Prey We see the Rogen hunter aliens engaged in prosuit of a prey. The track this prey to a planet. We see that it's the Species that gave the borg so much trouble. The leader of the hunter ship, decides to track this alien on the planet the old fashion way. They track it, and shoot it with thier big rifles. They take it aboard thier ship. On voyager the doctor has seven read from a pad a list of polite things to say as replys to questions & things. She doesn't see why this is needed. But the doctor tells here that if you makes a effort that it will be worth it and will be come natural. She doesn't see the relivance. The doctor tells her that it will help the crew feel at easy with you. The doctor convinces her to learn from his wisdom. On the bridge, tuvok goes over the specs of a ship that's in sensor range, it is Rogen, and the captain orders them hailed says we can't avoid them we must settle our diffrences. They get no response. The ship is closing, The alien ship didn't charge weapons. slowed and stoped. Seven tells the captain that you intend to board it? The Rogens are a potential threat. The captain what you see as a threat I see as a chance to gain knowledge about them & to learn from them, and in this case show some compasion. Seven in my experience that compassion won't be recipicated. The captain orders the away team over. The away team sees all kinds of various trophies of the Hirogen. Including what could be dinner, a vat with variuos biorganic stuff in it. They continue to look around Tom sees what he thinks is a helment someone lost. He picks it up, and sees a head still in it. Startled he puts it back down quickly. Gives a starled noise, and calls for the commander, tom scans the head and says I don't pickup any weapon ridules, I think he was physically torn apart. The continue to search they find a Hirogen badly injured. Chakotay says lets get him to sickbay. Chakotay reporting Janeway tells her that they downloaded navigational informatation from the space craft & that they have been in this region of space for the past 5 years. Tovok puts up a chart on a screen Janeway comments they certainly covered a lot of space. Chakotay tells her that he studied some of thier logs and that they are primarily a hunter spieces and they had alot of remains of other spieces displayed like trophies, also they maybe using them as a source of food. They are nomantic and thier driving force seems to be the search for prey. Which has caused them to cover vast distances. Tuvok adds here are no signs of a home planet or anything such as that. They consist of mostly ships which from time to time will join forces in multiprong attacks. Chakotay says like wolves. Janeway asks about the one in the sickbay? Tuvok replies that he is behind a level 5 force field. Janeway then takes a moment to tell/teach/show seven why she did what she did. She tells seven that she was right there was great risk. But we now know a great deal more than what we did about this race. Seven says you was right captain, It was worth the risk this time. Janeway to chakotay, Thier is one question remaining who is hunting the hunters. We now see a view of out side voyager, it's the alien from fluidic space, crawling out side on the hall. Janeway arrives in sickbay and gets a report from the doctor who tells her of how the alien can't be sudated due to his immune system keeps counter acting all such medications. He also tells her how the hirogen has many internal injuries that neeed tended to. Janeway ask if he can't make one that would work? He replys it would take hours. She says okay lets see if I can't reason with him. She tells him, that your shipmate is dead, your ship is damaged beyond repair. I brought you here to treat your injuries. She then asks Who attacked you? He looks away abit, inticating not talking to you.. She then tells him that the first time I meant your speicies it wasn't on the best of terms I would like to change that. He tells her Our prey. Janeway, you was on a hunt. Hirogen, yes a formable alien, we captured it two days ago but it broke free of it's restraints.attacked us, releast me, I must continue the hunt. Janeway, without your ship and you'll die without treatment for your internal injuries. He nods a yes, to indicate that they can give him the medical attension. The doctor enters the force field and tells the hirogen, that you should know that I am a hologram and can't be bent spindled or mutilated, so don't bother tring. The hirogen looks him up and down and the doctor proceeds to scan him.. Now on the birdge, janeway gets a report that there is six more hirogen ships on the way, and tuvok comments that the one in sickbay may have