books reviews  

10-a masterpeace

9-a great book

8-a very good book

7-preety good

The Colour Of Magic

the first discworld novel,tells the story of rincewind,a failed wizard who meets twoflower,the first tourist on the discworld.togheter they encounter bel-shammaruth,the sull-eater,dragons who exist only if you beleive in them,meat hron the barbarian,and reach the edge of the discworld.

main characters:rincewind,twoflower,the luagage.

guests characters:most of them dont hang around more than a chapter(there are 4 chapters)

"the bad guy":not a particular one.



The Light Fantastic

this book is a sequel to The Colour Of starts where and when the first one ended.once again rincewind and twoflower are travelling in weird places like Death domain,a jinjer-bread house,a wondering shop,and meet cohen the barbarian,aged 87,trolls,and druids.but what is the red star up in the sky that's going to colide with the discworld?and how can it be stoped?unfourtunally,by rincewind.

main characters:rincewind,twoflower,the luagage

guests characters:trimon,cohen the barbarian,bethan.

"the bad guy":if we must chose one it's trimon.

places:skund,Death's domain,ankh-morpork.


Equal Rites

this story is about magic,and sex(but not in the athletic way).on the discworld,the eight son of an eight son becomes a wizard.but what happens if it's a female?and worse,she inherited a wizard staff from a wizard that was going to die.granny weatherwax,the local witch,decides to go with her to the unseen university,but the wizards in there dont hold with it.esk also learns about the creatures from the dungeon dimensions,that try to use her power.

main characters:esk,granny weatherwax.

guests characters:coutangle,simon,tritle.

"the bad guy":the creatures from the dungeon dimensions.




mort is a young lad who was chosed by Death to work for Death domain he meets albert the butler,who was alberto malich,a great wizard back in the real world,and isabell,Death's adopted daughter.he also meets princess kelly during the job,and fall in love in her.but she's supposed to die,and mort decides to save her and creates changes in the reality...

main characters:Death,mort,ysabell,princess kelly,cutwell,albert.

"the bad guy":defenitley not Death,and the duke who tries to kill kelly does'nt get involved enough in the story.

places:Death's domain,sto-lat.



the eight son of an eight son is a wizard.but what if a wizard,against all the rules,fall in love,get maried and have eight sons?then his eight son is a source of magic,a sourceror.he goes to the unseen university and brings a new kind of magic into the place.the world is in danger.unfourtantly,the only one who save it is rincewind,a failed "wizzard".he gets help from conina,the daughter of cohen the barbarian,neijel,a young boy who want to be a barbarian hero,and creosot,the seriff of Al-Khali.

main characters:rincewind,conina,coin,neijel,creosot,the luagage

guest characters:al of the wizards,the hat,the sourceror staff(and also his dad).

main evil:the sourceror staff.



Wyrd Sisters

the kingdom of lancre has woken up.the duchess,pelmet,has murderd the king verence,and he treats the kingdom badly and hate it.the three witches-granny weatherwax,nanny ogg and magrat,try to get him out of the crown.meanawhile,the heir becomes a great actor and the young witch magrat falls in love with the kingdom fool,verence.a very similar plot to Macbeth,with a suprising end.

main characters:granny weatherwax,nanny ogg,magrat,the duche and the duchess.

guests characters:verence the fool,verence the ghost,tomjohn,hwel,greebo.

"the bad guy":the duche and the duchess.




being trained by the assassins guild did not fit teppic for the task assigned to him by fate.he inherited the throne of djelibeby rather earlier than he expected(his father was'nt too happy about it either),but that was only the begining of his problmes...

main characters:teppic,dios,you-bastard,ptraci,tepicimon.

guest characters:dill,jern,patakaslap,patakaslap2a,patakaslap2b,chider,xeno,aybid.

"the bad guy":dios.



