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Sources: Paul Begg, "Into Thin Air" pp.48-51, The Unexplained Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time, Vol. 3- Issue 31, Mysteries of the Unexplained, pp.127


Time Slip

By: Heather N. Gibson

In 1915 during the ill fated Gallipoli campaign of the first World War three turkish soldiers sat waiting anxiously on a hill. The soldiers were poised and ready from their vantage point they watched the 1st and 5th regiment of the British army march closer. A cloud settled on a hill nearby. Without hesitation the troops continued to march toward the mysterious cloud. One by one the troops filed into the cloud but none came out. The troops continued to march on to their seeming doom. When all of the troops had marched into the cloud the cloud slowly floated back up to the sky and joined the other clouds.

Some reports hold that this regiment was never accounted for and the soldiers were never found. Yet the full declassification of this report in 1965 stated that there was an unseasonable mist that hindered the Allied artillery but aided the Turkish troops. This report states that the regiment was decimated in battle.

Of the 34,000 British Empire troops who died at Gallipoli 27,000 have no known grave. Theories abound, some say time "slips" allowing events and distance to come together. Others theorize the universe contains cosmic whirlpools which draw people in and then transport the person to another place or dimension. The sad death or disappearance of theses troops remains a Fascinating Mystery.

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