The HTML Fragment

<!-- Here begins the Ring of Knowledge -->
<!-- Remember to change the *Name of the Logo* with the one you have uploaded in your directory. -->
<img src="NAME OF THE LOGO.jpg" usemap="#arsm" border="0">

<map name="arsm">
<area shape="circle" coords="32,31,24" href="">
<area shape="circle" coords="258,32,26" href=";list">
<area shape="poly" coords="120,3,145,3,150,13,190,13,204,40,224,40,234,62,163,62,158,73,130,73,124,62,67,62,59,49,76,27,112,27,120,3" href="">
<area shape="default" nohref>
<!-- Here ends the Ring of Knowledge -->

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