Retrospect The show begins with a impressive weapon firing at something. This is a demostration of a weapon to be traded to voyager. The arms merchant is on board voyager. Tells janeway that he has seen skudled ships with more fire power than voyager. How with this weapon hostile spieces will know to leave voyager alone and you will be feared by share reputation. Janeway you don't have to sale me. I want the cannon. I am prepared to give you astrometric charts of this whole region of space. The arms merchant says charts can be out dated so quickly with just one spacial anominally. But I could be presauded if you agree to give me the technology to make such charts. Janeway explains that she can't since the astrometic sensors are procifically designed for his ship, I'm sorry. But I can give you a supply of icometric chips and show you how to intergrate them with your technology. How generous of a supply? janeway 150 chips, Okay captain. Janeway you will be supervising the installation, the merchant for a fee, Janeway 5 more chips no more. Tom comments that that guy is worst than a ferengie. Janeway, is happy and says have seven of nine help with the installation. She has a nack for adapting alien technology to work with our own. Chakotay should I give her compleate access to the systems? Janeway, why not she has been behaving herself lately. chakotay, goes to astrometrics and asks seven what are you working on? She replys I am decoding the message we got from starfleet. Chakotay set it aside for awhile I have another assignment for you. Seven what is it. Chakotay, the captain wants you to help coven adapt his weapon into our systems. Seven I vather not, I find him ineffient. Chakotay, you been asking for more responsiblities, I thought you would be pleased. Seven the captaion only gives me more responsiblities only when she needs my help. Chakotay, you violated her trust you are going to have to earn it back, one step at a time. Seven says I will report to engineering. Seven & Coven with torres are working on the installation. He shows her on a the display where they must install some circuits. Seven says we must install some more buffer ciricuits here & also here. Coven says that is unnessary, all the such in such circuits would have to fail at once for any damage to be done. Torres we prefer to be on the safe side here. Seven is now working at anothe console. Coven says what are you doing, she says I am working on the tactical controls. Coven says no, no, NO grabs her arm and says let me show you. She hits him knocks him out cold. Torres & another crewmen restrain seven, Torres says stop. Coven now in sickbay says do you see this captain. She shattered it. he's refers to his nose. The doctor states nothing that can't be easily repaired. It was unprevoked. Torres I wouldn't say that captain.I was at another console when i hear coven raise his voice and i saw him holding her arm. Coven, i barely touched her, she just lachedd out and attacked me if they wouldn't of, she would of... That woman is dangerous. Doctor oh it's a miricle that you survived (sarcasticly), let me treat this. Coven why are you questioning me, it's your crew member you should be displining not questioning me. Janeway believe me I will be. You have my sincere applogy. The doctor good as new. Seven reports to Janeway. Janeway says here we are again. Oh I'm tired of having this conversation. You know what I am going to say and I know how your going to respond so why say anything. Seven, should I consider my prevliges restricted and confine myself to the cargo bay? Janeway says I think we astablished that normal displine measures don't work with you. The question is what will? Seven are you asking me for my oppion? Janeway I guess I am. Seven you have to realize the diffrence of having a impulse an acting on it. Like wanting to hit coven. Seven I understand. Janeway well that's a start. The doctor examines seven of nine, he seems very interested in hearing all about the excitement of the morning. He tells her when I began with my lessons on how to get along with the crew I am sure I did not include a boxxing lesson. You wasn't injured where you? Seven no. Doctor, still a bit tense? Seven perhaps. The doctor it's a burden we must carry. being around them who are less perfect than ourselves. I often find my own patients being tested by the them like coven, but I generally respond with a devistating quip than a left hook. The doctor, you must accept the fact that we will rarely come into contact with lifeforms equal us so you must try when you get irratated to just think they can't help being what they are. I can see your still aggitatied, with a normal human I would just think this was a mood swing. But with your unique physicallogy I want to rule out a chemical imbalance. Seven lays on a biobed, and as the half moon thing comes over her, she is excited/terrified a bit. The doctor goes to check her borg implants. and She freaks, she flashes again on a memory. She wants out of the biobed and says please let me out, she looks very frighten. She stands away from the bed and says no more proceedures. The doctor says what are you so afraid of? Seven I don't know. The doctor and and the captain are waiking together to the cargo bay. The doctor tells janeway that seven expereinced acute ansiety with all the trimings. Shortness of breathe, etc... I finally managed to sudate her. I did find a chemical in her hipnocampus that I didn't detect before. It is blocking several sections of her memory center. Janeway is it dangerous? Doctor no, but it seems to be disapating.Janeway can you treat her? Doctor