armageddon The show begins with a meeting in the officers. The Bajorns have uncovered a artifact. They request that the emisary take a look at it. They a also talk about how the war is going Odo makes a his ussual kiljoy type of comment, about the possiblity of the romulans not giving back territory once they have it ocupied. But the rest of the group just think this is just tipical ODO. You see the romulans helped renforced the territory next to betazed. Which, if you recall was taken by the dominion and next to vulcan. The emisary (sisko) arrives on bajore and to the digs of valhala the place he help find. These digs uncovered a stone ovalus of sorts, It is old and has acient bajorn writing on it some of which is hard to read since it's weathered and old. Sisko decides right there on the spot to beam it up to the station. Without consulting the bajorn government or vetecs. He does this cause he knows that he would have a problem with them allowing him taking it off world. He has dax study it. The main reason he makes such a bold move is that when he arrives, he asks why was it so important for me to come here and look at this artifact? The man says go take a close look t it. It mensions the emisary. This causes sisko (the emisary) to offer to take it up and study it with thier computers. The the man at the digs, reminds sisko that they have people for that, that have spent all thier lives just for such a chance. But sisko is forceful, and insist that he take it up cause we have the computers to study it. The new Kyi arrived at the station, complains/asks why he didn't ask for premission to remove such a valuable artifact from bajor. Siko claims that I can't really explain it but I was ment to take it up here for study. The Kyi wants proof, but she really can't ask for proof so she presses for it's return by using the bajorn goverment, and vetic consuil. Sisko, later agrees to return it on the next shuttle. Once on board, Sisko has dax study it. after a long time she comes up with a bit of decipher. Sisko tells, dax how the new Kyi wants the tablet/artifact back and how he said he would return it on the next shuttle leaving for bajor in the morining. Dax says she can finish dechpiering it with the holo images she took of it. How that wouldn't be a problem. She tells that it fortells of the a great battle between good and evil, that will take place here on the station (station not named by name, but by a flowerly phrase) and how the station will be distroyed she thinks, but that part isn't too clear. But the battle will most likely be here. The last bit of the artifact is too weather beatin to tell how /who wins. Sisko stairs at the tablet and tries to figure it out, he's there for hours I guess then suddenly he picks it up and smashes it. When he does, a mist of odd looking energy comes out of it. During sisko hours of meditation, of what the tablet prediction could be. ODO & Kira are at quarks and talking about the tablet. Kira comments how she odo seems to lack faith. Odo says I know your faith is important to you. And how it is important to most bajorns how it sutained them during the occupation. We have the station being evacuated. The Kyi and some bajorns are refusing to leave, they are praying. Later odo and sisko and dax. Sisko says I don't know how to explain this to the Kyi she won't understand that I was ment to smash it. Odo makes a coment, Yes I no. Sisko then tells how he saw this energy coming from it. Can you scan for it? They run scans and then goto the paranod. There are a bajorns praying and sisko has the Kyi have them move along to the transports.Here we see KIRA she is charged with a energy a life force of the profit of good. She comments how she waits the other. How the vessel for the other hasn't been choosen yet. then we see sisko's son jake arrive he is charged with the evil profit force. He starts and kira pause for a moment Sisko, offers him self as the vessel for evil, cause he know that his will possibly die. Or must die, since evil must be distroyed. (Also you know the contining theme of star trek is good conquers evil). But The profits have choosen thier vessels and there is no changing them now. thus the battle insues. Meanwhile at opps they came up with a way to expell the profits from the sation without killing them. But if this is done there won't be a resulution to the battle of good and evil. It is said that if the good wins there will be 1000 years of good times and peace for bajor. Sisko still willing to risk everything for the chance that the good will win and perhaps that will help end the war? Is against exspelling the profits. But the Kyi over hears the plan to exspell them. Since the station was nearly evacuated and the last bit of the sekiton crew leaves as the battle ensued in the paranod. The Kyi takes it on her self to go and exspell them. She does this maybe to keep her place of importance in the bajorn suciety. Since the people will most likely not have as much respect for her. Since she wasn't choosen as the vessel for the good profit, but kira? The emissary, brought this event on so he of course will still be among the choosen ones. The good thing is Jake is saved. and kira. But the battle is put off for another day. Kira comments to the Kyi, that she knows it wasn't to save the emisary son or her or even the station, but her own place among the people. The Kyi of course claims she was ment to do it. THE END.