Walz The whole walz begins when Sisko, who is to give a statement for Dukat's initial Federation hearing, is on the same ship that is transporting the Cardassian criminal. Sisko at this time, is wondering if dukat hasn't suffered enuff, the lost of his duaghter, and his lost of his mind and all... The ship is suddenly attacked by Dominion forces and destroyed. A handful of survivors make it out alive, including, of course, Sisko and Dukat, who are the only two people on one shuttle that escapes. Sisko is injured leaving him depenant on Dukat for help, the shuttle is damaged, and Dukat is forced to land on a barren planet. The two then have nothing to do but wait for rescue … and, of course, discuss everything that has been left unsaid for years. We find dukat and in a cave like setting with a general distress device from the shuttle inside the cavern with them. Sisko has a broken arm and some other injuries is dependant on dukat's help. Sisko is in pain when ever he moves. Dukat comments about how how the weather out side is more to cardassian liking than humans. How sisko should just stay put and wait, sisko asks what kind of destress call are you sending out? One to the dominion no doubt? Dukat replies, no it's a general distress call. And who ever finds us will find one prisoner & one friend. Meanwhile, Reports of the lost of the ship with Sisko & Dukat reaches DS9, and kira gives strict orders that the search must be limited to a certain amount of time due to a ship needing a exsort when it comes out of the Badlands. Worf acknowledges this. Dukat talks to sisko, and try to gain his respect/approval for His part in the cardassian occupation. He tells sisko how he was much better than the previous prefect of Bajore. All the things he did to make the occupation a easier on bajore. But every time he did the bajorns would turn around and perform terrist acts & he would have to counter them with equal amounts of terror, Which is much better than other cardassians in command would have done. While dukat steps out of the cavern, for a moment to russle with some of his deamoms Sisko decides to check on the transmiter. He finds out that it hasn't been transmitting But only reports that it is.. He then breaks a fork and uses a prong of it as a tool to get the transmitter transmitting.. He does, he hides the broken fork undernethe the mat he is laying on.. And then lays back down.. During Dukat's Explainations of his good deeds, he sees & and hears Rebuttles from figments of his imagination, that come in the form of Kira, & Weayon, Damar, etc.. The most irratating to him is Kira, which he tries to shoot while he is talking to Sisko. Sisko can now see that Dukat is seeing and hearing voices, and he sees how dukat good deeds aren't really good deeds, but more deeds to be done to make dukat a father, caring for his children, or a GOD? Dukat does state that The bajoarns should have seen that we the Cardassians were obviously the "superior race" Therefore, he had free reign in telling Bajorans where their place was on their own planet. Back aboard the defiant, a distress call is recieved, they goto it and pickup 2 surviors. Two Just then A poorly recieved singal is recieved from kira, reminding them it is time to break off the search. Most of the bridge crew try the old ploy of her singal didn't come in and they thought she may have been ordering them to continue etc.. But worf says, No her orders was clear. The doctor says but, worf interupts and says you may goto your corders doctor... The recieve a short burst of a distress call, and go and investigate. Sisko now see him as truly evil, no longer does he see the shades of grey in dukat. He no longer questions the various aspects of dukat's character. It's no longer important if dukat has suffered enuff, He now see that dukat is bent on the distruction of every last bajoarns. While dukat is struggling with a image of kira, he uncovers the broken fork, and deduces that sisko need a a piece of metal for a tool, and then he realizes that he worked on the destress call transmitter. Dukat destroys the the transmitter, and a fight insues. The fight brings them out side, and it's even money on who will win. Sisko uses his metalish arm cast to beat on dukat.. Now the two are fighting and dukat decides to just kill the captain. We can hear the ship calling to the planet for surviors.. Dukat, enters the shuttle and leaves the planet in it. Voweling to be a emeny of the Bajorns unlike the galaxy has ever seen ! !Just when it looks bad for the captain, he gets beamed away. On board the ship with Dax, and Sisko tells dax how he seen true Evil in the face. Dax says, it one thing to see it, and another to do something about it. Sisko, says I will do something about it.... The end.