traetment would invole reintergating the repressed memories back into her contious. I maybe able to use a standare phyocolagial technique . Janeway, I wasn't aware you was program with phyeractric protocols. Doctor smugly says no I wasn't but in the absents of a ships conseler I began to program myself with such subroutines. I will be more valuable to you now. The doctor now in the cargo bay . tells Seven how he came up with the procedure to cure her, and how it is his very own. Seven and the doctor attempt to recover these memories. She describes the memories in great detial. She tells him how she's in a diagnostic bed and coven is there, using some kind of instrument on me. She pauses, and says I didn't recall this before. It's coven he preformed a surgical procedure on me. He extracted some borg technogy from me, borg nanoprobes, He violated me. The doctor this surgical procedure, when did it happen? Seven I am not sure. Doctor are you sure that it was coven? Seven yes. Doctor he was restraining you. seven yes. The doctor when could this happen not when your on voyager. Seven must have been when we was testing the weapons on the surface. The doctor then consintrate on that away mission. She then tells him how she & tom was at the weapons range. How they was evaluating small hand held weapons and rifles that he wished to offer in trade. How tom was impressed, and how her job was to give a more accuate evaluation. How one of the weapons could be improved if something was done, seven & coven went to make the adjustments on the weapon. While tom stayed behind tring out more weapons. They goto his lab, where he designs weapons she says it was poorly lit. then tells how he shoots her to prove that the weapon can be controled even with this power source that is suposily unstable. Coven claims that it is table if you come up with the right memtrix to use it. switches some buttons and fires at her. Doctor says what happens next? seven i don't know. Doctor try to consentrate. Seven continues, I am in the lab, another one of coven's people is there. She says this is borg technology. they bound me to a examination table and extract nanoprobes and remove my octular implant. They extracted nanoprobes thru my assimulation tubuals (tubes that come out of the external vains of borg exosekelton in her hand, like fingers.). Seven says she was powerless. Doctor says you couldn't be expected to, you was restrained. She then tells how they took the collected nanoprobes over to another one of thier kind and assimulated him. We see her memories, and the guy having grown some borg stuff out of his face. Then she says she is off of the biotable. wakes up, with a burn on her hand. Coven claims that he burned her with the discharge of the weapon. Seven then asks for a dermal regenerator. Which coven supplies. The doctor reports to the captain that there is no doubt that seven has been subjected to a brutal assult. Janeway how is she? Doctor I predict a recovery. The doctor, I wonder if you will hold coven responsible for what he has done? Janeway I first want to find out just how much of her story we can calaborate. Janeway questions Tom, you was with her while she was on the planet, how much of this can you calaborate? Tom only that she went with coven to work on the weapon. Janeway, did she make mension of anything else when she returned? Tom no nothing.. The doctor, says probably because of the chemical I found blocking her memories. Janeway did you find any other phyical eviedense? The doctor no. I subspect coven used seven's own nanoprobes to repair any damage that might have occured. Tuvok says you seem to accept sevens recovered memories as fact. The doctor, are you suggesting otherwise? Tuvok, historically we have came to see that such kinds of memories are not always accurate, and have been proven to unreliable. The doctor yes, but that's only for memories that have been blocked for years. This is diffrent, these memories have been blocked by artifial means and quite recently I might add. Tom what are you suggesting? Seven is making all of this up? Tuvok, no but she has experienced illusions before. The doctor, explains somethings, and says we are not talking about conjecture we are talking about science. Janeway says lets not get bogged down. Seven has made some heavy acusations. We can't stand by and do nothing. A single nanoprobe in the wrong hands can lead to disaster. Doctor I want you to keep searching for any phyical eveidence that will back up seven claim. Mean while I will talk to Coven. Coven & janeway. Coven this is absured she is oviously lying. This is redicullus, first she attacks me then she invents these riduculus stories and you try to place the blame on me. Janeway why would she do that? Coven some kind of negoation tactic. Janeway, I assure you we only want to clearify what happened. Coven we only went to adjust the particle beam rifles. Janeway that took 2 hours? Coven she insisted on presision. Janeway we have eveidence that she was exposed to a intense thoron discharge. Coven, she was once the power cell overloaded we reported the accident immediatly. Seven contends that you fired the weapon at her delibratly. Coven that's proposterous. Janeway, the doctor says the blast could have been enough to render her uncountous. Coven it didn't we was both startled for a moment but after it happen she asked for a dermal regenerator. Which I handed her and she used to fix the arm she burned, the one with the mechanical implants. Janeway the one which you recongized as being of borg technology. Coven I was aware she was a borg. Cause she told me herself. Janeway