In the pale moon light Sisko begins the show talking into the computer recordering a personal log. He is recording the log in efforts to justify something he has done for to satify his own consius. He tells the tale of how he got the romulans to join in the war against the Dominion. He tells how with the help of crimals and thieves and mr garek the cardassin talor. He tells how after posting another casualty list on a friday, which is the day that he post them, and watching his crew read them and seeing them all knowing someone on that list. How fridays have become his most hated of all days of the week. How after seeing dax comments how they need a new alies. He became determined on getting the romulans to join the war. You see the romulans have been looking the other way as the gem'dar has crossed thru thier boarders on the way to federation target. Sisko later discusses the situation with dax she's plays the part of the romulan. After the discussion it's appearent that they will have to give proof to the romulans that the dominion will in time invade romulas. That invadsion plans exist. But how to do this? Sisko decides to get the help of garek. Who isn't hard to convice, using the arguement that the fate of the whole alpha quadrant is at stake. Garek decides to help. To call in his remaining favors back on his home planet of cardasia. He reminds sisko that this will mean using up all his favors and resources that remain on cardasia. Just to make it clear that once he does this, it's unlikely that he will have no home but this one (it's not said but understood). Garek also points out that it will also be a very bloody business. Sisko reminds him just how bloody the war has been and how he just posted his 14th casualty list Garek agrees. Next we see sisko at ops, we see them talking about the fall of betazed. How once again the dominion, went thru the space of romulans to accomplish the taking of betazed in less than 11hours. Sisko goes to see garek to see how his efforts to find evidence of the dominion plans to invade romulus. Garek tells how after 1 day of speaking with him how all those that spoke to him was killed. How this could be considered a monument to dominion efficientcy. Sisko looks like he just gave up, Garek says your not going to give up this easily. Sisko says do you have another plan. Garek tells him as a matter fact I do. If you want to garantee that we find evideince of a dominion plans to invade romulus then I suggest we manufacture just such evideince. Sisko is reluctant but decides to do it, after garek reminds him of the downfall of betazed. That downfall makes Valcan, and other key federation planets next in line... So sisko, proceeds with garek's plan he gets Galron the klingon empiror to release a crimal due for exicution. This man will make a holoprogram of Weayon and cardassins planing the invadsion of romulus. We see sisko he gets a report of This man tried to kill quark. Odo tells him how he claimed that you was his friend. Sisko goes down to quarks and tells him that he is no friend but is working for me its a matter of starfleet security. He tells odo he wouldn't want any records of him being on the station. Odo says he realizes the need for such measures in the times of war. But if Quark decides to press charges it becomes a matter of law and he would have to arrest him. Sisko goes over to Quark and asks if he is going to press charges. Quark says you better believe I'm going to press charges. Sisko asks, recluctantly what would it take for you not to? Quark looks pleased to see the captain is a bit ferengie after all. He comments on how he glad to see this in the captain & how it restores his faith in the 98 rule. The captain agrees to Quarks price which seems to be fair considering. Sisko leaves and then enters a turbo left Garek asks to join him. Sisko agrees once in there Garek tells him how he found a source of a genuine cardassin official data rod. Then he tells sisko of the persons price of 283 liters of biometicgel. Sisko tells him that is out of the question, find another source. Garek explains how that he may have not been clear on how extremely lucky he was able to find this source and how its very unlikely that he will find another. Sisko say you will just have to. He resumes the turbo lift to it's way to ops. Garek had stoped it earlier stating the less I'm seen there the better. Sisko waits a few seconds then stops it. Says to garek that isn't 283 liters in the whole quadrant. Garek replys that I believe the quantity is negoeciatable. Sisko meets with the doctor in sickbay and orders the doctor to package 83 liters for shiping and deliver them to the cargo bay. The Doctor complains and reminds the captain on how dangerous the stuff is in the wrong hands it can be used for the creation of biogenic weapons, Or illeagal replication experiments how he can't just hand the stuff over to him with out at least written orders and how he will have to make a entry of protest in his log. The captain says I assumed as much and hands him the orders on a pad. Now the captain & garek are reviewing the program created by the alien man. Garek comments what do you think now? Sisko says it will do Garek says all I had to add was some petty bickering and selfluving. to make it seem more real. Garek okay's the you may write it to the cardassin data rod now.. Sisko now meets with the romulan senator who makes a side trip to DS9 to meet with sisko. Sisko before showing him the forged evidence of the a romulan invadsion by the dominion. Trys to convince him by using the logic of. Lets say your right the down fall of federation and the kilingon empire will happen soon. When that happens instead of facing 3 diffrent enemies all with thier own agendas you will be facing just one. Do you think they will just let you be? The romulan explains how they haven't broken any of thier word yet. I need proof before I will plunge my people into war. Sisko then plays the data rod. The romulan senator after seeing the program asks to exmine the rod sisko hands it to him and the senator returns to his quarters. Sisko goes to do some paper work but all he can really do worry about if the romulan senator will discover it's a fake or not Sisko recalls what his father told him when he was younger. How a suifeit will either riase or it won't, all you can do is wiat. Sisko then is called to meet with the romulan. The senator says ITS A FAKE, then goes on how he will expose this plot to the whole of the alpha quadant etc... Sisko empathizes with him in his thoughts. He allows the romulan to leave. Before sisko met with the romulan, he aggreed with garek's plan to board the romulan ship and check to see if they had any useful information about the dominion stored there. Later a report comes in that romulan senator ship has been distroyed, and it is believed to be the work of the dominion. Sisko goes to see garek who is working on a garment for someone. He hits him square on the jaw knocking him accross the room. Saying you killed him didn't you? Garek tells him I don't see what your so upset about. It's what you wanted isn't it? The romulans in the war I mean? It's the reason you enlisted my help wasn't it? You knew I could do the things you couldn't or are unwilling to do? After all we got the romulans to join in the ware against the dominion and all it cost was the lives of a crimal, a romulan sentator bent on the down fall of the federation, and one Starfleet officer's self resepect. Sisko Glares into the camera, and say you know after all that I've done the lies, the bribing, the trickery. You know I would do it all again. The worst thing is I think I can live with it. Computer erase that entire log. The END next week ODO takes lessons in ladies.