@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ Sunday, June 15th, 1997 @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ REALIZATION DAWNS, BUT DAY DOESN'T (1/2) By Michelle David, with assistance from Julia Kocich and Kelly Green Takes place after "The Swarm Descends" "Anyone in there?" An auburn haired woman answered the door. "Oh, hi, Michelle." She studied the UFer for a moment. "Weren't you at the Sutton Place with Leslie and Julia?" Michelle entered the bar, carrying her Huny Pot under one arm, with her laptop and suitcase fighting for room by her other arm. "Yeah. I took a cab back," she said. "A cab?" Maus asked. "Why?" Michelle had a brief flashback to the hotel, a flashback in which she had decided that rather than having to be in the same room with Julia and Leslie, she'd rather be in the quietness of the unexplored mansion. "It's more peaceful here," she said. Maus shrugged and helped her set up her laptop in the bar. =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ "And the spirit of love is rising within me, talking to you now, telling you clearly the fire still burns..." Michelle sang along to the Depeche Mode song on the stereo, glad she had brought along her CD collection. To her annoyance, other than CERK, no radio station seemed worth listening to. Her laptop was set up on a glass table in the bar, and the owner was sitting in front of it, shoulders relaxed and her hands busily typing, long neck straining slightly to let the woman see the small screen accurately. Michelle smiled happily as the computer beeped, notifying her that the internet connection on her laptop had gone through. Taking a sip of the Dr. Pepper (breakfast of champions and computer junkies), she hit 'Check Mail'. "Mph! 130 messages? Falafel," the woman exclaimed, the corners of her lips creasing into a frown. The Eudora marquee showed the message titles as they downloaded, and she read a few of them aloud to no one in particular. "WAR: Forever Friday Knight... War?" "Yo, Maus, do you know if they keep any asprin here?" "Check the bathroom," Maus reasonably suggested. "Ooh, good idea," Michelle replied, standing and heading to the bathroom. Once there, she searched the medicine cabinet. "Cool. Bee pollen," she announced. Apparently, even the medicine cabinet had been stocked before their arrival. Taking the container, she slipped it into the front pocket of her jeans and continued her search for the asprin. Finding it, she took two with a glass of water. Drinking the rest of the water, she stared at herself in the mirror. A rather tall woman, she appeared almost spindly rather than imposing. She was much more confident battling people behind a monitor than in RL! If it was indeed war, than it would be her first. "I'm not ready," she whined softly. Shaking her head, Michelle headed over to the bar, noting no one was tending it right now. "Hm. Wonder who can bartend..." "Hi, April," she greeted her fellow UFer, who was apparently on a mini-crusade in the fridge. "What are you looking for?" She grabbed a handful of pretzels from a large bowl. Yum. Pretzels. Salt. Preservatives. Life. "Umm... a decaffinated coke?" Michelle smirked, and used her best LaCroix voice, which was a brutal, savage mangling of the velvety utterances. "Yes... I don't recall any of the staff reporting a decaffinat-" "Never mind," April replied quickly, grabbing a regular carbonated beverage and facing the other. "What's up?" she asked, curious. "Nothing much. You?" April shook her head and took a long sip from the Coke. "Oh, did you know that a war's going on ri-" A thin spray of coke covered her. "Ew," she exclaimed, grabbing a dishtowel and futilely trying to wipe at it. "That's real silk," she said, while April attempted to catch her breath. "Really? War?" she asked. The cheerful ping sounded on her computer over the CD, and both looked that way. "Check it out," Michelle said, heading to her computer. "Do they charge you if time's standing still? They can't keep records... Free internet time." "Good thinking!" Maus commented from the other side of the table. Michelle cringed as she saw the incredible volume of posts in her mailbox, each subject neatly preceeded by the header "WAR". She opened the first message and began to read intently. "We've gotta tell everyone else," April quickly announced. "I'm panicking already..." "About what?" asked Jules. She wore her UF t-shirt proudly, and was carrying a glass of mead with her. "Cool," said April, displaying that she also wore the shirt, that which contained Nick and LaCroix... holding hands... smiling... both leaning forward slightly... (sorry, this writer is not going to be able to continue on that subject). "WAR!!!" yelled a new voice. Wendy Marie ran in, waving around Jules' LaCroix bear. "I just checked my email-" "Hey, let go of that!" Jules snapped, grabbing the bear from Wendy Marie. "You know how possessive I am about my FK stuff." Wendy Marie pouted. "Hey, who has the picture of the Nick and LC bears on their site? Besides," she added, her mouth crinkling into a smile, "Check out what Perry and Tybalt did to your cape..." "Whaa--" Jules' face briefly flushed before she regained her composure. "Yeah right. Laurey wouldn't let them near my stuff... I bought LC's cape from BtK, and will physically hurt those dogs if they do anything. I've got my wooden stake." "War?" yet another voice asked, smaller than Wendy's bellow. "Hi, Susan," April greeted her friend. Susan came in and took an iced tea from the fridge before joining the congregation. April took a quick head count, then said, "Where's Laurey, Jen, Jennifer, Toby, Leslie, Julia, and Sukh?" Susan answered automatically. "Sukh and Laurey are looking around the stables. Jennifer and Jen are in the East Wing; the art collection. Toby's getting us some groceries, and