This is my guestbook.

Sky - 12/20/00 20:15:04
Favorite Color: Blue
Your sign: Aquarius
What you liked most about my site (if anything): every thing
Favorite movie: Gundam Wing Endless Waltz

Great site but your right it needs a little work

Marko Hartikainen - 10/24/00 16:52:16
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Color: Blood red and Ultramarine blue
Your sign: Cool page!
Favorite pick up line: none
What you liked most about my site (if anything): Pics!
Favorite movie: Project A-ko, Braven Heart and Bloodguest

You have very good site! I love Project A-ko movies and want buy more but in here Finland.........nojaa!

Washu - 08/10/00 21:11:28
My Email:LiLWashu246
Favorite Color: black, silver, blue, green, purple
Your sign: Turas
Favorite pick up line: i might run and hide but i never tell a lie.
What you liked most about my site (if anything): the stuff that is in it
Favorite movie: girl, interupted

hi, my name is little Washu. I love Gundam Wing and konw a whole bunch about it well maybe not a whole bunch, but enough and if you think you know more then me a bout it contact me so we can talk. P.S. Tenchi Muyo rox too!

Washu - 08/10/00 21:10:03
My Email:LiLWashu246
Favorite Color: black, silver, blue, green, purple
Your sign: Turas
Favorite pick up line: i might run and hide but i never tell a lie.
What you liked most about my site (if anything): the stuff that is in it
Favorite movie: girl, interupted

hi, my name is little Washu. I love Gundam Wing and konw a whole bunch about it well maybe not a whole bunch, but enough and if you think you know more then me a bout it contact me so we can talk. P.S. Tenchi Muyo rox too!

jeanette - 08/08/00 21:43:59
Favorite Color: black and white
Your sign: virgofree willy 1 and2


Shaun - 07/02/00 05:26:45
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Color: BLUE!!!!
Your sign: Cool Site!
Favorite pick up line: ?????
What you liked most about my site (if anything): The pics!
Favorite movie: Project A-KO!!!!

I like this site. It is just that you need to fix up those broken images. Like uploading them. Exactly what i do. I have a webpage that has no broken links! Or broken images! Wanna learn how to do that? Email me at [email protected] You can sign my guestbook too! You must go to my site! Please! I need visitors! You are the only one i have reached! Tell your friends about my site! Pro ject A-KO, i saw it on July/2/2000. It's interesting! I have tips that i could email you! I am NOT a webmaster. I am a teenager. Not an adult, a teenager! Now if you sign my guestbook, and email me your email address, and i see the same email, and signature, i will help y u! For Free! Thats a nice offer! Email me some of the A-KO pics you have! All of em! thanks for visiting if you do!

MIKE KRUS - 06/09/00 01:56:10
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Color: DARK BLUE
Your sign: CAPRICORN
What you liked most about my site (if anything): YOUR LAST UNICORN PICS
Favorite movie: THE HOBBIT


Kei - 04/15/00 12:36:32
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Color: blue
Your sign: saggitarius
Favorite pick up line: long....
What you liked most about my site (if anything): the pics!
Favorite movie: samurai x



Hello! By receiving this questbook message, it means that I think your site is really neat! Would you like to enter a huge competition, where not only prizes are in store but also lots of fun and prestige? I am talking about The Site Fights - the top web site competition on the net!

I am Kei, a member of the Queen's Guard in the Seryn Isle. The Seryn Isle is a satellite team for the Site Fights. If you are interested to join the fights, do visit the Seryn Isle Elves. Here, there be many elves looking forward to help you. Once you join our team, we will help you win with our various Elven ways.

Thank you for your time. I gleefully await your arrival!

Riako - 03/27/00 23:45:56
My Email:Tombau1
Favorite Color: Green
Your sign: Leo
Favorite pick up line: Hey
What you liked most about my site (if anything): I didnt see it yet
Favorite movie: Wrath of the Ninja

hey i liked your web page.

DKartune - 03/22/00 04:31:24
My URL:not yet, shonen
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Color: Black,like my heart
Your sign: Libra, baby
Favorite pick up line: Oh, your such a beutifull subject for art, I had to sketch you!
What you liked most about my site (if anything): You got spunk.(I'm not sure what that is, but I think it's good)
Favorite movie: A-Ko, Red-Team vs. Blue-Team

I am A great Fan of anime, and anyone else who is should never sell themselve short, or I'll eat them.

BJ Rodgers - 03/07/00 05:50:03
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Color: Blue
Your sign: gemini
Favorite pick up line: Hi
What you liked most about my site (if anything): It's about anime
Favorite movie: Star wars

The world needs an anime channel

Chris - 03/04/00 19:29:42
My Email:Hammie3000
Favorite Color: Red(sometimes blue)
Your sign: Scorpio
Favorite pick up line: Waz up
What you liked most about my site (if anything): The eyes of the characters
Favorite movie: Austin Powers


10/16/98 09:25:01
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 15:07:55
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

fl3x - 03/05/98 01:18:56
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite color: blue
Your sign: scorpio
Favorite pick up line:

saw you site from link in guestbook on my friends site ( Some nice anime pics. But could do with a few more pages, etc.. cya later.

Elizabeth Youmans - 02/08/98 02:39:48
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite color: blue
Your sign: Leo
Favorite pick up line: Hello!

This is very neat!! You should tell me how you did this sometime! That would be neat!! Good Bye!!!

Tricia Youmans - 02/04/98 01:39:53
My URL:http://?????
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite color: green
Your sign: Taurus
Favorite pick up line: "I like it!"

You have a beautiful web page Keiko! You're gonna have to show me how you put it together! I love you! Have a nice day!

keiko - 01/30/98 02:13:39
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite color: Red
Your sign: Gemini
Favorite pick up line: Hey, what's your sign?

You are so beautiful.

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