Inquisition The doctor is in sickbay packing and things getting ready for a conference of doctors he going to. Miles comes in with a injured shoulder. The doctor comments on how he was told to keep away from that program till his arm was over the last time he was at it. Miles explains that he can't seem to keep away from it, or keep from thinking of it. The doctor says okay the next time you think about it. Just think don't do it. Miles grumbles. Do comes in and says see your getting ready for your conference trip. The doctor says yes I am. Do says I suppose it will be at some luxgurious resort somewhere. The doctor says yes, and says where it will be held. Do comments on how the last conference he was suppose to attend he got captured by the Gem'dar and how this will be better. Next we see the doctor waking up in his quarters. He finds himself to be unusually tired. He gets a call and reports to the Operations. When he arrives we find out that they are looking for a spy on ds9 someone helping the dominion. They are all to be confined to their corridors during the investigation. The man conducting it a Mr. Stone says to the doctor don't worry we already informed the people at the conference that you won't be attending. The doctor says how nice of you. The doctor is next in his quarters, He try to get breakfast but the replicator is off-line. Next is sitting on the couch tring to get convertible he unpacks a few things. like a pad. he drops a pointer or something and it rolls underneath the couch. He gets interrupted by a person who comes in his door way. She is a security officer who was sent to pick him up for questioning by stone. Stone's first session of questioning seems to be very casual on the surface they talk about how it was ashamed that he didn't make it to yet another conference and how he was captured by the Gem'dar at the last one. Stone also comments on how his mother wanted him to become a doctor etc. The doctor comments about how his replicator was taken off line. He is told that they did that to prevent anyone for making communications equipment or weapons. The doctor says how he was only after breakfast Stone asks what would he like, he will have it brought to his quarters. The doctor replies Tea, and jam and stones.. Later once again at the couch he is sitting and the lady security officer arrives she brings him a tray he sits it down at the coffee table by the couch and the lady leaves.. He opens it up and sees that it's Gua (live wormlike kilingon food) and sees a card that says LT. WARF he says I hope Warf is enjoying my tea and stones. Then thinks/says It's too early for Gau. then he is about to sit when a message beep comes in.. He's surprised to hear a beep, and goes to check it out. It's the chief Miles O'brien, The doctor tells him I thought we wasn't suppose to have any communication between us. The chief states I know. But I wanted to make sure you was watching your back. The doctor says why? The chief asks him how did your questioning go? the doctor says it went okay/well I guess why?? The chief replies well they questioned me for about 2 hours and it was mostly about you. The doctor gives a puzzled, and the chief says better get going, Just watch your back will you! then the communication ends. The doctor returns to the couch area, and looks over to the corner where he sees his teddy bear sitting. and once again he is interrupted by the security lady security guard who takes him back for more questioning. This time the questioning is more of a interrogation they now seem to believe it's him who is the spy and that he is doing it with out even knowing it. It is also revealed that Stone lost his son at a major battle, and that he believes that the doctor gave out the information that contributed to his sons death. upon leaving the questioning room. The doctor comments that he will answer no more questions without benefit of consul. He also makes the comment on how that he believes that the lost of the son makes Stone Bias. All this catches the captain's attention. The captain goes to vist the doctor, and the security guard posted outside the quarters is reluctant to let him in. The lady security guard states how that the doctor is under Stone's jurisdiction and isn't to have any visitors according to his orders. The captain points out that he is still in charged of the station and the doctor is still under his command. Has Stones orders change any of this? He is finally let in to see the doctor. He tells the doctor that he will be present at all future questionings and that isn't it just possible that stone could be right? Then leaves. The doctor notices a few things in his quarders are different. the teary bear isn't sitting down the way he should be. So he next goes to check under the couch to see if that pointer thing is there. and it is... Next session we see that doctor and sisko is sitting during the whole session He is fairly quiet, letting Stone grill him. Next we see the doctor charged, and taken away in irons Sisko objects to the need to put him in irons and parade him in this fashion. Now back at his quarters the doctor gets beamed away. He materializes on a cardassin vessel, where Weayon trys to tell him that he had no choice but to transport him away from there now that they know that he is a dominion spy. Weayon trys to convince the doctor that he became a spy of his own free will and that it was a moral dission that would save countless alpha quadrant lives. The doctor isn't buying this. Then Weayon offers him some breakfast Stones and tea. This the doctor think looks like he might be telling the truth. But still insists that He isn't a spy. Weayon repeats what stones been saying about the doctor's brain being able to compartmentalize things and how it makes him/the doctor the prefect spy. How they always go through this each time he is brought in for debriefing. The doctor still insists that it never happened I am not a spy. Next the defiant arrives and recues the doctor. On board the ship everyone seems to think the doctor is a spy. Everyone asks him why did he do it? The doctor notices that when he goes to the chief that the chief pushes him away too and asks why julian? The doctor notes that he did that with his bad arm. He asks the chief how is your arm? The chief replies Fine. The doctor comments on how he hurt it playing a game with him. The chief says it's fine now. The doctor then says your not the chief cause we didn't play that game, you hurt it kayaking. This isn't real. Now we see that this was all a holographic projection on Stone (or whatever his name is) was controlling it all. Stone congratulates the doctor, and asks if you don't mind I will reconfirming my results, the doctor says you put a neuroimplant in me, and recorded my reactions didn't you? Stone says yes, give the doctor the tool to remove it, let him remove it. The doctor does and then stone runs it through a tricorder scanner of sorts. The doctor comments on how this isn't starfleets intelligence way. Who are you working for? Stone realizing that the doctor is too bright to swallow just anything tells him that we are with section 32, and its actions has been provided for since the early creation of starfleet. The doctor states how that section 32 was thought to be a myth and that it has too much power not to have anyone overlooking its actions. Stone comments how it indeed takes a special breed to be a member. But it is necessary for the survival of starfleet. Then Stone comments on how the doctor would be welcomed as a member. The doctor refuses. States that he will do everything he can to see that this isn't allowed to continue. Stone says he isn't going to loose any sleep over the doctor's statement. The doctor is drugged. Now the doctor is back on ds9, talking to the officers sisko, kira, dax, Warf, the chief etc.. Kira comments on how it was good timing for them to take the doctor, since he wouldn't be noticed missing at the conference or here... The doctor still out raged how this section 32 has no governing body and been around for nearly 200 yrs. Sisko says next time your asked to join your answer will be yes. Every one comments how this is his big chance to play spy & double spy for real... THE END Next week sisko gets the roumulans to join in the war against the dominion.