Change of Heart. Show begins with Quark & dax and others playing tongo. The chief & Worf are viewing the game from over head. Worf comments on how she will win. The chief says I don't know about that Quark has won the past 206 games in a row. Worf lays a bet on dax one bottle of blood wine for one bottle of whiskey. Just when it looks like she going to win. Worf says I like my blood wine young and sweet. Then a sudden change in the game Quark has a better hand & wins. Chief says I like something preferably from the highlands etc.. Worf then goes down greets his wife. Dax says you lost a bet on me didn't you? Worf says I would better loose a bet on you than win on anyone else. Dax says good answer.They later goto thier coders where they have a good evening. Later they are awaken by kira who has them report immediatly. Dax is a slow riser. But worf speeds her up by taking the covers off her. They report and are told to meet with a cardassin spy for the federation, in the bad lands. He claims to have important information, that he has collected. They goto the spot in the and meet with the cardassin an he tells them of all information he has collected, such as how many and where the founders are. But he is near being picked up, he is suspected. He must escape now. He has a plan to leave but it requires that the federation or someone gets him off a planet. They can't simply beam him off of it. They must land the ship a runabout hike and meet him, they have about 2 days to meet him and get him off the planet. Worf tell the guy that his plans must be studied. The cardassin guy says I need a answer now. Worf tells him YES. Later they are on thier way to make the pickup. Worf asks dax where does she want to goto her honeymoon, I was thinking and he gives a list of activities that all involve hunting, hiking, climbing etc. Dax says No, I want to goto some place where I will be pampered and have a room that we will be imbarrased about it's huge size and have a view on our balcany that's so beautiful. Worf says okay risa i guess. Dax says no this place she hands him a pad. That has another vacation resort on it (casablanka). Worf says okay then. Dax is surprised that he surrendered so quickly. Worf surrendered? Dax says bad choice of words. Agreed, This isn't what I expected. Worf would you prefer to fight? Dax no. Worf I'm a married man now I must make a few changes. Later the chief and is playing tongo by himself. The doctor comes in says lets hurry we have the holosuite reserved only for 3 hours and we will need every minute of that to catch the person plotting to distroy the world. Then the doctor says what are you doing? The chief tells how he is determine to beat quark at his own game. The doctor how can you, you barely can play this game. The chief says It's the challenge, Why do you think I've done all the things I done?, became a engineer, Joined starfleet, Try to convac down the same river for the past 7 years, Play darts with a man who is phyically altered and enhanced? The doctor says the challenge..The doctor and him start to play the game. After awhile it's apperent that the doctor has got the game down, but the finer points he needs help with. Since the game isn't a simple matter of number crunching. The doctor tells the cheif at this rate it would take you 20 years to be enough of player to even be any sort of challenge to quark. The chief says yes, then gets the idea that the doctor could beat quark. The doctor says me? The chief says sure, all you need a little bit of coaching since the game isn't all number crunching you know. The doctor but what's in it for me? The chief the challenge? The doctor shakes his head no. Chief, do it for the latuim? The doctor shakes his head no. Then the chief says, Do it to see quark's face when he is beaten by a mare HUman. The game is played, quark is relucntant to let the doctor play. Says this is a all ferengie game. The doctor and the chief goat them a bit. Finnally the doctor is let into the game, It was more the case miles was holding supposlily full of latium strips. The games filters out to the point where it's just quark & the doctor. Quark maybe sees that the doctor just may win. So he uses the other cards he's holding. He says what a shame it is that dax's married mr boredom. I could remember the days when I was down to my last strip of latium and well, she would walk by my shop and wink or something and somehow things seemed to be brighter and the days ahead looked worth living. The doctor agrees with him, Yes she would walk by sickbay and yes it would make my whole day. Quark says yes I know. I think at times that we let her get away. Or you did. The doctor starts to loose the the game cause his is most distracted. The game is lost to quark. The doctor, quark was you serious when you was saying all this, that dax was probably my last chance at happiness? Quark says, Now doctor you don't expect me to show you all my cards do you? Now back on the planet with dax & worf. They landed on the planet proceeded to make the meeting with the cardassin they are hiking in the woods to the point of the meeting. the make camp as they make camp dax jokes with worf a bit says that how are you enjoying your honeymoon? Is there enough sweating and physical torture for you? She puts a blanket on him and says there is no dishonnor in saying that your cold. Worf smiles a bit and says more pain less cold. Has they are enjoying the moment they hear a change in the noises of the animals off in a distance. Suddenly gem'dar and they fight them. Gem'dar are defeated but they do manage to get a few shots off. One shot hits dax, due to the design of gem'dar this minor hit can't be fixed by the dermal regeneration and the other things they are carring in the medic kit. The weapon prevents the blood from clotting. She is bandaged and shot with pain killers and they proceed. Worf says that he should have seen this attack coming and if he wasn't joking with dax. Dax says don't believe that for a second. What happened to the worf that was agreeable and was on the shuttle. Worf says I shouldn't try to be something I'm not. Dax disagrees, but it seems lost on worf. He blames himself it appears. They continue on their way to meet the cardassin. They dax has lost a lot of blood worf keeps replacing the blood plasma. But her condition keeps getting worst. It comes to the point that worf must leave dax by herself. He tells her that he will have her back on the shuttle and in a statusfield in 48 hours. He leaves her. She at this point in time looks very ill, darken sunken eyes. Worf gives into his heart and returns and brings her back to the station. Worf is sitting at his work station, and the captain comes in. He tells worf that he just recieved a report that the cardassin was killed returning to the base. He asks worf if there was any chance of them making the rescue and getting him out? Worf says yes I could have. But when I was out there I truely understood the meaning of the story of the two klingon hearts. The same story that you heard at our wedding. How not even the gods could stand up to the power of the two klingon hearts. The Captain says, due to the current war it's unlikely that you will be court marshalled. Even a quiet one would probably draw too much undue attension on opertives. But you should note that this act of yours will make it very unlikely for you to get a command anytime soon. Also I am issueing new orders that you and dax will never be on a mission alone together. Worf I understand. The captain then says as a starfleet officer and your superior I must condemn your actions. But as former husband, I can tell you that if it was jenifer I wouldn't have left her behind either. The end. Next week is a rerun ;-(