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Sources: Mysteries of the Unexplained, pp.127


Want to be Young Again?

By: Heather N. Gibson

Want to be young again? You will probably rethink that after you read this amazing case of amnesia. In 1927, Albert Mayfield

a British subject was traveling aboard the steamer Siam he suddenly collapsed after bleeding from the nose and ears.

When Albert recovered he said he was Albert Gurney not Mayfield and he was an American from Rose, Minnesota, not English. Even more fascinating his most recent memory was when he was 14 years old and was hit on the head by a rock thrown by a school mate.

In the July 16, 1927 edition of The New York Times it was written:

Gurney had to be calmed when he saw his first airplane and has never heard jazz. He is assured by people who met him before his collapse on the steamer that he talked several languages, but he does not know them now nor does he know anything about his wife and two grown-up boys of whom he talked on the steamer.

This sudden Appearance and Disappearance or extreme case of amnesia remains yet another Fascinating Mystery.

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