ONE ... The doctor has Seven in the holodeck, she is interigating a few of the crewmembers in the messhall. Instead of engaging them in give and take coversations like the doctor intends for her. She instead comes off as if she questioning them not waiting for them to fully compleate thier replies. The doctor stops her and asks her to try again. She instead vulenteers for a medical examination. The doctor comments how it's unussual for her to vulenteer for a examination. She replies that it's more prefenable than to remain here and continue this. On the way to the alpha quadant a nebula is in the way. They plan to fly right thru it. But as they get near the nebula the whole crew claps and get radiation burns. Instead of turning back an navagating around it. It is proposed that they go into status for a month while the doctor and seven navagate the ship thru the nebula. Because Seven and the doctor are the only two that are seemily uneffected by the radiation. Seven is given orders that she will be under the command of the doctor. She will follow his orders as if they was of the captain's. She acknowledges. This is a trip for for the crew of one month in status and Paris, isnt' too happy. He is concerned about things such as can he get out of the status cubical if he has to? The captain & the doctor assure him that he can thier is a release macanism inside. We find out that tom paris doesn't like to be inside this. He is assured that it will be like taking long nap and he will wake up one month later like the rest of crew not too aware that they been in status for a month. Just feeling like they had a good long night's sleep. Now on the way thru the nebula, seven is running the ship and making course adjustments and the doctor and her are monitoring the status pods. Then about 17 days into the trip Seven is begining to have dreams. She's alone in them and there isn't nothing but blue sky and clouds behind her. Then as the doctor is ordering her to report the holodeck for another session of getting along with people. She quick to point out that there isn't anyone for her to get along with. Everyone is in status. The doctor then orders her. She goes there and the setting is at a neelix get together function. She is standing alone in the corner while the rest of the crew is chatting. The doctor see this and goes and reminds her of the point of program. She then engages neelix in a conversation. She asks for his imput in the problem of warp field destablizing in this nebula. She then gets the holo captain to join. The doctor interupts seven and these holo people. He complains that she isn't suppose to be talking about ships bussiness or warp fields. Seven points out you told me to engage them in conversations you didn't specify what they was to be about. The doctor states you knew very well what the objective of this was. Then there is a alarm. This it looks like there will be a warp core breach. The doctor goes to the bridge while seven goes to engineering. She is given updates on just how bad and bleek things are. How the sensors show plasma leaking everywhere. But she Is borg, and is determine to save the ship. She goes on and finds that nothing is really happening it's just sensor malfuctions. They later discover it's do to those nerological gell packs, that they are having problems with the neronets in them. They are breaking down. The doctor emitter then starts to fail. This causes him to run NOT walk to the sick bay he is afraid for his very existance cause if the holoemitter goes off line while he's away from sickbay or a holodeck his program maybe permently lost. He is now confined to the sick bay. He works on his holoemitter and monitors the crew. Seven mean while is starts to image things like a alien who wants to spend some time with her. He claims that he too is alone and wonders how she is handling it. She says I am borg. He claims not to be familiar with them. But yet at times knows of them. (this is how we know it's her imagination). She imagines this alien is out to distroy the ship. She also imagines such things as the borg telling her she can't possibly survive alone. She also image crew members taking bets that she will be unable to keep them alive and get the ship out of danger. The ship is loosing power she redirects power just as it nearly out of the nebula. She redirects some power from some of the status pods she then goes to them. The imagined crewmen says things like I knew she would kill some of us atleast etc. She then decides instead of letting 10 crewmen die to turn off life support to the ship and restoring power to those status pods. Next she kills over. She awakes to find herself in sickbay. And is told how she saved them. And how she was saved... We now see her in the messhall, this time she joins the crew just for company. She tells the story of how tom paris didn't like to stay in status. How on 4 separate occasions he got out of his pod and had to be put back in one. The rest of table comments on how he has to be difficult even in his sleep. Seven comments maybe it's just that he doesn't like to be alone. THE END. Next week A possible super ship able to take them home appears.