Julia and Leslie are at Sutton Place." "Susan, please go get Jennifer and Jen. April, call Sutton Place; they're staying in room 1228, naturally. Wendy Marie, get Sukh and Laurey, check the stables." "There's no horses," April interjected. "But Susan says the two are checking it out. Please. I've gotta stand here and order everyone around." "Why?" asked Wendy Marie, still annoyed that she was being denied the LaCroix bear. "Because I teach middle school. I know how to order people around," answered Jules cooly. "*And*, I'm your ride back to the States." Wendy Marie automatically went to her ordered destination. @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ REALIZATION DAWNS, BUT DAY DOESN'T (2/2) By Michelle David, with assistance from Julia Kocich and Kelly Green Takes place after "The Swarm Descends" A knock on the door startled Michelle out of her message reading. "Don't get it!" she said, as Maus started to head to the door. "Why not?" queried the curious Maus. "It's *war*. Who knows who it could be?" Maus rolled her eyes. "We haven't done anything to anyone," she said, opening the door before Michelle could respond. A blonde woman, carrying a guitar case and suitcase, looked in. "Um, hi... I'm Rebecca..." Michelle instantly stood up, thoughts of Dying for Fame's jail scene in her head. "Hi, Rebecca." Jules walked up to the woman, inquisitive. "Why are you here?" Rebecca dug into her jeans pocket. "I got this letter, from Nick, asking me to perform here for about a week..." Michelle took the letter, and opened the crisp papers, examining the letter carefully. It *seemed* legitimate... She looked at Rebecca. "So what, you're just going to perform for a week or two and out of here?" She shrugged. "Yeah..." Jules smiled broadly. "Great. Want something to drink?" =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ "Weeiiirddd," Leslie intoned, entering the Hive with Julia, Leslie carrying a smallish case with her. She glanced behind her before closing the door. "It's still dark outside." April looked up from the phone, and set the receiver down. "How did you get here do fast?" she asked the two. Leslie gestured to the case in her arms. "Checked my email," she explained, heading over to the fridge. "And I was unceremoniously pulled from the Sutton Place," Julia muttered under her breath, grabbing an iced tea and sitting down at the bar. Leslie glanced at her friend. "Oh come on, you're still sore that I kidnapped you forcibly from your job at the Met during a critical time and now you have no means to return?" Julia glared at her. "No, I just thought about the fact that I'm probably going to get a life sentence for your murder." Leslie pushed the phone on the bar over to her. "Call them," she said. "We're not paying the phone bill, after all." She glanced at Sukh, who just had arrived with Laurey and Wendy Marie. "Are we?" Sukh shook her head. Shrugging, Julia picked up the phone and dialed up the Metropalitan Opera House. "Hello... this is Julia Kocich, I need to speak to..." Her face became confused. "What?" She listened to the other end for some time. After a while, she said, "Thank you very much," and hung up, a puzzled look on her face. "What?" asked Leslie, handing her a can. "Have a coke, my unsuited friend." Julia looked up. "They said they're giving me a two week vacation..." Leslie smiled. "See? No need to worry." Of course, that only doubled the anxiety Julia was experiencing. Toby came out from the kitchen. "I'd worry, if it was a war," he said. "Beer?" offered Leslie from behind the bar. "Please." Leslie handed it to him. "So, any wise words?" Toby shrugged. "Don't get killed, for one." Jules rolled her eyes. "Do you take requests?" asked Maus of the singer, who had set herself up onstage. "Sure. What do you want?" Maus and Michelle exchanged smiles, and simultaneously said, "Possession." They both shared in their current love of Sarah McLachlan's haunting voice. "And I would be the one to hold you down... kiss you so hard, I'll take your breath away..." Susan, Jen, and Jennifer arrived from the East Wing. Jennifer listened the Rebecca's beautiful voice for a moment with a smile on her face. "Into the sea of waking dreams I follow without pride..." "Yo, Jennifer," Leslie said, shaking her out of her trance. Julia, now free of the handcuffs and some of her worry, leaned forward and looked at the computer screen. "We were in Toronto by complete coincidence, then the war began..." "How do you know it's a complete coincidence?" asked Sukh curiously, staring at the posts. "I mean, we were all here in one area and suddenly there's a war... awfully convenient." "First off, figure out why time stopped!" April said quickly. "I'll bet it's a conspiracy by the goverment..." "," Susan whispered quietly to her. "Why all of these duplicates are appearing!" added Wendy Marie. Laurey cast a look at Rebecca, who was singing "The Dark Side of the Glass" now. "So, you think that-" she made a quick gesture to the performer "-is a clone?" Leslie frowned slightly. "According to these posts, they aren't clones, but they're more like... that Michael Keaton movie... you know, each one of them is totally different. Some people are getting incredible fantasy versions of their Nicks, LaCroixs, etc., but others are getting incredibly weird versions that only come with a mead or ribena overdose dream..." Michelle nodded in agreement. "Then, that means we're going to have a couple of... duplicates coming our way..." Silence. Then, Laurey asked, "What will ours be like?" "Country singer?" "Avon saleslady?" "Politican?" Jules shook her head vehemently. "No, nope, no way. We're the UF, Laurey. There's only one Nick Knight and one Lucien LaCroix. We wouldn't manifest Lucien LaCroix, country singer/Avon saleslady/movie starlet/Jehovah's Witness." "Not