding. I heard that all the way over here," Jennifer said from the sink. "If it's food you want you've come to the right place. Sit. It will be my pleasure to serve you, Madam." she said in her best French accent. She quickly fixed her plate and place it in front her. "Bon Appetit!" "Oh god, this is so good." Susan sighed between mouthfulls. "Do you have anything to drink?" "Fridge is full. Help yourself." said April, her hands full of cookie dough. Stuffing a shrimp eggroll into her mouth, she opened the door. A bewildering section of beverages stared back at her. she thought, spying a water bottle on the table. She poured herself a glass full and took a healthy swig. She quickly drained her glass and refilled it. "Hey Jennifer?" "Yo." "What do they put in the water up here? This stuff tastes great! It's like drinking roses. They should bottle this stuff and sell it." Susan said finshing her third glass. Jennifer started at her for a moment, her eyes quickly darting to the water bottle on the table. She closed her eyes and started to count to ten in French. "Is there something wrong?" Susan asked, finishing of her last glass of water and putting her empty plate in the sink. "Wrong? Why, no Susan, there's nothing wrong. You just drank the main ingredient to my desert," Jennifer, said her voice getting louder with each word. "Oops, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drink it, but it was so good. Really rosy tasting. They should really think about bottling that stuff. Can I run out ot the store and get you some more?" Susan asked anxiously. "No, not unless you want to jump on a plane and head to Bombay, India. Don't worry Susan, I'll improvise. I'm sure I can think of something," Jennifer muttered, sitting down rapidly thinking. Laurey handed her a glass of honey mead and patted her on the shoulders. "Ya know, " she said to April as she was steered to the door, "I'm going to write to Clearly Canadain and suggest Rose Water as a new favour. What do you think?" "Sounds like plan." April said gently, pushing her out, closing the door and locking it. @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ BUSTED... (1/1) By Laurey Set shortly after "Cooks in the Kitchen" Laurey finished blow-drying her hair, fluffing it up so it became a wavy silver mane. Positioning the black beret just so, she pinned it in place, then admired the effect in the mirror. "I'm glad I ditched the Lois Lane getup. I *like* this." No one was looking, so she gave a little bounce, and then headed downstairs. Jules was having a bit of trouble getting her hair to behave in a sufficiently Billy Idol-ish manner, maybe she would go down and see if all the music they wanted had been pulled and stacked up, that would save their leathergal DJ some time. "Don't want to be scrambling around looking for a tune and letting the party die down while we look." =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ Sukh and Michelle came down the hall, carrying baskets of table favors. Close behind them came April and Susan, carefully balancing trays of desserts, and Nick, who was obligingly helping to carry the heavy platters of catered food. As they approached the entranceway to the cafe, they could hear the sound of the Eric Clapton version of "After Midnight", turned up very loud, coming out of the cafe. They stopped in the entranceway and looked into the cafe proper. Laurey was in the center of the room, oblivious to everything but the music, dancing. She was wearing a short tight black skirt slit up one side, a tight yellow and black striped scoop neck top, black gartered stockings and a black beret perched on her head, her hair teased into a wild silver mane underneath it. She started seriously bumping and grinding, then as the bemused UFfers and Nick watched, made her way onto a chair, then up onto a table, where she continued her dance. "Wow, she's really getting into that Apache dancer thing, isn't she? And she was such a shy little thing at the DK party," said Sukh, grinning. "She doesn't know we're here, does she?" whispered Nick. April looked at him for a second, then said, "Nooo, I don't think she does, Nick." He smiled a decidedly wicked smile at her, and April melted, thinking, `Lacroix should see him now, he'd be so pleased.' Jules came up behind them and said in normal tones, "Hey, what's going on here? You guys get stuck in the doorway or something?" The others frantically shushed her, and Sukh gestured her up toward the doorway, holding a finger in front of her lips. "Shhh, come here, you've gotta see this." Leslie, who had seen the performance with Jules as she approached, came up and jockeyed for position