The Vialant ... The show begins with Quark very making drinks by hand at the bar. His drinks replicator is appearently broken. He has all kinds of people after him for thier drinks. Odo stops in and comments about the ovious asks quark if he having problems with his drinks replicator. Quark says if I was having problems I would have reported it to cheif O'brien who would have in turn would have told Rom who of course would have had Nog do it. Do you see Nog here or any of the others? No so I must not be having a problem with it then. Just then Dax arrives, she asks quark the same question. He says yes.What are you going to do? I'm here to fix it. Quark says you? But your a, Dax say what? Quark says nothing and she goes over and proceeds to work on it. Odo says what's a matter quark don't think she can. Quark says no it's not that it's that she to good to be doing such things as working on a messy drinks replicator. Odo notices how quark seems to admire Dax and says you love her don't you? Quark says shish. Odo continues a bit and says it's too bad for you that she's married to lt worf. Quark did ask why she was there to fix it instead of nog. She tells him that nog did a favor for her last week and she owes him. So she going to cover for him. He got a chance to vist frenginar. Later we see Jake and Nog in a shuttle. Jake is tring to get a peek at what's inside a sealed container that's for the grand nagus. Jake asks nog all about it probing for what it's contents might be. Jake is a reporter for the federation. He's after a story. He isn't there to vist frenginar like like he told nog. Nog comments on this thought you was here to vist frenginar. Jake says oh yes I can't wait to see the rain and the muck etc. Nog says good ! you will have plenty of time while I'm with the nagus. To do site seeing. Jake says come on Nog you can get me in to see him. Nog says no! Jake, but I promised my boss as the news service that I could get a exclusive with him. Just then a wing of Gem'dar fighters come and fly right over them. They decide to go to warp. They are at warp and they decide to try to send a message they are being jamed! Jake asks why would they be jamming us? Nog because one of them are coming back after us. Nog drops to impulse speed so they can be a bit more manuveurable than the opposing gem'dar ship. They are being clobbered Just when a hit knocks jake out of his chair and onto the floor and all seems to be lost a ship. It appears to be the defiant. But no it's not. It's the Vailant. They beam Jake and nog over to thier ship. A young chief is at the transporter station she treats jake's arm which was wounded by the attack. He is impressed on how it looks and feels like nothing happened. They then are greeted by the captain another young person this ship seemed to be filled with cadets. The captain tells how the former captain died and how that captain promoted the officer to the captaincy in a feild commision. Nog over hears the captain and a young lt commander discussing the problems with the warp drive. Nog coments how they should check another system. That on the surface has nothing to do with the warp drive. But since it shares some relays might be the problem. The captain notices his appearent knowledge of class 12 warp engines. Promotes him to chief engineer. Nog says he's not ready. The captain assures him that he is the best person for the job. (after all this is now a ship of cadets, who lost thier crew of supervisors during thier training mission which got caught in the war behind the enemy lines). Nog is proud to become a member of this crew, after all it's RED Squad the BEST OF THE BEST! He is told of thier mission to seek out a new cardassin battle cruiser and collect info on it. How the ship isn't able to go faster than warp 3. So it's been all they can do to keep up with it. They can't get close enough to get a probe to it or anything. Nog manages to get the warp drive working by passing some safeties. This isn't recommened by the rigs, but Nog assures that the same thing was done on the defiant and there hasn't been a problem with it. They are now able to get close enough and launch a probe. Jake who previously talked to the young chief and had the young cadet thinking of home and family. Jake was called to see the captain and the LT commander layed into jake, telling him that we are at war and we don't need the young cadets thinking of home and family and so upset. Jake feels bad for upsetting the young chief. The captain tells him he's here to report not to be a part of the events. Jake is ordered to keep away from the chief. Jake is on the bridge when they catch up with the battle cruiser and they send a probe. Jake comments won't they dectect the probe? Nog it's unlikely since this class of probe is virtually undetectable. Jake says VITUALLY? Now the captain calls a meeting of people and tells them how they can go home or they can go and finish what they started. Jake thinks this captain is out of his mind. He asks if he can speak. The captain lets him. Jake says by now you probably know that my father is Ben Sisko and is considered to be one of starfleets best Believe me when I tell you he would never attempt to do this by himself even with his whole well trained vetern crew. The captain says yes that maybe true but should we let another crew risk thier lives to finish this job we started we are red sqaud! the crew repeats it back RED SQUAD! so they proceed with the plan to take out the battle cruiser with a modified torpeado rigged to deliver some radiation that will make the supports on the cruiser turn to wet pasta. Nog reminds them how close they must get to the ship to fire the torpeado. But is carried away with the rest in the glory of red squad chant. Later Nog is working to modify the torpeado to deliver the radiation required to knock out the battle cruiser. Jake comes in, and ask nog how can you follow this guy? Nog tells him he's knows what he's doing. Nog tells him you would understand if your wore one of these uniforms. you don't care about anything but jake. Jake says yes, It's true I care if I'm going to be around tomarrow. But with this plan I won't be. Then Jake leaves he is picked up by security and put in the brigg. He was being monitored by the captain, on a view screen. Now they catch up with the battle cruiser. They take heavy hits. And just make thier shot at cruiser it's perfect. They pause to see what happens and they see that the cruiser isn't falling to pieces. It's just a bit of a fire show, but no noticable damage to the cruiser. The cruiser then fires all weapons and really lays to waste the stalled in space ship. The captain, and the Lt commander and most all but nog and the chief is left on the bridge. The chief ask Nog for orders, after all he is the chief of engineering with the rank of lt commander. Nog says the ship is dead, no sense in dying with the ship. The order is given to abandon ship. and we see pods being ejected, Jake is pleading for someone to let him out Nog does. they all take a escape pod... Many of these pods are being blown to bits like the ship is still under attack. We then see the defaint recovered some of the pods jake and chief and nog. They ask did many of the other pods make it? Sisko says no but we will scan for a little longer. Jake and nog are talking about how he is going to write this all up. Jake says that he will write that he wasn't a good captain. the chief interjects that He was a great man. Nog says Write that too, let the people decide for them selves. Jake says I will. THE END.