an overdose dream..." a voice behind them interjected. Kelly moved past them to the bar, "This is more like..." her voice trailed off for a moment as she searched for an appropriate metaphor, "this is like bad network television. You know: "The Flying Nun", "My Mother the Car." "Hogan's Heros?" "Alf?" "Urkel?" "Leave it to Beaver the New Generation?" "Exactly!" she took a glass and rummaged through the bottles. "Did you see any cognac?" she asked Sukh. Wait - here it is." She poured a shot of the warm brown liquor into her glass and inhaled, savoring it's aroma for a moment, then slipped into a chair by the others. "It's as if all of this," she motioned with her arm, "all of the Nicks, all of the LaCroixs, all of the god knows what elses, were manifestations of the imaginations of the powers that be in one of their 'planning' meetings. And we all know all too well the kinds of things that come out of their 'planning' meetings." There was dead silence in the room as they exchanged glances. It *was* true. They had all suffered grievously at the hands of TPTB. Michelle interrupted, "Now wait a minute. We may have had our differences with TPTB, but even *they* can't be so stupid as to think that we would want to watch "Nickapoo, Vampire Kangaroo-boy Homicide Detective!" Jules sat forward, looking her straight in the eye and whispered the most accursed name in all of television viewerdom: "*Barney*". A shudder of revulsion shot through the room. It was too horrible to think about. @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ HEDONISM HAS ITS COST (1/1) By Leslie GrantSmith and Julia Kocich, Unnamed Set in the Sutton Place hotel, after "Realization Dawns, But Day Doesn't" This "no time" thing is making me nuts, thought Leslie, as she waited inside the door of Julia's hotel room as her friend got ready to go. Julia's years as a stage manager had made her pretty good at telling the passage of time while awake, but it didn't help in guessing how long they had slept. She leaned back against the wall, rolling her head wearily against it. She'd slept. But she had no idea how long. She'd gotten up when she woke up and had discovered Julia was awake as well. So she assumed she'd gotten enough sleep. But now she felt tired. Sometimes she only slept a couple hours and woke up feeling completely alert, then crashed and burned an hour after that. She wondered if that was what was going on. Or she could simply be tired after all the cleaning and setting up she had done at the Hive the "day" before. Or it *could* simply be the effect of overindulging in selections from the Sutton's outrageously decadent room-service menu. She wondered what effects this ... eternal eventide would have on vampires. When would *they* sleep, without the sun's guidance? She conjured up a vision of Toronto populated (if that was the word) by hopped up, slightly dazed vampires, eyes glazed more than usual ... not a pretty picture. She and Michelle had gotten Julia ensconced in the Sutton Place yesterday night... or whatever. They'd all taken shameless advantage of the hotel's room service, to the point of satiety and beyond (courtesy of Julia's credit), hot showers and then, for some strange reason, Michelle had taken herself and her Pooh Bear jar back to the Hive. Julia and Leslie had eventually wound down their vigorous "discussion" and gotten some sleep. Then, though it was still dark outside, they'd gone back to the Hive to help clean it up. To their dismay, they had found that War had begun, and that in addition to the descent of this eternal night, that ... clones, strange outlandish clones of the FK characters, perhaps the result of the mental influence of some truly bizarre imaginations, were appearing in Toronto and elsewhere. Leslie's stomach lurched at the thought of the confusion that would reign. Or perhaps it was that third piece of baklava. Leslie and Julia had helped clean, and joined in the speculation of the cause of these anomalies with their fellow UFfers. Some bedrooms had been dusted and set up, but they had left their stuff back at the hotel, and had opted to spend one more ... sleep (and feast) session there. Then they too, the Hive having finally met Julia's standards of comfort, would join their fellow Unnameds in their new home. Julia jammed the last bit of clothing into her suitcase. "There. I wonder how the hotel is going to charge me. After all, I've only stayed one night here. In fact, why don't we hold on to suite 1228? Technically, they can't charge us for more than one night, can they?" "Oh, yeah, let's do that. I've only gone through half the menu. And maybe they'll charge by how many times you slept here. I dunno. Not our problem." "Well. Not *yours*, certainly." Leslie opened the door to the room, and allowed Julia to precede her out. She followed, waddling a bit, closing the door behind her. Suddenly, Julia grabbed her wrist. Leslie's knees began to buckle as Julia's adrenaline-powered grip ground her bones together. "Ow, ow, ow," she whimpered. "Julia, remember, I'm a sadist. I don't like my own pain." "You lied to me," whined Julia. "I'll never do it again, I swear," Leslie vowed, eyes watering. "What did I lie about?" "Lacroix," Julia hissed. Leslie looked up, blinking away tears, and became paralyzed, much like a rabbit in the headlights of an oncoming semi. His hand on the knob of his room's door, brows lifted over ice clear eyes, Lacroix stood gazing at them quizzically. Enchanting eyes, Leslie decided somewhere in the back part of her brain where thought still moved, however sluggishly. But really, all in all, she'd rather he was looking in another direction. Oh yes. He pocketed his door key and took a pace toward them. Without thought, in unison, the two women took a step back. He stopped. They stopped. With the slightest quirk