The Killing game part 1 Janeway is in the holodeck dressed and looking like a klingon. Fighting other klingons. After defeating them, a Hirogen comes on the seen and says now your my prey. Janeway says I'm no body's prey, The Hirogen says yes you are mine, now and the here after. Then he calls to the sickbay, that on janeway is in need of medical attension. In sickbay we see her on the table. The Hirogen says for a moment I thought she knew who what she was. Are you sure here narroimplants are working properly? The other says, yes I'm sure they will act & believe that they are who ever we program them to be. Next we see seven singing in a french night club. Janeway is the owner who will give everyone the first round if you leave the war out side. The setting is WW2 and Janeway looks to be with the resistance. 2 of the Hirogen talk about the game of this setting. Janeway later is talks to seven who is dressed in a dress shiny silver and full length. Seven is a ambelision expert, and tuvok subspects that she maybe a germen infiltrator. Tuvok plans to keep a eye on her. All of the characters act as they normally do, but within the bounds of this setting and program. We see neelix riding thru the streets on a bicycle, he is stoped, questioned what is he transporting. He says the basics of life they check his baskets and pore out his wine on the street. Then let him continue. Later we see him arrive at the cafe where the group janeway,tuvok,Torres are listening to the radio. Neelix gives them the message that's behind the label of the wine... They get a coded message that gives them orders from alied command. Torres, says she can help thru use of her special friend who wouldn't let anything happen to her, cause she is carring his child. A hirogen, is talking to a man, asking him why are we the master race. The german says that it's cause we are the master race, we was here 1000 years before the the others began to polute the race. The Hirogen does this make you smarter, more cutting, stonger with out your armies? He walks over to him and then grabs him by the neck. Tells him you are not any stronger or more cunning. Never underestimate your prey. Remember what I have just said when thier oposing armies come riding in. Next the Hirogen general is interupted. By an hirogen who escorts Torres who comes to see the German man/commander? She there to get the information. The 2 hirogen leave the man with Torres. The come out to the streets where they decide to shoot neelix. Seven comes to his rescue, they are both shot down in the streets. They are taken to sickbay, where they to be repaired. By the doctor, who is complaining about the amount of work he must do. Next we see Kim who is working on expanding the holodeck area even more than he already has, He tells him that he can't do it. How it will take more power etc.. The hirogen tells him then he will provide him with some energy nodules from his ship that he will intergrate into voyager's systems. Kim is planing on how to retake the ship, he brings the doctor from sickbay to where he is at. Talks it over with the doctor, they decide that they will need more help. The doctor suggests using the former borg. The Hirogen leader, tells another how thier race is too spread out over the centeries and so fore. Tells him of his plans to use this holo technology to let the race keep the past, but embrace the future. The hirogen isn't willing to give up his way of life, but listens.. Seven is told by the doctor of what has been going on. How these simulations have been going on for 19 days and how he is to patch the crew up and send them back for more.. He also tells her how she is to help. But there is a problem that when she is to act in the simulations as best she can to fit into them, and yet preform the sabotage/ help retake the ship. Since she will not have the knowledge that the nuroimplants was programed to give her of the holoprogram. Back in the simulation, seven is singing she doesn't know all of the song or can't continue singing it. So she stops and says I'm sorry I can no longer continue this activity. I must get a drink of water or something... Janeway who was busy pumping a german general for information. Tells her she must continue and how she told this german that she will be singing till midnight. Seven refuses, after she is ordered to do so... Kim and the doctor are talking again planing the retaking over the ship. 2 Hirogen come in and tell kim how a unauthorized transmitions was made by some one in this room. Kim explains it by saying how they damaged many systems when they took over the ship. He must have triped a communications relay or subroutine when he was working. The Hirogen wants to see this himself, Kim says okay, but you will tell your leader on the bridge. They given in... Return him... Back in the ww2 simulation seven is ordered to arm some explosives but she doesn't do them all, she does a few while janeway and them are at the table.. but when janeway goes to use the radio she leaves that work and works on some of the voyagers systems, Icoliner chips and things. Janeway turns around sees this and tells her stop what your doing, Or I will shoot you, she has a gun ready and starts to pull the trigger just then the doctor disables her nuroimplant. The doctor is captured doing this. Janeway is known to have her implant turned off. The simulation of ww2 has a huge explosion of the german headquarters that takes out some of the walls on decks 5-7. So now the game is over, but the crew is still needed. The hunters are ordered not to kill the crew. Chakotay is still program to be a american ally. Tom and torres was lovers once in this simulation. Chakotay/americans and the resistance didn't know of the bunker/the high tech sites they see thru the blown whole in the wall. Tom & torres, talk about the past & tom is interested in her pregent condition. Janeway & Seven return thru a conduit. She has chakotay men help get her where the nuroimplants are controled. Tuvok is concerned about seven still, asks if she can be trusted, and reminds her that she was willing to put a bullet in her head not 3 hours ago. Janeway says no your not to harm her. Tuvok, in your absence I may be forced to make the determination for myself. Janeway says that determination has already been made by me! again your not to harm her... the wall then blows up, and fighting breaks out. Janeway and friends leave thru conduit/tunnel. In sickbay, The doctor is order to treat a Hirogen with minor burns. The doctor has a man/prey with near death, complains that the other needs more attention.The hirogen says treat him now or I will shut you off. He gets turned off, and the Hirogen medics? are oredered to leave the prey where they fall. Janeway takes chakotay and about takes him to caves where neelix is a klingon and she joins his fight. Janeway sees the doctor, and he asks her what she will use for explosives? She tells him with the holographic safeties turned off the holographic ones are as good as the real thing. Janeway and chakotay plant the explosive in sickbay. The explosive takes out the implants. But hirogens knows this. They surround the french resistance group. This is holodeck 1, the hirogen is ordered not to kill them they are hostages/prisoners.. The holograms allies of the hunters seem to be on thier side. In the klingon simulation the doctor and neelix goes to a fight. Janeway is captured, now and the leader of the hirogens. He wants her help to shut down the holographic programs. She says no. He the leader tells her how that here technology can help them them keep their past and let them build a culture. She agrees to share the technology if he will call a truce and give back the ship. He agrees. But the 2nd in command does not call the truce due to a young german officer (the german with torres) speach about the purity of thier cause. So the fighting continues a bit. The leader and janeway are intrupted in thier work to shut down the holoprograms by overloading them. By the hirogen who disobeyed orders. He comes in and shoots his leader dead. Then he lets janeway run for her life, she does. she ducts into a conduit and is followed, to where it leads to she set a trap for the prosuing hirogen. She kills him, but does offer to spare him. But unarmed he comes toward her and she fires. When the overload disables all the fighting holograms and leaves just the hunters and crewmen, the battle is at a stalemate. Heavy losts on both sides, cause peace talks to come to happen. Janeway, gives their leader the promised technology. But the new leader doesn't really want it. She tells him that accept it it can provide your people with a future, and culture as your former leader had dreamed. This doesn't move him in the least. She then says that you could use it as a trophie. It will look nice on you bulk head. He then takes it. She did explain how it would let them create a endless supply of holographic prey. The new leader, may consider using it in the future we never know... THE END...