Honor among thieves. Chief o'brien is on a undercover mission for the federation intelligence. He is sent to find out who & how if possible the O'rain syndicate pentitrated star fleet. O'brien tired of hanging out in a bar working as a tinker/fixer decides that he will get himself notice by spiking one of the members of the syndicate the next time he accesses the computer using his implants and wireless interface. He then goes to the rescue of the person that is spiked. The spiking of the member renders part of the guys hardware useless/broken. This member is worried on how he will explain this to his superiors. After all he broke it while tring to charge someone else for a free meal. Not on a something important to the syndicate. O'brien comments on how it's a shame, that's a expensive peice of hardware. The memeber with the implant is going on about how is going to explain this. O'brien says, it may not be as bad as it looks. The leader of the group says can you fix it. Miles says how much will you pay me? The leader says do you know who I am? Miles say no who are you? The man doesn't give his name. If you knew who I am you would not ask such questions. You will fix and have it pollished by tomarrow morning. O'brien takes the implant & the transmiter. He returns to the man at his room/corders. Miles is asked to sit, But not there that is the cat's chair and no one sits there. The man is holding a Klingon disrupter (looks like a rifle). Miles is worried that he will be shot. The leader, say what do you think?, I would bring you here to shoot you? You look hungry, are you? Miles yes, I am a bit. The leader says My wife made & sent me some cake. He gives Miles a piece. Miles takes the cake and proceeds to eat it. He doesn't like the cake very much. From O'brien's face you can see that the cake is dry, like a cake mix cake that you waited to long to eat. The leader tells him why would I shoot you when you can fix things for me? Now he see that Miles just about finishing the piece of cake and asks him. What did you think of the cake my wife sent me? Did you think it was good? Miles is uneasy, he don't know how to answer this question It was ovious that he didn't like the cake as he was eating it. But not too ovious. Miles tells him, to tell you the truth I think it was a bit dry. The leader says, finally a honest man, the others say it's the best thing they ever ate. Finally my luck has changed. I knew when I looked at you you was diffrent. The leader asks him, do you have a family? shows Miles a picture of his. The picture depicts a average family son & daughter a comfortable looking wife. Miles says no family. The leader then goes on to tell miles that how important family is. How they are everthing. How after he pays his fair to the syndicate & a modest amount for his needs that the rest all goes to his family. Miles agrees with him, with a nods... The leader tells him how his superior had him pecure 3 klingon disruptors, but the guy who sold them to him neglected to tell him that they didn't work. Miles looks at them and tells him the problem with them is with the induction coils and that he should be able to fix them. The leader tells him to do so. Also if he can how he will have more work for him. Now we see miles reporting to his contact in the federation intelligence. Miles tells him how he made contact and friends with the leader. By spiking the memember with the implant. The contact is surprised that miles took such a risk. Miles says you wanted me to get close and I was tired of waiting, I want to get back to my home. The contact tells him that was very risky if they detected you doing that they would have killed you. I (the contact) don't want you taking any more risks. Just stay close to him and fix what your told. We need to know who betraying starfleet. They part... Meanwhile back at ds9, every one is reporting to kira various problems with the systems on the station, quark complains that he can't make drinks that you ignite on fire, the fire subpression force fields keeps putting them out. Odo complains how that there are alot of false alarms. Worf & Dax arrive at operations on the turbo lift that stops short of the floor. Dax says I have a malfunction to report, and kira says let me guess the turbo lift. The doctor now comes in says I too got a problem. Kira let me guess something in sickbay. The doctor says this is ridiculus, I'm going to speak witht he captain. He now in captains office starts to tell the captain about the problems and the captain says. Your not here to complain your here to find out if your friend is okay. I can't tell you that but I can tell you that the chief can take care of himself. The doctor says that he can. The next day, The leader brings miles along to meet with the guy who sold the distrupters the leader complains to the guy how he was upset to find those disrupters didn't work. The Arms salemen says maybe you droped them, they was in working order when you took dilevery. The leader says, maybe it's just that I don't know how to work them, let me see (he's playing with the controls), then fires it at the salesmen leg. The salemen knows that he doesn't have long to live. He pleas with the leader to let him live and tells him that he will give him a refund. The leader goes ahead and kills him. The leader explains this to Miles that it was nessisary, cause just imagine what would happen to him if he delivered the nonwoking disrupters to his superior. How it would be much worst for him (hinting that the retribution would include his family as well). Miles understands.. The snivily man ask miles where he got the parts to fix the disrupter. Since it's hard to get kilingon parts, and we could use the name of your supplier. Miles is hesitent, He tells him that I promised I would not tell his name to anyone. The leader says you will tell it to me. Miles says I can tell you