sent a distress call. Janeway ask how far away? 1/2 light year four hours at most. Tom is given orders to evade them as long as he can. Janeway says if we can get enough time to treat thier friend the hunter that good old fashion diplomacy may get us out of this yet. Chakotay tells the captain don't count on it, that from what I seen in their data base diplomacy isn't part of thier lifestyle. They don't see us as equals to them we are simply game. Janeway well then like any other cornered animal we will show our teeth. Tuvok reports that there has been a hull rupture on deck 11 section 3. It appears a plasma conduit exploded. The damage is minor. Chakotay gives orders for the power to be increased to the stuctural integity field. Tuvok then reports that a bulk head in a conduit as been breached Chakotay asks is it from another plasma conduit failing? Kim says no, this wasn't from any power systems conduit failure. janeway gives Kim orders to go check it out. Harry kim leaves. Kim & Tuvok are in a conduit, and kim comments that this was no overload. and he sees a globe of glowing guew. Tuvok later scans it and says it's a dense mixture of dna and polyfluidic compounds. Then he reports to janeway that he just scaned indications that thier is a inturder aboard that matches speices 8472. Janeway quickly orders red alert, and states that last time we encountered this speices that it was inpervous to our scaners and we will have to track it visually. Tom says how did it get past our shields? Janeway grabs a phaser from between the seats on the bidge. Janeway we will worry about that later. You have the bridge commander I'll be on deck 11. Seven has reports to Torres that that she has erected a level 10 force field around engineering. Torres very good. Then she gives orders to the various members of engineering Looks up and the alien 8472, leaps down on her and injures torres and 4 other members of engineering. is reported to janeway as she enters engineering by seven, who also reports how the alien 8472 got in engineering attacked and then left, also how thier hand phasers was in affective. Janeway leaves with seven who has her phaser drawn and is scaning and walking down the hallway with janeway. Who asks seven if the borg ever engaged in hand to hand combat with the 8472's and she replies yes. Every time they came aboard a borg vessel they would seek the most effient method of destroying the ship. She tells how the speices has adapted it methods. But will still seek the most effient means to distroy the ship. Janeway says lets get to sickbay. In sickbay we see Torres out cold, the doctor says she will be just find captain. The captain tells how six months ago our galaxy was invaded by these aliens and we was barely able to fight them off. If they are back we all might be in trouble. Janeway how many ships have you seen? The Hirogen only one, damaged we thought we had killed the creature but this prey is unlike any other it has many lives. Lower the force field and I will finish the hunt. Seven says your attempts to finish the creature will fail. This spiecies is imperivous to all weapons but borg nanoprobes. Hirogen, nanoprobes? Yes microscopic weapons that can attack the alien at a cellular level. I will make the modification to the phaser rifles to fire nanoprobes. Janeway says I want capture the creature not kill it. Can you make that modification? Seven yes but it will take more time. We must kill it. Janeway not until I find out why it/they have returned. Hirogen I agree with her. Janeway then tells the hirogen that other hirogen ships are on the way. How she hopes that he will tell them how we helped you. The hirogen tells her let me continue the hunt for my prey. Or I will have/let them distroy you. Tuvok reports to janeway that he's in deck 11 and how the creature has disrupted lifesupport on this deck and how artifical gravity has also been comprimised. Janeway instructs him to regroup on deck ten. Janeway then says to the hirogen, If you want to join the hunt for the creature now your chance, Under the commander. Janeway tells the commander if he steps out of line shoot him. Chakotay nods. then hirogen looks down at chakotay in a demeaning way, and says my weapon. Paris & chakotay are putting on space suits, and chakotay ask if the hirogen body armor will stand rapid changes in pressure the hirogen says my body armor will let me track in most enviroments. The hirogen boasts on how he once tracked a creature in a really dangerous enviroment. Tom says I once tracked a mouse in jeffrey tube 32. Chakotay didn't think it was very funny/or impressive. Then reports that they are ready to begin. Seven & Tuvok charge weapons. They