did you ever express intrest in that technology or try to examine it more closely? Coven No. Janeway, you never considered the portentail value it might have as a weapon?? Coven, is that what you think i've done? Janeway, you may not realize how dangerous that technology can be. Even if you took a single nanoprobe, we need to know about it right now. Coven I haven't taken anything. Janeway, I would like examine your labatory to be absulutly sure. Coven, no this has already gone to far. Janeway then I will have to contact the authorities. They maybe more helpful. Coven are you willing to risk our trade agreement all on one crewmen's delusions? Janeway I am, now are you willing to coperate with our investigations? Tuvok is questioning coven. You claim the rifle over loaded due to a faulty adjustment on osulator. Coven, that's right. Tuvok, can you discribe in more detail this adjustment? Coven, I was showing her how tune the induction mentrix I must have tune it to high. Tuvok, are you unfamiliar with that proceedure? Coven, NO i have done it 100 times, it was a careless mistake how many times must I appologize? Tuvok, i am not seeking any appologies. Coven then what do you want? Are you tring to catch me in a lie? Trick me into confessing? You can't cause there is nothing for me to confess I haven't done anything. Tuvok, one of our crew members claims that you have. Coven, your crew member is very furtunate, she has a entire crew coming to her defense. I have no one. Tuvok, we have a mastriate from your planet coming aboard. Coven he won't help me, he's more interested in protecting trade with peoples such as your selves than protecting people like me. Tuvok, surely he will want to know the truth, that's all we are seekig. Coven, on my world we depend on trade with alien speices. There are strict protocols when dealing with aliens speices, even being accused with violating them is a serious offense. Tuvok, you will have the oppertunity to refute any charges. Coven, It won't matter once they are made it won't matter I won't be trusted anymore. my reputation will be ruined. Please I never hurt your crewmen, please don't do this. Tuvok, I'm afraid I have no choice in the matter. But I assure you our investigation will be held in a fair and impartshall manner. Coven you strike me as a man of your word, if you tell me I won't be prejudged then I believe you. and leaves. The doctor and seven, the doctor closes a tricorder and asks seven how are you feeling? Seven I am undamaged. Doctor I am refering to your feelings. You phyical scars have healed but your emotional ones must be dealt with. Seven I am unaware of any. Doctor, how do you feel? Coven attacked you, violated your rights as a individual, it is important that you recognize that, we must deal with any hostility or resentment you might be feeling. Seven resentment is a human triat, it has no structure no function I want no part of it. Doctor you going to have to accept the fact that your human feelings exist, and not recognizing this can damage you. Seven if I am unaware of these feelings then how can I express them? Doctor: let me ask you this what if coven tried to take the technology directly from the collective? Seven he would have been assimulated. Doctor, exactly why he choosed you he could get what he wanted without running any risks. Seven it was my individuality that made me vultible. Doctor exactly, he violated that individuality, a afront to everything you are. Seven it was a act of a coward. Doctor yes, some one willing to use you in the creulest way so he could create weapons and sale them. Seven I believe I am experiencing anger to coven. Doctor good, it's a healthy normal response when coven get what he diserves you will feel much better. Tuvok & the doctor and the magistriate and coven are in his lab. There are no examination tables, coven says I told you I just used this area to work on weapon designs. Doctor, we should scan for signs that the room has been altered. A device like this was used to remove her octular implant. Coven that's a microcalibrator I used it to remove the casing of the partical beam rifle. Doctor sets it down. picks up another device and says couldn't this be used to manipulate nerotransmiters. Coven with a few modifications I can use your comm badge to manipulate nerotransmiters what's your point??? Doctor says smugly, I believe you just made it. and then sets it back down with a smug smile. says there is cellulur residue on several of these instruments I would like to take these back to voyager for further scaning. Coven of course there are we used them to adjust the rifle. Tuvok finds a some thing the doctor scans it and says if this is more than cellular residue these scans reveal nanoprobes that have been activated in a very specific pattern. The magistrait looks convinced, He then says there is suffeint evidense to contain you pending offical proceedings. Coven Please no. He pulls a weapon that was laying around and beams away. Tuvok calls to the ship, and tells about coven beaming away. Janeway ask the magistrait if he wants them to follow him? magistrait yes, but I want to join you. Janeway we will beam you aboard stand by. Tom is ordered to follow him. Chakotay comments that he is only at half impluse his ship may not have warp engines. We are closing chakotay I am engauging the tractor beam. A flash, then it's reported that he set off a photonic pulse and took them off line I will have to reinitialize them. Janeway do it. Janeway comments how their investigation has suddenly became a man hunt. Chakotay, his running shows he has something to hide until we