I stole the parts from a warehouse. I thought it was better for you not to know, in case I was picked up. The leader is very impressed that Miles had his welfare in mind. Next the leader takes them back with him to his corders were a young lady is. The leader tells him that I brought her here for you. Miles tells him that he isn't interested in her. The leader questions him, don't tell me you don't like girls? Miles says nothing like that, I already have a girl friend. The leader says what's here name? since when? Miles makes up a name, and says she works at a flower shope. The leader says bring her around some time I can tell you if she is the one. I can tell just by looking. If she worth marring or not.. Miles says maybe I will some time. The leader tells him that's no reason to hurt this young lady feelings. Miles goes over and gives her some money. Tells her that him and his friend has business to talk over. He tells her that he will call her. She leaves... They then go meet with gang and a superior. The superior is shocked to see someone he doesn't know. He says who is this, I you know I was coming and you bring him. The leader says I will witiness for him. The superior says very well then. The Vorta says is that all the security check thier is. The leader witiness for him, that is all that I require. The vorta says very well then. The superior says there is someone among us who betrays the syndicate. The Vorta says let me tell you who (he is very smug and confident) I can tell a trader by looking into thier eyes. The superior says very well then go ahead and take a look into their eyes. The Vorta looks deep into each of the gangs eyes. Turns and says it's this one he points to O'brien. The sinvilily one is shot, by one of the superiors friends. The Vorta says that would have been my second guess. The superior says to the leader I will be giving you a chance to move up in the organization. If you do well on your next assignment. The leader says don't worry I won't disapoint you. The superior, better not & be glad that you never witiness for him (refering to the dead person). The superior & the vorta an friends beam away. Miles and the leader go back to his corders for a night cap. The leader is quite pleased that he will be getting a chance to move up. He plans to make the best of this opertunity he tells Miles. He then brags on how big the syndicate is. How they have people everywhere on nearly all of the known inhabited worlds & everywhere, Including to name a few earth & starfleet. Miles says you don't expect me to believe you got some one from starfleet. He says tell me how? The leader says I don't know how, but I know that a member of the syndicate had it cost some one dearly to have it stop raining during his vacation on risa a year ago. Later o'brien is reporting to his contact in intellegence he tells him about the information he collected about the person in starfleet that was in charge of weather control on risa a year ago. O'brien Then tells him how he saw a Vorta. The contact is very interested in this. O'brien then asks can he go home now. The contact says no, we must find out what the vorta has to do with the syndicate. O'brien says can you at least get a message to my wife telling her I'm okay. The contact says no, we can't risk that. they part. The next time we see O'brien and the leader they are returning from the a outing, they are at the bar/hangout. As they come in a joyous mood. The leader is suprised to see the superior & the vorta there. The superior says your suprised to see us here aren't you. The leader, well yes. What brings you here. The superior says we have a job for you. We want you to kill the kilingon abasitor. Miles coments using the disrupters. The vorta says do you have any idea about politics? Miles says well no. Vorta says, well then let me enlighten you. He tells how the various factions in the klingon government want to with draw into klingon space and protect the empire and how this ambasitor avacates that. O'brien says I see, by making it look like a rival house orders the assasination. Vorta says yes, we will raise the ambasitor to something of a marter. Miles meets with his contact, He tells of the plot to kill a klingon ambasitor. The contact tells him that the klingons will be given notice. o'brian ask what will happen to the leader? You told me we was building a case. You just can't kill him. The contact says I'm not. O'brien your going to let the kilingons do it it's the same thing. As if we did it ourselves. The contact says we are pulling you out. Miles knocks him out cold. and goes to warn his friend the leader. The leader says miles what, you come to see me off? Miles no, I came to warn you. It's a trap. The leader what do you mean? Miles i was traced as i was breaking into the security system, The leader no you blocked it I saw you do that. Miles, okay then I'm with I'm with starfleet. The leader stuned, then says you had me there. I admit it. Miles says you don't understand. I'm with starfleet. The leader says don't tell me that, stop saying that. The leader then says I should have known with my luck stupidity I should have seen it. I guess the smart thing to do is to shoot you. But you know i'm too stupid to do the smart thing. Maybe if I go ahead with the attempt they may not punish my family. Miles sees the look of a betrayed friend. He has no choice but to just stand there and listen, to his friend who is about to die or even worste at the hands of the klingons. The leader says just before he leaves will you look out for the cat. The leader just before he gone thru the door, says tell me one thing do you have a family? Miles nods.. The leader says, you know they are the most important thing. Back on ds9, we see Miles just compleating telling this story to the doctor. Who comments, how it's a good thing not everything went into the report. The end.