depressurize the hatch and go into the coridors. They march around and with flashlights on their phaser rifles. Chakotay says maintain your prosition. I will take the point. Hirogen tells him that he wants to. How that chakotay will not surive a attack by the creature who will attack the point first. Chakotay says you will fall back. I will take that chance Hirogen takes the number 2 slot in the march Tom says no problem I will take up the rear in his joking tone. Seven fires on something, Tuvok says you missed. Tuvok comments since speices 8472 came aboard you seemed highly agiated. Seven replies they are the only speices that offered true resistance to the borg they have distroyed millions of drones and many of our worlds. I have reasons to be agiated. Tom asks what is that the hirogen says that is blood. Chakotay then reports to tuvok that we have cornered it on section 59. They see the prey. Chakotay says that he is injured. Hirogen we must kill him readies his weapon chakotay knocks it out of aim and the hirogen fires on him. Then tuvok shoots the Hirogen. while tom was jumping out of the way of the fire zone... Tuvok is now in gally, he tells neelix that he is needed to be part of secuity force. Neelix is glad to help, ask what his assignment is. Tuvok gives him a list of things he must do and tells him to report at such and such intervals. Next we see tuvok is getting communications at a phyic level. Neelix ask are you alright? The captain and doctor & chakotay are walking down a hall, chakotay tells how they made this entire deck a brige. The doctor tells janeway that he can tell the creature is injured but can't tell her how badly nor can he help it any cause he doesn't know enough about it to even treat it external wouns, Frankly i'm at a lost. Tom and seven report that the creature tried to open a bridge to fluidic space. Janeway says I see it was tring to get home. Now janeway is with tuvok who has been communicating with the creature who tells the story of how it was in the delta quadrant and was left behind when his kind retreated back to fluidic space. It has been traped in the delta quadrant ever since and has been prosued by hirogen hunters ever since and that it has no desires for conflict it only wants to return to it's domain. It is dieing captain. Janeway tells it that we are going to help you get back to your relm. We have no way to treat your injuries. But if you can tell us... At this point the creature falls further to the floor. Tuvok says it has lost contious, and has severed the telipahtic link. Janeway looks sad, while she looks at the creature who is lying on the floor. She marches into the sickbay. The hirogen says where is my prey? Janeway says lying near death in a coridor. Thanks to you... She then says that in 3 hours your fellow hirogen ships will arrive and that creature will not be aboard. The hirogen, what do you mean? Janeway we plan to return it to where it came from. Hirogen if you surrender the creature to me you will not be harmed. Janeway Your hunt is a slaughter & i'm calling it off right now. Hirogen we will not be denied our prey. Surrender the creature or your crew will take it's place. Tuvok have seven of nine report to my ready room. (they are walking down the hallway). Tuvok, you plan to have seven open a rift back into fluidic space & return the creature. Janeway, yes. Tuvok, given her recent apprihension about this creature it's unlikely she will be willing. Janeway have her report, we'll see. Now janeway is sitting at her desk. Seven of nine reports, captain you wish to see me. Janeway, I have made a dission on spieces 8472 I am going to return it to fluidic space. I need you to open a qualtum singularity. Seven I don't believe that is a prudent course of action. Janeway, I know that it may be difficult for you to help save this creature life. But part of becoming human is learning to have compasion for others even when they are your bitter enemies. Seven WHY? Janeway tells her the story about when she was a luitent and they was fighting the cardassins on a outpost. How they was cut off from thier forces they as involved in phaser fire with a group of cardassins for about 3 days. a stalemate, one night during a break in the fighting we could hear a low moaning sound coming from some one out there. None of our people was missing so it had to be a wounded cardassins. You must understand we was killing each other for weeks now on this planet. But our commander said we just can't sit here and listen to this wounded man. So he ordered me & ensign to crawl out there and bring that cardassin back to our camp for treatment. He was risking our lives, for someone who would have