find out what we can't risk letting him go. They picked up the warp trail of coven ship, are following it. In the meantime they are analizing the tools from the lab and weapons and things. Janeway says this isn't getting us anywhere seven's cellular residue is on all of these weapons, but that would be true if she simply handled them. Tuvok says my examination of these other items are equally inconclusive. The weapon may have overloaded or not.Janeway says I am getting a bad feeling about this tuvok. We haven't found anything that implicates coven. Tuvok I told him that our investigation would be impartial. Janeway, it has. But I will admit I had some preconseptions about him. They may have influidanced my judgement. The strongest eveidence we have is so far is that the nanoprobes regeneterated. which shows that coven must have been experimenting with them. Tuvok, we don't know a great deal about the effects of nanoprobes and borg technology. We might want to simulate the effects of the rifle blast on her arm, and see what happens to the nanoprobes. Doctor questions the captain if this is really nessicary, comments that she has suffered enough trauma. Janeway says yes we don't want to make accusations against a inocent man. We have to find some concrete evidence. Seven he is not a inocent man, I know what he did to me. Tuvok, we must have proof, I configured this hypospray to simulate a thoron blast. Then collect thin layers of your skin, It won't be painful. Seven I am not afraid I am angry. Janeway, says in a understanding voice: I know we may have some answers soon. The test is made, Janeway says lets see what we got, she looks at the samples herself. then says you better take a look. The doctor looks. Seven what do you see? The doctor says the nanoprobes are regenerating in the exactly the same way as we seen in the doctor's labatory. He goes on to say, that it could have happened from a energy discharge from the weapon just as coven discribed. Seven, no Coven is guilty Janeway, I understand you believe that in your mind. But I ask you if it's just possible, JUST possible that the memories you and the doctor recovered aren't accuate? Seven how could they not be? janeway during the time with the borg you was subjected to evassive medical procedures. you undoubtily witness other victims being assimulated. That would be what you are remembering. Seven, doctor you know that is not right tell them. Doctor, everything you did lead me to believe you was a victim. Your extreme behavoirs etc... I believed it was your response to coven. Seven but it was. Doctor but if I am to be impartchal. I have to acknowledge that I still don't understand your biology. And that this eveidence supports Coven story, and not yours. Seven, you was the one that had me understand what happened and now you are denying it? Janeway, no one is abandoning you, but we have to do what is right. we have to find him and tell him about this. Seven No, i won't be happy till he gets what he deserves. I won't settle for anything less she leaves (7). janeway on the bridge now, they catched up to coven ship. Janeway says stop we have new information. Coven, stop your prosuit I can damage your ship. Janeway it is not our intension to take you by force. Coven then let me go. The magistrait, coven the proceedings must be resolved. Coven no it's a trap. The doctor tells coven that we have new evidense that supports your story that the rifle did overload. Coven fires. He hits voyager with his weapons many times knocks out the shields, the magistriat tells janeway go ahead and fire on him he will distroy your ship. Janeway he has been hurt enough by us. I will not. Coven charges his weapons for one big blast this overloads his systems. It's reported that his ship will explode soon. Janeway hails him to lower the scatering field and let us beam you off your ship. Coven says nothing, fires. Chakotay he's firing. the coven ship explodes. The magistriate says there is nothing more we could of done. Janeway looks discussed. The doctor log tells how he was interagated for weeks about his findings and the matter is finally resolved. Seven comes in and says she is here for here weekly maintance. Doctor scans her and says your in perfect health. Seven says I am not. as a borg I was responsible for the death of countless million. And as yet I felt nothing but for this death I can't help but I regret the distruction of this single being. Doctor it's called remorse seven. yet another new emotion for you to experience. Seven, I do not enjoy this emotion anymore than i enjoyed anger. I would vather not have to wait. Doctor I am afraid you do not get a choice, your just going to have to. as do I. she leaves, then he thinks maybe I do, then the doctor goes to the captain and tells her how arrogent he was and how he shouldn't have over steped his bounds by not seeing the possiblity that he was wrong. He also requests to go back to the way he was. Janeway says request denied. The doctor says but captain. Janeway we don't turn back the clock because of one mistake no matter what you might feel. Doctor, I can't live with the thought that I might do it again. janeway, with any luck that knowledge will keep you from making that mistake again. Janeway we all rallied around seven. Myself included, I wanted her to know that she was part of this family, and we would fight for her no matter what. We all are going to have to live responsibity of coven death. But to delete that responsiblity should be the last thing any of us do. The doctor, gives a thinking look and leaves... The end. Next week The killing game Hirogen are back!