Guards! Guards!

this is where the dragons went....they lie,not dead,not usleep,but...dormant.and although the space they occupy is'nt like normal space,nevertheless they are packed in tighty.they could put you in a mind of a can of sardines,if you thought sardines were huge and scaly.and presumably,somewhere,there's a key...

characters:corporal carrot,corporal nobbs,captain vimes,the patrician,the librarian,sergent colon.

"the bad guy":the dragon.


have'nt read that one yet.


Eric is the Discworld's only demonology hacker. Pity he's not very good at it. All he wants is three wishes granted. Nothing fancy - to be immortal, rule the world, have the most beautiful woman in the world fall madly in love with him, the usual stuff. But instead of a tractable demon, he calls up Rincewind, probably the most incompetent wizard in the universe, and the extremely intractable and hostile form of travel accessory known as the Luggage. With them on his side, Eric's in for a ride through space and time that is bound to make him wish (quite fervently) again - this time that he'd never been born. Available illustrated.

characters:rincewind,the luagage,eric.

have'nt read that one yet.

Moving Pictures

The alchemists of the Discworld have discovered the magic of the silver screen. But what is the dark secret of Holy Wood hill? It's up to Victor Tugelbend ("Can't sing. Can't dance. Can handle a sword a little") and Theda Withel ("I come from a little town you've probably never heard of") to find out ...

main characters:victor tugelband,theda withel,cmot dibbler,gaspode the wonder dog.

guest characters:ridcully,the bursar,the dean,the chair of indefinte studies,the lecturer in recent runes,detrirtos,rock,morry,azhural,mb'u,soll dibbler,windle poons,the librarian,gaffer bird,ponder stibbons.

"the bad guy":the creatures from the dungeon dimensions.

places:ankh-morpork,holy wood,klatch.


Reaper Man

Death is missing - presumed ... er ... gone. Which leads to the kind of chaos to always expect when an important public service is withdrawn. Ghosts and poltergeists fill up the Discworld. Dead Rights activist Reg Shoe - "You Don't Have to Take This Lying Down" - suddenly has more work than he had ever dreamed of. And newly deceased wizard Windle Poons wakes up in his coffin to find that he has come back as a corpse. But it's up to Windle and the members of Ankh-Morpork's rather unfrightening group of undead to save the world for the living. Meanwhile, on a little farm far, far away, a tall, dark stranger is turning out to be really good with a scythe. There's a harvest to be got in. And a different battle to be fought.

characters:the unseen university faculty,windle poons,"the fresh start club"-reg shoe,arthur wilkins,schleppel,mr. ixolite,Death,Death as bil door,the auditors,the death of rats.

"the bad guy":the auditors are not exactly's not that kind of a story.

places:ankh-morpork,a small farm.

have'nt read that one yet.

Witches Abroad

this book is about magrat turning into a fairy godmother in order to get her and granny weatherwax and nanny ogg to genua,where they ought to stop a girl from marrying a prince.the evil character(or the good one....acording to her)is esme sister,lilith(aka lily).they also meet mrs gogol,a voodoo witch.

main characters:the three witches,greebo,lilith,ella,the baron saturday,the duc,mrs gogol.

guest characters:casanunda.

"the bad guy":lilith.

places:a little of lancre,small vilages near genua,genua.


Small Gods

this book is set in Omnia,Klatch.brutha is a simple lad from the church who is the only real beleiver left in the great god Om.Om talks to brutha as a tortoise.meanawhile,vorbis,the enquisitor,has plans to take over ephebe and to become the eight prophet.

main characters:brutha,the great god om,vorbis.

guest characters:didactylos,ern,fri'it,simony.

"the bad guy":vorbis.

places:omnia,ephebe,the great desert.