shot us without hessitation. Later when the federation forces arrived we was all decorated. But the thing I was most proud of was not holding the outpost. But saving that man's life. Seven Explain? Janeway, a single act of compassion can justify our humanity. Seven your tring to justify your act of returning the alien. Janeway, no I want you to see this as a oppertunity, I know you don't want to do this seven. But I'm telling you as your captain & as your friend that you won't regret it. Seven, NO your dission is tactally unsound. We will be surrounded by hirogen ships in 2 hours if do not surrender the creature they will distroy us. A lesson in compassion will do me little good if I am dead. Janeway, It is wrong to sacrofice another being to save our own lives. Seven, but on a number of occasions you have been willing to sacrofice your own life to save members of your crew. Janeway, that was my choice, but this creature does not have a choice. Seven, It has invaded our ship, put our lives in jeapority, In my oppion it has forfieted it's freedom. Janeway I'm giving you an orders. Report to engineering and work to open a singularity. Seven I will not. I have agreed to be a member of the crew, but I will not be a willing partisapent in the distruction of this ship or it's crew. Janeway Objection noted, we will do this without you. Report to the cargobay and remain there till this is over. Seven of nine leaves the ready room. Hirogen are now attacking, janeway is on the bridge. Shields down to 79%. Hirogen hails, says you taken our prey and one of us surrender them or we will distroy you... Janeway not the prey. During the attack the doctor notices that the creature 8472 has regenerated itself. Janeway orders seven to report to where the creature is being held with a supply of nanoprobes. Chakotay, asks Torres how she doing.. She reports that she can now transport the creature using the transporters but still hasn't been able to duplicate a way to open the singularity. Chakotay, how long? Torres I need another hour. Paris, says we can out manuver the hirogen ships for a few more minutes but after that I don't know. The ship is being hit hard by the hirogen weapon fire. Internal shields in the sickbay are down. Chakotay calls to the sickbay security that are guarding the hirogen there. No answer. The hirogen walks out of the sickbay, picking up his weapon on the way. Chakotay calls for security to goto the sickbay and look for the hirogen who maybe loose. The ship is hit in both war cells. Seven of nine meets up with the doctor with a rifle. The doctor says the nanoprobes? Seven armed and ready. Doctor, not a moment to soon. Next we see the two other guard being shot down by the hirogen weapon. Seven faces the hirogen, tells him to lower your weapon or I will distroy you. The hirogen, I will not you want me to distroy this creature, this look I have seen a thousand times stand aside. A heavy hit on the ship, rocks it and the force field around the creature 8472 is disabled the creature runs out of the area attacking the hirogen, they are in a hand to hand fight. Seven goes to a panel in the hall and beams them to a attacking ships. The hirogen leave at high warp. Janeway ask if they can prosue. Tom says no I'm sorry captain warp engines are still not working. Janeway resume our previous course full impulse. Chakotay, seven of nine? Janeway 7of9. Janeway log states that scans for the hirogens reveal none in range of sensors, but something tells me the hunt for voyager is far from over. In the cargo bay. Seven in a alcove. Janeway comes in. walks up to her and press butons. Seven captain? Janeway step down please. Janeway talks to her seven, replys my dission avoided a attack. Janeway i'm not here to debate your dission with you. I am here to give you the conques of them. I wanted you to be a crew member.I wanted you to be come a member of the family. Even when you rub members the wrong way I tried to acommidate you. But this time i can not. From this time forward you will no longer have access to any primary systems without my express orders. If you try to circumvent these orders you will be thrown into the brigg. You may continue your work in the astrometrics lab if you are willing. But if not you may spend the rest your time here in the cargo bay. Seven, your not punishing me for what I did, more because I do not think like you. cause I am not becoming more like you. you claim to respect my individuality. But in fact your frighten by it. Janeway, discussed says as you where and leaves.... Seven gives a look at her as he leaves. THE END next week. seven makes a shocking accuation against somebody. She claims she has been violated.