with Jules as they peeked into the cafe and saw the impromptu floor show. At that point it looked like Laurey was about to get into it to the point where she was going to start losing clothes. As she started to draw her top up over her head, Sukh and Michelle simultaneously said, "Oh, no," and barged into the room, Michelle saying loudly, "Hey Laurey, where should we put this stuff?" Laurey froze in mid-gyration, and slowly lowered her hands, letting her top fall back into place. She looked at the group of grinning UFfers, then at the grinning Nick and came about as close to fainting as she had ever come in her life. Her first thought, after "Eeeep!" was, "Dropping dead would be a nice option right now, God." But God wasn't letting her off the hook that easily. "BUS-ted!" Michelle sang as she came up to the stunned Laurey. "We couldn't resist, ma cherie! You look so cute in your leetle Apache dansair getup." Laurey groaned, and wished heartily that she had worn the Lois Lane outfit. "Isn't this where you drag Gunner around the floor? You want to borrow my whip?" Sukh asked. "Just think," grinned Jules as she adjusted the red bandanna around her wrist, "Nothing else you do this evening will be this embarrassing; you can do whatever you want, now!" "Maybe I can drink a *lot" and I'll just blank it all out," Laurey said hopefully, eyeing the bar. "That's OK," said Sukh, "I got it on film, we can remind you." She held up her 35mm Minolta, grinned and fled. "SUKH, YOU COME BACK HERE WITH THAT! -- Oh, crap!" Laurey kicked off her high heels and took off in hot pursuit. @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ A TOKEN OF APPRECIATION (1/1) By: Lisa Clevenger AKA Sukh Sukh looked at herself in the full-length mirror checking out her outfit. "Looking like quite the Ravenette," she commented to her reflection with a smile. Her midnight colored regency dress was a princess cut, with a velvet bodice and small puffed sleeves. The scooped neck complimented her generous bust and the rest of the dress was a raw silk the skirt had a small train and was covered with small white rhinestones that glittered like stars. Dark stocking and matching blue velvet dancing slippers finished off the outfit with style. She patted her upswept hair and adjusted a curl over one ear. A regency hair style, compliments of the Don and a very well paid hair dresser that did house calls. "You look quite ravishing," a familiar voice commented as she whirled around in total panic. "Janette would be envious." The tall blonde vampire stepped out of the shadows of the French doors of her balcony. LaCroix! Sukh struggled to breathe, the rush of hormone laced adrenaline tightening her throat. She turned to face LaCroix, hiding her shaking hands behind her back. His amused blue gaze leapt out of the dark to spear her. "Umm," her voice cracked. "Hello." She wanted to bolt, but didn't. She wouldn't look much like a leader flat on her behind after falling on her long skirts. "Sukh," he rolled her name around in his mouth, savoring it in a way that made her feel like sun warmed honey. "I have a gift for you. Something to show my appreciation for the efforts to resolve the relationship between me and my," he paused, a small bemused smile crossing his full mouth. "Prodigal son." He steepled his fingers and touched his chin for a moment, a length of midnight blue velvet dangled over his pale hands. "This is for you." With a deft hand motion, he presented her with a necklace. "Turn around." She did as he requested, wondering if it was a good idea to turn her back on LaCroix. She shivered at the first cold brush of LaCroix's fingers. Something encircled her neck. She closed her eyes as his hand traced down her nape for a brief moment. "Enjoy." He whispered. Sukh felt the soft touch of his mouth at her racing pulse, and then he was gone. A velvet choker graced her neck with a small silver reproduction of the Unnamed Faction badge. Sukh smiled as she touched it with trembling fingertips. "Hey Sukh! Get a move on." Jules burst into her room as slid to a wide eyed stop. "Where did you get...?" She was politely cut short. "He gave it to me. For our efforts to get him and Nick talking." Sukh turned and grabbed her opera gloves, pulling them on with unsteady hands. "...He...? HIM, he?! Oh, man! Lady... I wish I coulda opted for UF WAR Leader!" Jules exasperated, trailing behind her friend. "So, you gonna let me wear it sometime?" Once more bluntly stating her desires. "You never know." Sukh pulled on her feathered mask and turned to Jules. "Okay, girl, let's go." @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ MASQUERADE (1/1) By Leslie