to one corner of his mouth, he stepped forward again. The women again stepped back, this time with a little jostling of their shoulders as they both tried to edge behind the other. He stopped again and smiled. Julia and Leslie froze in their tracks. "Good evening, ladies," he said congenially. "Do I know you?" "No," croaked Julia, much to Leslie's relief, who couldn't say "no" without lying and she hadn't the intestinal fortitude to lie to Lacroix. "Really. I thought I heard my name." Leslie glared evilly at Julia for blurting out his name. Really, where were her survival instincts? Back in New York? One didn't call out to the prowling panther. "Um, um, oh," responded Julia cleverly. Then something came to her. "Actually, you don't know me, er, us, but I recognize you. I'm, uh, I really enjoy the Nightcrawler show. When it was on, I mean. I saw a promo picture of you once." Lacroix's smile deepened. The women's eyes widened, Julia inwardly cursing her inability to lie with any kind of aplomb. "I never released my real name to my listening public," he commented, voice smooth, yet somehow, not soothing. Leslie poked Julia. "Don't lie," she whispered desperately. "You can't do it with him." Lacroix's gaze focused on her and she edged slightly behind her taller companion. Julia sighed, a kind of comforting fatalism coming over her. Really, she'd known this would happen. It was inevitable, once Leslie had kidnapped her and brought her here. Kismet. Perhaps her whole life was pointed at this moment, her tragic, senseless death at the hands of this ancient vampire, his midnight snack, inevitable from the first seconds she had allowed certain flickering images capture her heart and imagination... "Actually, I know you from Forever Knight. The show..?" Lacroix stared at her, a sort of pained expression darting across his features. "It actually is War, then?" The two women nodded, unhappy to be the messengers bearing these tidings. "I'm sorry," whispered Leslie. His eyes narrowed as they flickered over her face, but he said nothing as she edged further behind Julia. "I *had* feared..." he said, looking off, to Leslie's relief, brow furrowing slightly, clearly reassessing the situation he found himself in. "Actually," Julia said hesitantly, "actually, it's a good thing we ran into you." Lacroix's brows rose and she went on hurriedly. "Yes. See. We-we've come into some property. An anonymous benefactor. We were given to understand by this person that we were to consider this property to be yours. And Nicholas's. That you two could come stay anytime." Lacroix's smile was more a grimace. "Ah, yes. I've been so informed. I'm quite comfortable here." "Well, you're always welcome at the Hive, I mean the house," Julia babbled on, her sense of obligation to their benefactor and their goal to bring Lacroix and Nicholas together overcoming her good sense as she gave him the Hive's address. Was she really inviting a vampire - *this* vampire - into a place she intended to live for a time? It seems she was and Leslie wasn't even kicking her shins or jabbing an elbow into her ribs. "Perhaps," Lacroix said, meaning never. He was staying as far away from an involvement in a War as he could. "Good evening, ladies. Until we meet again. And if I may, a suggestion. Accept no substitutes." He smiled again, graciously, and while the women's hearts paused for a very long moment, he turned and strode down the hall and around the corner. The two mortals stood still for an unrecorded length of time, the hallway a hollow vacuum where once his presence was. Julia placed her hand over the pounding in her chest. "I'm alive," she remarked wonderingly. "Perhaps it's only temporary," replied Leslie abstractedly, worrying her lower lip with her teeth. "Yes, I'm sure it's only temporary." Julia refused to allow her simple exultation over her continued survival to be dampened. The fickle hand of Death had passed her by! She said a bit challengingly, "He didn't seem to know you. I thought you'd met him in the last War." "He might be pretending, you know," Leslie hissed, brain fizzing with mingled relief and trepidation. "He's certainly capable of pretending. He's quite playful, after all." Then she blinked, and a slow grin spread over her face. She looked up at Julia, a gleam in her eye. "He's looking rather well, don't you think?" Julia stared at Leslie a moment, then an answering gleam and grin graced her features. "Oh, yes. Those eyes..." "Those lips..." "His hands, oh my..." They left the hotel, lovingly enumerating Lacroix's finest features. @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ Monday, June 16th, 1997 @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ FAMILY IS THICKER THAN... (1/1) by Kelly Green and Julia Kocich, with invaluable assistance from Leslie GrantSmith Time: shortly after "Hedonism Has Its Cost" Kelly and Julia sat in the library, drinking a very nice sherry, vintage 1929. Julia gulped the liquid instead of sipping it. Her encounter with ... *him* was still fresh in her memory. Her friend had listened to her story with wide eyes and the look of a child watching a grownup eating a particularly delectable ice cream cone. Julia longed to change the subject. "So, who do you think our anonymous benefactor is? I know who you *wish* it were, but..." Julia smiled. "Hmm, I don't know." Kelly's eyes glazed over, as she toyed with the idea of this being one of the General's properties. Ahhh. The General. She absently wondered what he would look like in red... red serge... Mountie formal wear... it seemed so ... Canadian ... so appropriate for the circumstances. Julia cleared her throat, snapping her out of it. Kelly glanced around the room, as if she'd been caught doing something rude in public. She had to admit, becoming one of the General's properties, under *any* circumstances wasn't very ... likely. "What's your best guess?" "You're asking *me*? I have no head for names, you know that. You're lucky that I don't call you Cathy." "Well, what did the letter tell us? The house hasn't been used much recently, discreet security, Nick and Lacroix are like family. It's a vamp. But which one?" The two women sat back in their deep, high-backed leather chairs, cogitating. To have to deal with one vampire in an evening may be regarded a misfortune, Julia thought, but *two* ... She poured herself some more sherry. "Oooh, I think I know - what was the name of the old guy whom Lacroix brought across to keep him close to his grandson? Something like that, anyway. What was his name - Don Consadine?" "You mean Don Constantine." Kelly shook her head at Julia's abysmal - and shameless - inability to retain names and titles. "Yeah, that's it - the, um, `connected' vamp. It fits. I wonder what he *really* wants from us." "Well, his letter says he'd like to help bring them back together. I'd take him at his word." "I'm not doubting his word, or his larger intentions. I'm just worried about his immediate ... plans, for *us.*" "You do like to worry, don't you? Five minutes ago, you were wallowing in the pleasures this house has to offer, and now..." The phone rang on the small table next to Julia's chair. She picked it up, paused, and whispered to Kelly, "How are we answering the phone, by the way? `Hello, Hive?'" and made a face. "Hello. This is Julia." "Julia? How do you do. May I speak with the leader of your ... group?" The male voice was measured, and formal. "Umm. I can check to see if Sukh is awake right now. May I ask who's calling?" She mouthed, "Get Sukh" to Kelly, and waved her arms in an absurd pantomime. "This is Don Constantine ... your friend remembered correctly." "Ah. I see." He's discreet, but shameless, she thought. Not for the first time, Julia desperately tried to review her recent statements and wisecracks, searching for the unforgivable remark that would get her into big, big trouble. "So you've been listening to us all this time?" "I am not in the habit of allowing events to take me by surprise. I've led a long life and I intend to lead a much, much longer one. Anything, anyone who may ... affect those intentions, I keep an eye on. A very, very close eye." "Thank you for the house," Julia said, opting to move onto a new topic. She fought the impulse to start peering around the room in search of hidden microphones. "It's quite ... lavish. Perhaps it's the constant night-time, but some of us have started looking for secret passageways and mysterious klews that might have been left for us." The Don laughed. It was not a pleasant sound. "I don't waste my time, or the time of those who work for me, in tricks and puzzles. I'm a very simple man." (Vampire, she silently corrected.) Julia looked up as Kelly came back into the room and mouthed, "She's asleep." "I'm sorry, sir, but she's asleep. And not before time, she was really tired. Is there someone else, anyone else, that you could speak with?" she blathered. "Let me speak to your friend." "My..? Oh ... OK. Kelly, Don Constantine would like to speak with you." Julia got up to let Kelly sit in the chair closest to the phone. She went over to where Kelly had been sitting, and tried not to sulk too loudly. "Don Constantine? Hello, this is Kelly." "Miss Kelly, how do you do? I understand that you have a theory about this spatial-temporal anomaly. Tell me." She ran her hand through her hair, taking a moment to compose her thoughts. "Well Sir, I believe that this rift, this temporal anomaly, if you will, has been caused by a combination of things, but the primary culprit is the element 'administratium'. Do you know what that is?" "No. Explain it to me." She glanced over a Julia who motioned with her hands for her to go on. "Administratium is one of the most volatile elements in the known universe. Infinitesimal amounts of it can slow things down to the point where they virtually stop functioning: the U.S. Congress, for example." "The line at the Department of Motor Vehicles?" the Don asked. "An excellent example - they made *you* wait in line at the DMV?" Kelly asked, surprised. "Only the one time," he answered, and she could hear him smiling with a savored memory. "Please continue". "Well, in some scientific circles, there has been discussion of administratium having become increasingly volatile since the passing of the comet Hale-Bopp through our solar system. Many have been holding their breaths hoping that it would not reach "critical mass". I fear, Sir, that it has done exactly that, and in the worst possible of places: a television network." "Are you sure? Which one?" "I don't know, Sir, but the strange things that have been happening all point to a meeting of some sort wherein Forever Knight was being discussed. It could have been a discussion about bringing the show back - it may very well have been a discussion about viewer demographics - that would explain all of the different FK characters suddenly appearing. At some point in that room, administratium reached critical mass and the ideas that were being discussed began to physically manifest themselves." She motioned at Julia to pass her sherry over. "Excuse me one moment," she said, taking a healthy swallow of her drink. "And now, the only way to counteract such high levels of administratium in those offices is to write letters. They must be overwhelmed with letters. The volume of mail must equal the volume of unstable administratium in order for the rift to correct itself, and the world as we know it to return to normal. This *may* be War, but on this issue, if the factions are to survive at all, then we *must* work together." She stopped. There was silence at the other end of the phone. She