BEWARE ! of Giant Puddles

Yes, puddles not poodles. Basically El Ni�o is a giant puddle of heated water half as large as the United States. This titanic puddle usually takes monthes to form. El Ni�o is warm, slightly less dense water (the constant rain over El Ni�o dillutes the saltwater) that floats about 100 meters below the surface and about 160 centimeters above sea level.
ocean cross section showing differences in water temperature layers

The amount of energy El Ni�o amasses is as incredible as the effect it can have on the worlds climate. To equal the amount of energy in an El Ni�o it would take more than a million power plants running full power for a whole year. More energy than has been consumed in the United States since the turn of the century.

The thing is no one knows for sure what causes this phenomena. There are two prominient therioes. Some scientist believe warm masses of air in the western Pacific, heated by the extreme temperatures of the tropical water, create a vaccuum beneath them as they rise. This vaccuum pulls the trade-winds in towards it. These winds increase in strength and pile up more warm water as they blow across the oceans surface. This creates more thermal updrafts, more vaccuums, and stronger winds. This cycle continues until something breaks. The winds can no longer support this wall of water it has built. Everything changes place, what was high is low and vice-versa. Water levels dip below sea-level near Australia, and rise in the east near South America.

The other theroy goes like this: Strong west-blowing winds near the equator, push against the sea. These winds drive the warmer surface water against Indonesia and Australia. These waters begin to stack up like debris in a harbour. El Ni�o is born.

There are of course, other therioes some pretty complex. Out of all of this speculation there is one common element. The scientific community agrees that El Ni�o is an oscillation, likened to a dog chasing its own tail.

The red is El NiñoEl Ni�o scientific name is ENSO (El Ni�o Southern Oscillation) the name explains the teeter-totter effect of the reverbation between two extremes. El Ni�o is one extreme as it runs it's course an " anti El Ni�o" called La Nina appears and El Ni�o dies. East and west this cycle has run non-stop for thousands of years. El Ni�o and La Nina appear about 30 times a century, with intervals as short as two years and as long as ten.Flood waters Only a few of these appearance are as big as this on in 1997, or 1982 which was believed to be heightened by a volcanic erruption in Mexico. No one can predict effectivly which ones will reach titanic porportions. Climate science is not exact, it's all about probabilities. Scientist can predict some of the effects El Ni�o may have. Such as there is a 60% chance California will be deluged, however, there is also a 10% chance it won't. The closer you are to the tropical Pacific ocean the easier it is to predict the probabilities. For instance there is a 95% chance that the Galapagos Islands will be drenched. The futher away from the tropical Pacific ocean the harder it is to predict El Ni�o's effects.

Microsoft map of ocean currents

This puddle of heat energy in the Pacific ocean affects the weather around the world. It is because of this enormous amount of energey that El Ni�o's are second only to the change of seasons when it comes to shaping the earth's weather.

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