Lords and Ladies

It's a hot Midsummer Night. The crop circles are turning up everywhere -- even on the mustard-and-cress of Pewsey Ogg, aged four. And Magrat Garlick, witch, is going to be married in the morning... Everything ought to be going like a dream. But the Lancre All-Comers Morris Team have got drunk on a fairy mound and the elves have come back, bringing all those things traditionally associated with the magical, glittering realm of Faerie: cruelty, kidnapping, malice and evil, evil murder*. Granny Weatherwax and her tiny argumentative coven have really got their work cut out this time... With full supporting cast of dwarfs, wizards, trolls, Morris Dancers and one orang-utan. And lots of hey-nonny-nonny and blood all over the place.

*-but with tons of style.

main characters:the three witches,ridcully,ponder stibbons,the librarian,the bursar,the queen of elves.

guest characters:shawn ogg,milly chillum,jason ogg and the lancre moriss dancers,cassanunda,the king of elves.

"the bad guy":the queen of elves.

places:lancre,the two world of elves,the road from ankh-morpork to lancre.


Men at Arms

``Be a MAN in the City Watch! The City watch needs MEN!''

But what it's -got- includes Corporal Carrot (technically a dwarf), Lance-constable Cuddy (really a dwarf), Lance-constable Detritus (a troll), Lance-constable Angua (a woman ... most of the time) and Corporal Nobbs (disqualified from the human race for shoving).

And they need all the help they can get. Because there's evil in the air and murder afoot and something very nasty in the streets.

It'd help if it could all be sorted out by noon, because that's when Captain Vimes is officially retiring, handing in his badge and getting married.

And since this is Ankh-Morpork, noon promises to be not just high, but stinking.

characters:comander vimes,lady ramkin,corporal nobbs,corporal carrot,angua,detrirtus,cuddy,sergent colon,the patrician.edward d'Eath,dr. cruces,gaspode the wonder dog.

"the bad guy":edward d'Eath,the gonne.


have'nt read that one yet.

Soul Music

Other children got given xylophones. Susan just had to ask her grandfather to take his vest off.

Yes. There's a Death in the family.

It's hard to grown up normally when Grandfather rides a white horse and wields a scythe - especially when you have to take over the family business, and everyone mistakes you for the Tooth Fairy.

And especially when you have to face the new and addictive music that has entered the Discworld.

It's Lawless. It changes people.

It's called Music with Rocks In.

It's got a beach and you can dance to it, but ...

It's alive.

And it won't fade away.

main characters:susan sto-helit,Death,imp e celyn,glod glodson,lias bluestone,CMOT dibbler

guest characters:UU faculty,ponder stibbons,adrian turnipseed,ankh-morpork beggars,Death of rats,albert,quoth the raven,ashpelt,the librarian,clete.

"the bad guy":clete,the music.

places:llamedos,ankh-morpork,pseudopolis,sto-lat,quirm,Death's domain.

have'nt read that one yet.

Intresting Times

Mighty Battles! Revolution! Death! War! (and his sons Terror and Panic, and daughter Clancy).

The oldest and most inscrutable empire on the Discworld is in turmoil, brought about by the revolutionary treatise What I Did On My Holidays. Workers are uniting, with nothing to lose but their water buffaloes. Warlords are struggling for power. War (and Clancy) are spreading through the ancient cities.

And all that stands in the way of terrible doom for everyone is:

Rincewind the Wizard, who can't even spell the word `wizard' ...

Cohen the barbarian hero, five foot tall in his surgical sandals, who has had a lifetime's experience of not dying ...

...and a very special butterfly.

main characters:rincewind,lord hong,the silver horde,preety butterfly.

guest characters:UU faculty,HEX,twoflower,the luagage.

"the bad guy":lord hong.

places:the brown islands,ankh-morpork,the counterweight continent.



The Opera House, Ankh Morpork ... a huge, rambling building, where masked figures and hooded shadows do wicked deeds in the wings ... where dying the death on stage is a little bit more than just a metaphor ... where innocent young sopranos are lured to their destiny by an evil mastermind in a hideously deformed evening dress ...