looked over at Julia. They shrugged at each other, waiting for his decision to be made. "I approve of your plan. Uniting all the famil ... I mean, factions, in a common cause is a wise decision. And refusing to write such a letter should be ... unthinkable, under the circumstances. If you meet any resistance, my ... associates are available to assist you." "Oh, Sir," Kelly protested, voice rising a bit in pitch, "I'm sure that won't be necessary. We *all* want our Forever Knight back. In its true and proper state." The Don grunted, then went on, gravely intense. "That would certainly be best, for all concerned. Just remember, Miss Kelly, I intend to live a long, long time, and what keeps Forever Knight alive, keeps me alive." With that he hung up. Kelly stared at the phone a moment, looking a bit pale, then hung up. She looked up a Julia, staring at her a bit wide eyed. "We gotta remember... `Quid pro quo.' Nothing comes for free with these guys," Kelly said softly. Then, "Dang! I forgot to ask him where he keeps his golf clubs. I gotta practice or my instructor will know I've been screwing around." "Let's get the world turning again, Kelly, then worry about our golf-swing, shall we? You can't play golf at midnight, anyway. Let's go find the others, pass this along." Julia strode briskly out of the room. Kelly followed a bit more slowly, cradling her sherry. "I bet *they* can play golf at midnight," she murmured. FIN @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ IS IT REAL, OR IS IT MEMOREX (1/1) by April Hackett and Susan Field, with invaluable assistance from the UF Warriors Time: shortly after "Family Is Thicker Than ..." Susan Field and April Hackett pushed their way out of the convenient store, with two full carts overflowing with bags. "Did we get everything, April?" Susan asked as they put the last grocery bag in the back of the truck. "All except the tortilla chips and magazines. I can't believe they were out of chips." April, the taller member of this friendship, pushed the carts into the nearest cart holder and climbed behind the wheel. "We still need to pick up a paper too," Susan reminded her friend. "Oh, yeah. I hope they have managed to print something other than the same news over again. I would like to know if anyone has come up with a logical reason for all this craziness," April replied, starting the truck. Looking toward the front of the store, Susan sighed, "Looks like we'll have to look elsewhere. All those machines are empty." "Okay. I seem to remember passing a news stand on our way here. Let's go there," came the reply as they eased out into traffic. "Can you believe all the weird stuff that's going on in this town? I honestly didn't expect to see *the* Nick and LaCroix, much less the dozen or so that we've passed since we've been out," April said as they drove past yet another Forever Knight character. "Was that Vachon or Memorex?" Susan asked, looking back at the tall, dark haired man walking down the sidewalk. Shrugging, April replied, "Who know..." then glanced at her petite friend. "I wonder how many Nicks there are..." whispered out, followed by a growing smile. "Not to mention LaCroixs," was returned with a slight shudder. "Can you imagine?" With an agreeable nod, they both watched for that news stand as "Black Rose" poured forth from the tape deck. "Ah, there it is!" both women said at the same time, then laughed. Pulling into an empty parking space close by, they jumped out and headed for the stand. As they approached the stand, April noticed a man standing off to one side of the stand, with his back toward them. The stance of the man was familiar, as was the dark brown suede jacket he was wearing. "I wish he would move further into the light," she mumbled, still staring at the tall man. "What?" "Susan, you see that tall man standing over there reading a paper?" April asked, glancing toward her friend. "Where? What does he look like?" she asked, her good looking bachelor sonar kicking in. "He's right... there," came whispering out as the spot was now empty of anyone. "Weird!" "Who did you see, April? Was it Nick... Vachon... Screed," she asked, teasing. "You're married, April!" "I know that!" came the quick retort. Smiling at her friend as she asked for a paper and several magazines for the crew back at the Hive, April continued, "But, that doesn't mean I can't look, does it?" "No, April," Smiling even bigger, Susan continued, "Fortunately, I'm in a position to do more than look!" she stated, pushing out her non-existent bust. Laughing at Susan's antics, the tall UFer glanced up at the sky and noticed that the stars were still in the same position they have been in since arriving in Toronto. "You know, we could stop at the planetarium on the way home. Now would be a great time to use the telescope. Wouldn't have to worry about tracking the stars, since they're staying still," April said, then glancing at Susan as they walked back to the vehicle. "I guess so. It won't hurt and might be fun," she replied as they pulled out and merged with the traffic. =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ There was a lot of coming and going happening at the planetarium. A couple of people in white coats were talking to a crowd of reporters. People were moving in and out of the main building freely, so the two women decided to go see what they could get into. April quickly stepped out of the truck and slammed the door. As Susan climbed out singing "Good morning Star Shine", April rounded on her and threatened, "If you don't stop that, you'll be seeing stars all right!" "What, you don't like music?" Susan asked sweetly, as they walked toward the planetarium. "I like music fine. Thing is *that* wasn't music!" Stepping inside the lobby, April suddenly turned toward Susan. "Did you hear that whooshing