GrantSmith, Unnamed Set after "Busted...", sometime on what would be Wednesday evening. A spill of laughing guests into the front foyer, a novel blend of mortal and vampire as the Dark Knighties arrive... ...eyes glitter behind masks, faces transformed by theatrical paint... ...more guests arrive, delighted introductions made... ...flashes of glitter, splashes of green, red, purple, gold, the luster of black silk, a flutter of feathers... ...words of welcome and glad recognition spoken, embraces made... ...music fills the bar, Jules as Billy Idol, draped in The Cape, intently focused on her CD selection... ...tables pushed back to clear a dance floor line the walls, laden with food, a number flavored with the Hive's signature honey... ...Depeche Mode's "Insight" leading dancers to swirl about the floor... ...sweeping swathes of cloth, sleekly fitted garments, costumes whimsical and fantastic, mythical creatures no more fascinating than the beings prowling among the mortals, gracious in their restraint... ..."Wisdom of ages rush over me heighten my senses enlighten me lead me on eternally"... ...a goofily grinning woman in a tux works quickly behind the bar filling drink orders, while Kelly, in a red, off the shoulder gown Janette would be caught dead in offers tips on how to make perfect Bloody Maries... ...vampiric senses heightened, aroused by the mortal warmth around them, the blood/wine mixes, selected exactingly by the UF's Lacroix, gratefully savored... ..."And the spirit of love is rising within me talking to you now telling you clearly the fire still burns"... ...a small black dog dashing about the floor, peering with a doggy smile out the mouth of a dragon mask... ...Laurey leads a slightly startled but appreciative Nick in a burning Apache dance, triggering attempts at imitation through the rest of the dancers... ...Sarah McLachlan's "Possession" soars heart wrenchingly over the dancers, who embrace, dancing slowly... ..."Listen as the wind blows From across the great divide, Voices trapped in yearning, Memories trapped in time"... ...the rustle of satin, the creak of leather... ..."The night is my companion, The solitude my guide, Would I spend forever here And not be satisfied?"... ...two cats sit perched high on the top shelf over the bar, wide eyes enigmatic as they watch the swirling crowd... ..."Through this world I stumble, So many times betrayed, Trying to find an honest word To fight the truth enslaved"... ...cool, heavy gazes observe the swaying dancers, the stony masks of their own faces concealing their thoughts... ..."Oh, you speak to me in riddles And you speak to me in rhymes, My body aches to breathe your breath, Your words keep me alive"... ...Maus, a woman all of green, sits in intent quiet conversation with a Nicholas just met... ..."And I would be the one to hold you down, Kiss you so hard, I'll take your breath away. And after I wipe away the tears, Just close your eyes..." ...the raucous "What You Need" by INXS shifts the dancers into a higher gear, feet, hips, shoulders driven by the insinuating bass... ...a group of Nicks sit around a table sharing shot glasses of animals' blood - bear, lion, eagle, dolphin - it is decided wolf is best and it is mixed with a heady brandy... ..."This is what you need I'll give you what you need"... ...a bemused but patient Perry is stalked by Sukh's female cat, arc- backed, sideways-sidling... ...a teasing UF Nick, gently tugging on one of Julia's seven veils, wheedling a dance from the blushing Salome... ...a civil, though slightly sibilant ... discussion of fledgling rearing practices between two Lacroixs is delicately interrupted by an offer of an exceptionally fine vintage... ...Sukh, in an elegant Regency gown, whirled until dizzy and breathless by Lacroix, ice blue eyes glittering beneath a domino mask... ..."I'll take you, I'll take you, where you wanna be"... ...laughter ripples as Susan, a tiny Bad Wolf pounced on the much taller April's Big Red Riding Hood... ...multi-layered vanilla cake topped with a cream cheese and honey frosting, a tiny sugar castle sat on top surrounded by a little green forest of frosting trees painstakingly placed, burning candles ringing the bottom layer as a surprisingly harmonious `Happy Birthday' is sung to Wendy Marie, a smiling princess in purple... ...surprised by "Moonlight Serenade," the dancers pause a moment, before the UF Lacroix sweeps the red gowned Kelly onto the dance floor, where they are quickly joined by other waltzers... ...it's not over until the Sun rises and this is Forever Knight... @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ End Part 7, 25-26. Continued in Part 7, 27.