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Daddy O I'll confess - I bought the Daddy O because it looked so cool! It got the nod over the Fab Tone solely because it had five controls as opposed to the other's four. Maybe I liked the cream color a bit more too. Since looks were a prime consideration, this was one of the few pedals I bought new.

French Toast (Read my review of this cool little green machine right here.)

Chicken Salad Vibrato (Wow. I just got this pedal a few days ago, and my first impression is a good one! This pedal gives a great "uni-vibe" sound, much like the sound Hendrix got in his later recordings, including "Live At The Fillmore". The pedal works best when both controls are cranked past the halfway mark and beyond. Be warned - reviewers on Harmony Central say this pedal gobbles up 9V batteries in minutes. I can't confirm this because I got an adaptor thrown in with my eBay deal).

Cool Cat Chorus (I bought this pedal December 1/02 for the mind-numbingly low price of $35 Canadian - NEW! It's a chorus pedal with only two controls, and it doesn't need any more. This Cat is the real deal when it comes to chorus effects, and the sound is clean and upfront. This pedal is capable of a wide range of chorus effects, and I simply love it. If you're into chorus effects, you have to check this pedal out. Great at twice the price and more! Note: for an extra dose of other-worldly aural delights, I plug the Cat into a BOSS BF-2 Flanger - WHOOSH, baby!)

PB & J Delay (Well, I finally found one in a pawn shop on March 25/03! This is a fun little delay with controls that are more complex than you'd expect in this price range. It's got two foot switches. The one on the right turns the effect on or off. Click the one on the left once and the LED turns green, indicating you're in "Long Delay Mode". Click it again and the LED turns red, indicating "short delay mode". Personally, I like the first mode best. The long delay mode seems to sound nice no matter how I set the SPEED and REPEATS controls. The short mode can sound a bit harsh at times, but I was able to get a splashy reverb. For the price, it's a great little digital delay!

Danelectro DJ17 PB & J Delay Pedal
Danelectro DJ17 PB & J Delay Pedal

Want to add some delay to your life ... your life ... your life? Check out Musician's Friend!

Psycho Flange With a name like that, I knew it was only a matter of time before this pedal ended up in my hot little hands (which happened in June 2003). Regular visitors to this site must have noticed links to a Musicians' Friend blowout for the Psycho. Well, I hope some of you took advantage of the deal because this is a fun pedal IF you snag it at a blowout price (like I did). Dano claims the sound is "Triple Thick", but so far, I'd say it's "extra swirly". At times, it's almost too much flange and veers on the being out of control, but that's why it's called "Psycho", right? One huge plus is that the pedal is dead quiet when you're not playing. Both the BOSS BF-2 and especially my Electric Mistress add noise the moment they're switched on. Not for the faint of heart!

Pepperoni Phaser NEW! Purchased April 14, 2004. I'm not sure what to say about this pedal. I was at a guitar shop and spotted this pedal selling for a very nice price. So I tested it out with a Gibson SG and a Traynor tube amp. The Pepperoni only has one knob, but it provided some nice phasing. In fact, it sounded great and the price was right ($29 Canadian), so I bought it. At home, it sounded fine. With the knob turned down, it provides a very gentle phase effect. Cranked full up, it's rather wacky but still useable. I like it best around the mid point. However, I compared it to my BOSS PH-2 Super Phaser. Maybe a keen ear can discern a really big difference, but I thought the BOSS had a stronger sound (obviously, with four controls, it's certainly more flexible). If you're phasing on a budget, you could order Pepperoni. If you think phasing could be a vital part of your sound, look around. Of course, if you're a gear head with money to burn, knock yourself out.

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