sound, Susan?" "No, just now?" "Yes, I could have sworn I hear..." April said as they rounded a corner only to run right into someone. Strong, male hands reached out and steadied her as she stumbled back from the collision. Looking slowly up, the dark brown suede jacket, blue silk shirt and Susan sputtering all merged into one very handsome face of Nicholas Knight. Staring into his beautiful blue eyes and unconsciously noted his wind- blown hair, April whispered, "I know I have Nick on the brain, but I didn't know I'd start hallucinating too." When the grip on her arm or the man in front of her didn't disappear, April squeezed, "Ahhhh! Excuse me!!!" "Are you all right?" that deep, velvet smooth voice asked. Feeling a silly smile growing, April pulled herself together and answered, "Yes," with a hoarse voice. "I'm fine. Thank you." Struggling to keep the smile under control, she jumped when Susan grabbed her elbow. "It's Nick! April, it's really Nick!" she finally managed to whisper as Nick smiled back at her. "Yes, I do believe it is." Nick released the grip he had on April's arm when she finally showed signs of not falling on her butt, then stepped back. "What are you ladies doing here?" "I could ask the same question. You're not on the police force anymore, are you?" April asked, curious. "Looking around briefly, he softly answered, "No, not anymore." Glancing back and forth between them, he stood and waited for an answer to his question. Catching herself before she fell into those blue eyes, , April got a grip and said, "We thought we would take advantage and sneak a good look at the stars." "Yes, I had the same thought. Unfortunately, they're not allowing civilians near the telescope right now," he replied. "Well, I guess we should head back to the Hive, then. We've been on the road a long while," April stated as a huge yawn threatened. "I noticed your truck's tags. Virginia is a long way from here," Nick replied, his curiosity about the two rising. "I'm from Florida," Susan happily stated. Glancing at my friend, April smiled and continued, "Yes, I picked up a couple of riders who had flown up to Virginia. We decided to all ride up together." "What's the Hive?" Nick asked. "The Hive is where we're staying in Toronto. It's a really nice mansion that was deeded to the UF loop members for our use while we're in Toronto." As we headed back outside, Nick walked us to the truck. He stopped by it and asked, "So, what brought you to Toronto: and just in time to fall into this mess, too?" "FK war has been declared, Nick!" Susan blurted out. "It's our first time to play, too!" "Uh, oh... another war has invaded Toronto?" Nick replied with a growing look of apprehension. "'Fraid so, though this unexpected crisis will have to be dealt with first." "You know, I wonder if that's why I've been sensing so many vampires in Toronto lately. Not to mention other things...," he said, briefly lost in thought. Leaning against the truck, he said, "I'm going to ask you two for some help in dealing with this problem." "You're kidding," Susan shot back as her surprise lit her face. "I don't know why, but I feel I can trust you two. It's just a feeling I have... Almost like we're connected. " Nick explained, looking April in the eye. "Thank you," April replied, pleased by the confidence shown them. "Your welcome," he returned, smiling. "What's the address of this 'Hive'?" Susan grabbed for her purse. Jerking paper and a pen from the deep confines, she tried to write the address without dropping the bulging purse. No such, luck though. The purse dropped with a dull splat and a large hoard of honey sticks rolled out, in assorted flavors. Picking up a cinnamon stick, Susan thrust it at Nick and asked, "Ah, you want a honey stick, Nick?" "Ah, no thanks, I've already drun...., ah, eaten. Besides, there's no wine to go with it," Nick replied, ducking away from the sticky stuff. Pulling the honey stick back, Susan handed him the address and began to clean up the pile at her feet. Leaning down, April picked up a handful and slipped them into his jacket pocket, saying, "You never know when they'll come in handy." Nick glanced at his pocket, then smiled. "I'd prefer a different sort of snack," then looked pointedly at April's neck. "Ahhh, could we talk about that?" she stuttered, though she held her ground. "We'll see. I'll be in touch soon," Nick stated, smiling that he had scored in the teasing, then stepped away from the truck. "Nick.... do you have internet access?" April asked before he could leave. "Yes, why?" he replied, looking back at her. "If you need to, you can get hold of me by e-mail too. Use Knightwave@aol.com." "Thanks. I assume that's with a K?" he asked, smiling. "'Fraid so," April replied, with a small blush creeping across her cheeks. Man, that smile could melt an iceberg! "Okay, I'll be in touch," floated back to us as he leapt into the air. "That made my trip!" Susan exclaimed. "Then having a conversation with him. And he wasn't one of those strange Nick's we've seen around either. That was icing on the cake!!" "Come on, let's get back. I need a nap. And unless someone was sweet enough to make our beds, then we're going to have to do that before I can collapse for a few hours." "Right." Giggling, Susan sang out as we drove off, "I can't wait to tell the others!!" @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ THE BEST NEWS IS NICK NEWS (1/1) by April Hackett Time: shortly after "Is it Real or Is It Memorex" Susan burst through the front door of the Hive and immediately began yelling. "You guys will *not* believe what happened to us!" "What happened, Susan?" Cousin Jen asked as she walked down the stairs, a soda in her hand. "We met NICK!" "What do you mean you met Nick?" several voices demanded. "The real Nick, or one of the whatevers that are running