"This Crew is Ready to Go."Area51/Links

The first American component of the International Space Station, Unity , is ready for launch. The shuttle Endeavour is on the launch pad and it's six member crew is ready to make history. If all goes well Endeavor will liftoff at 3:45 am December 03, 1998. The shuttle launch will be the easy part of the 11 day mission.

During the mission, specialist Nancy currie, an army lietenant colonel, will operate the shuttles robot arm via of remote control. She will have only four inches of space to work in. Failure is not an option.

once Unity and Zaraya are united, mission specialists, Jerry Ross and James Newman will each make three space walks to complete the hook up. When the station is complete it will stretch longer than a football field and have more habital space than a Boeing 747.

The six member crew of the shuttle Endeavour

Days: Hours: Mins: Secs:
To Liftoff

Related Links:
First Launch Window to the Future
"Discovery" the Future
Conquering the Final Frontier with X-ray Vision

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