One little ship. This is the story of one little ship. The little ship was sent to investigate a minor astronomical atnomily. All aboard was happy to be investigating something instead of fighting in the war with the Dominion. This atnomily cause things to shrink many times smaller than thier normal size. The ship was teathered to the Bigger but still little ship the defiant. That was standing off at a distance and it's normal size. When the Gem'dar troops attack and board the bigger ship. The little ship is pulled out of the atnomily with the bigger ship during the battle. With their comunications lines down they decide to enter the bigger ship thru it's plasma vent ports. The do manage this with no maragine for error. They help their big buddies who are helping the Gem'dar to repair the defiant for warp speeds. The new Gem'dar first from the alpha quadrant is eager to leave federation controled space. Cause he knows every moment in federation space is a moment that they maybe detected. The former First breed in the Gamma quadrant. Does not like the new breed of gem'dar of the alpha quadrant, He finds them to be overly confient and airagant. He tries to inpart some of his long time learned knowledge to the new first. The new alphaquardant first see's himself as a supieror breed of Gem'dar. Or the founders would not have had him created. The former first knows that the federation crew is going to use this chance to help the gem'dar as a opertunity to regain control of the ship. But the newly made alpha, Believes that the guards and having this old first will be enough to keep them in line. The Federation crew is busy with rerouting the starship navigation & other controls to the engineering where they are at. They can't do it by themsleves. They are unaware of the little ship, and thier crew mates. who are helping them to reroute the command structure. The runabout (the littlest ship) helps by entering the bridge and beaming The doctor & the chief into the ciriciuts of the console, along with a supply of compressed (little people air). The doctor & the chief have trouble with recongizing the objects in the world around them. But manage to reroute the circuits. To give the engineering control. They then goto engineering to help their friends. Who may not have any idea that they have control. They had made plans to blow up the ship once it reached the speed better than warp 1. The federation crew sees the little ship and uses the diversion to start a fighting the Gem'dar. The Gem'dar are beatin with the help of the little ship's phasers. The captain tells worf to that his wife's here. To say hello, we see worf look into the view screen and dax's waving... THE END...