Who morns for Morn The show starts at quark's bar, where we see people coming in and saying hello and things to Morn who appears to be sitting at the bar. Later Odo comes in and reminds him that he has cargo in the a cargo bay that is going bad. Odo quickly can sees that this isn't Morn at all but a Hologram. Odo asks Quark why he would commision & place a Hologram of morn at a the bar sitting taking up space? Quark replys I noticed that people expect him to be here, and last time he left on extended trips my business droped by a great precentage.I can't afford taking such losts... Later Dax & the commander come into the bar. Probably after hearing rumors that Morn was just seen there. They storm in and Dax looks surprised to see Morn at his bar stool. They find out it's a hologram and Quark is quickly ordered to turn that thing off.Morn is declared dead! His ship was lost in a ION Storm. Quark, is surprised to find out that he was named the sole air to Morn's estate. Quark then spends this evening guessing about his new found wealth. There is a wake for Morn. Quark gives a heart felt speech which surprises everyone. Encluding Odo, until he hears the end which quark says the best way to remember our dear departed friend is to always keep his favorite bar stool occupied. So please Keep this stool warm in memory of Morn. He directs a crewmen to sit down and get something from the bar. The next morning, He Odo takes him to Morn's quarters and sees nothing in the room but a pool of hot bublbling mud pool. When Odo leaves a pretty girl emerges from it. She claims to be Morn's wife, she also tells of Morn's retirement fun of over 1000 Bricks of gold pressed Latium. How she will not contest the will if he shares it with her. She plys him with Luemux (rubbing of ears that Frengie get great Joy from). Quark enjoys this but keeps his wits about him. He asks her to tell him more about these bricks. Does she know where they are. She says that it was his retirement fund and that she doesn't know. But she does inply that they can share the wealth together in a couple's fashion.. Quark agrees to give her a presentage of the bricks if found (but not definitely) etc... Quark doesn't really believe in there are any bricks, but no less is mindful if they exist he wants them for himself. He also likes this Luemux he is getting. He leaves, he is greeted in his corders by two brothers, Of whom one is brighter & a quicker thinker. These two claim that Morn owes them money from a loan and they want his estate to pay the loan. Quark tells them that Morn was very over extended and that they will have to settle for a fraction of what he owes. The Brothers aren't happy. They threaten Quark with physcal violence in a professional nondeclaritive manor. The brothers leave. I walks a alien claiming that Morn was of royal decent and that the Royal family would like the return of the bricks, since the terms of Morn's prossion of them requires thier return. Quark, believes him, but insists that the man provides documentation. Quark also imforms the so called royal security man of the others that have claims on the bricks. This Security man says they are wanted fugitives and conspirters, and that he would like to get them all together and arrest them. Quark appears to agree to help. The next day arrives,Quark go to see what is kept in a safety deposite box of Morn. Odo watches Quark open box, which only has in it one Brick which covers Morn's bar tab taunts Odo.Quark is glad to say, Oh all you see hear is one bar? Well let me tell you there is much more than that here, a note on the bottom of the bar states a bank and a account number where I expect to find a great deal of wealth to be stored at. Odo says Oh really? In one of his all knowing mannors.Quark on his returning to quarters is greeted by Morn's former wife. Who enbraces's him and in a senuous manor. He doesn't notice that she picked pocketed him and took the brick. When he notices this he is impressed & smiles devilishly. Thinking my kind of woman. Quark returns to his corders where he locks the door behind him. Next he hears somebody at the door. He says go away I'm sleeping ! He hears someone picking the lock. He thinks to himself I got to get me a better lock for this door. The two brothers enter. They remind quark of the debt, and that they know that he has the means to pay. They seen him with that brick. A knock on the door. Quark says go away I'm busy.They hear someone picking the lock, the two brothers go and hide. The royal security guard comes in. He reminds quark of his desire to retrieve the money for the royal family. Now another person is at the door, this time it's the girl she comes in and sees him. Asks what's he doing here? The two brothers come out and say what did you tell him? The Royal guard says, the ussual. Quark tells that he said that he was with the royal family as thier security guard. The brothers debunk this statement. It is quickly discovered that Morn and these 4 people pulled off the biggest robbery that has taken place in over the past 20-30 years. That now that the statue of limitations has ran out on it, that they went looking for Morn who ran off with or was it's holder. The two brothers want to kill quark and use his thumb print to take delivery of the bricks. The Royal security guard stops them, they are reminded that we need quark alive to get the bricks. After that it's another matter. Quark proposes that they split the goal 4 ways. It's no diffrent than what was orginally planed. It's agreed, but no one trusts anyone enough to leave the others alone. So they decide to stay together till the goal arrives. Quark says that he must goto the bar. They all are there, Odo drops by notices that this group doesn't look right together. Quark explains them to Odo as being close friends of Morn and sharing memories.. The next day was see, all 4 in the cargo bay Quark recieves the container with the bricks. Quark is happy looking forward to his share in this found wealth. He cheerfully greets the cargo handlers and gives his thumb print. Then opens the cargo container and says I will gladly go in and count the bricks of gold pressed latium. He ducks into the container to bask in the gold and his dreams of the future. As he goes in, the others all draw thier guns. Quark quickly ducks back into the container while the guns are firing. Odo & his real security guards arrive. Quark asks odo, what cause you to goto the cargo bay? Odo says I knew you would be here. THE END. Next week, Sisko Confronts race hatred.