around Toronto?" "I don't know! He seemed like Nick... and oh, so handsome! April gave him her e-mail address... oh, Maus, you need to add April's e-mail name to your guest account: just in case." "Ssuussaann," was heard coming from the other side of the front door. "We went out to the planetarium..." Susan began. "Why did you do that!" Michelle interrupted, curious. "SSSuuusssaaannn." "April wanted to see if we could use the telescope," Susan explained. "Is anyone going to answer the door?" Kelly asked. "I have a headache." "And did you?" Laurey asked. "No, unfortunately. They aren't letting anyone near the thing! But, while we were there, we literally ran into Nick.. or rather April did!" "SUSAN!!!" "Oh," Susan looked around, then made a mad dash for the front door, which had closed behind her when she came in. "I'm sorry, April. The door closed...." "What's the matter with you , are you deaf?!" April declared as she strode into the room with both arms filled with grocery bags. "I know, but..." "Did you remember to tell them about all the groceries in the truck? I need some help getting all the bags into the house," April said as she moved toward the bar, setting down the bags. "No, I got carried away telling them about Nick!" Susan said, looking sad. Taking a deep breath, April hugged her friend and said, "It's okay, I don't mind... really. The night air is supposed to be good for me after all." Looking over the group that was standing rooted in place, April asked, "Now, do you suppose we could get the groceries in before things start growing on them?" "Oh, right. Sure thing," suddenly sang out through the room as everyone began moving outside. Left standing alone, April smiled and muttered, "It's surprising how some people react when a certain blond, male vampire is mentioned." @==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@==@ LACROIX MAKES THE FIRST MOVE (1/1) By Leslie GrantSmith, Unnamed, with help from Julia Kocich and April Hackett Set a vague 10 hours sort of time after "The Best News Is Nick News" Finding Nicholas, of course, had been simple. Lacroix knew his tastes and he knew which part of the city he was in. If he had so desired, he could have followed their connection until he was standing before him. (Regardless of all the other vampires in Toronto that bore the "scent" of family. He shared a bond with only one.) Perhaps, if he had ... pressed hard enough, he could have taken the information from his mind. But Nicholas would have felt that invasion. And there was no point to starting things off on the wrong foot, particularly when there was no need. Simple deduction located him, and the telephone was a marvelous thing. He rang up the Hilton and asked for Nicholas Knight. The receiver was picked up after the first ring. "Knight." "Nicholas." "Lacroix." His son's voice revealed nothing, though there came a trace of a ... vibration along their bond. A silence on the other end continued, until Lacroix smiled, realizing Nicholas was going to require him to make the first move. Very well. He was amenable. "Nicholas, I am here in Toronto. Though, of course, you know that." "Of course. There are a number of odd things currently in Toronto." Lacroix chuckled. A stiffness, however slight, had become evident, in Nicholas's voice, and a building tension sang along their connection. But there was no real sharpness in his son's comment, his attempt to bring humor into an awkward situation. It may also have been a test, a probe to discern his own state of mind. He smiled into the receiver. "Yes, there are. I do hope you haven't gotten yourself too deeply embroiled with any of them. I was hoping for a moment of your time." He heard a short, sharp intake of breath, then Nicholas saying, "You know where I am, Lacroix." "Yes, but I haven't an invitation," Lacroix replied softly. "You've never needed one before." "Things ... have changed, Nicholas." He was momentarily caught in a memory, more tactile than visual, the sensation of a blow shocking through both his arms, to his shoulders, as he shoves the honed stake through... The smell of blood filled the air, his blood, and he unclenched his fist to allow his palm to heal where the nails had bitten in. "Lacroix..." Nicholas's voice, a bit strained, but still gentle, intruded, pushing away the memory that still came to him in dreams. "Things ... have changed, Nicholas," Lacroix repeated, shaken by his lack of self-control. "Yes. They have. We do need to talk. I ... want to talk to you." "Where, Nicholas? When?" "Neutral ground, don't you think? Someplace where there are no ... memories." Nicholas's voice took on a hint of mischief. "How about ... the Hive?" Lacroix groaned. "Oh, Nicholas. You have become embroiled." Nicholas chuckled. "It's War, after all, Lacroix. C'mon, Constantine has told me all about it and will be hurt if we don't go there at least once." Lacroix thought dark thoughts about his interfering youngest son, but found himself relenting. It really didn't matter *where* they met, just so long as they did. "Very well. When?" "Now don't get all stuffy on me," Nicholas scolded, his grin audible. "This could be fun. Let's see... I haven't slept recently, and I feel the need. I'll call the Hive to let them know we're coming, then grab a few winks. Then I'll call *you* before we head over." "All right, Nicholas. In a few hours then. Sleep well." "I shall," Nicholas replied. He hung up, and Lacroix cradled his own receiver. He looked around his hotel room a moment, then collected a book, a bottle and a glass, and settled in to wait. His growing sense of anticipation amused him no end. Really, he hadn't felt so ... alive since he had killed his son just over a year ago. =\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\ End Part 2, June 15-16. Continued in Part 2, 17-18