Where ... there's a couple of old ladies in pointy hats eating peanuts in the stalls and looking at the big chandelier and saying things like: 'There's an accident waiting to happen if ever I saw one'.

Yes ... Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg, the Discworld's greatest witches, are back for an innocent night at the opera...

characters:nanny ogg,granny weatherwax,agnes nitt,greebo,walter plinge,mr. salzella,dr. undershaft,mr. bucket,christine,andre.



Feet of Clay

A Discworld Howdunnit

Who's murdering harmless old men? Who's poisoning the Patrician?

As autumn fogs hold Ankh-Morpork in their grip, the City Watch have to track down a murderer who can't be seen.

Maybe the golems know something - but the solemn men of clay, who work all day and night and are never any trouble to anyone, have started to commmit suicide...

It's not as if the Watch hasn't got problems of its own. There's a werewolf suffering from Pre-Lunar Tension. Coporal Nobbs is hobnobbing with the nobs, and there is something really starnge about the new dwarf recruit, especially his earrings and eyeshadow.

Who can you trust when there are mobs on the streets and plotters in the dark and all clues point the wring way?

In the gloom of the night, Watch Commander Sir Samuel Vimes finds that the truth might not be out there at all.

It may be amongst the words in the head.

characters:the watch,the patrician.


have'nt read that one yet.


It's the night before Hogswatch. And it's too quiet.

There's snow, there's robins, there're trees covered with decorations, but there's a notable lack of the big fat man who delivers the toys...

He's gone.

Susan the governess has got to find him before morning, otherwise the sun won't rise. And unfortunately her only helpers are a raven with an eyeball fixation, the Death of Rats and an oh god of hangovers.

Worse still, someone is coming down the chimney. This time he's carrying a sack instead of a scythe, but there's something regrettably familiar...

Ho. Ho. Ho.

It's true what they say.

"You'd better watch out..."

main characters:susan sto-helit,Death,albert,UU faculty,mr. teatime and his buillies.

guest characters:the librarian,HEX,ankh-moroprk beggars,corporal nobbs,constable washpot.

"the bad guy":the auditors of reality,mr. teatime.

places:ankh-morpork,Death's domain,the tooth fairy country.



Discworld goes to war...

A weathercock has risen from the sea of Discworld. Suddenly you can tell which way the wind is blowing. A new land has surfaced, and so have old feuds. And as two armies march, Commander Vimes of the Ankh-Morkpork City Watch has got just a few hours to deal with a crime so big that there's no law against it. It's called "war."

He's facing unpleasant foes who are out to get him... and that's just the people on *his* side. The enemy might be worse. And his pocket Dis-organiser says he's got "Die" under "Things To Do Today". But he'd better not, because the world's cleverest inventor and its most devious politician are on their way to the battlefield with a little package that's guaranteed to stop a battle...

Discworld goes to war, with armies of sardines, warriors, fishermen, squid, and at least one very camp follower.

characters:the watch,dorfi,the patrician.


have'nt read that one yet.

The Last Continent

This is the Discworld's lat continent, a completely separate creation.

It's hot. It's dry... very dry. There was this thing called once called The Wet, which no one now believes in. Practically everything that's not poisonous is venomous. But it's the best bloody place in the world, all right?

And it'll die in a few days. except...

Who is this hero striding across the red desert? Champion sheep shearer, horse rider, road warrior, beer drinker, bush ranger and someone who'll even eat a Meat Pie Floater when he's sober? A man in a hat, whose Luggage follows him on little legs, who's about to change history by preventing a swagman stealing a jumbuck by a billabong?

Yes... all this place has between itself and wind-blown doom is Rincewind, the inept wizard who can't even spell wizard. He's the only hero left.

Still... no worries, eh?

characters:rincewind,the luagage,UU faculty.


have'nt read that one yet.

Carpe Jugolum

this book will be about the witches from lancre against vampires.

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