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Dune: Eye of the Storm MiniFaq from November 24, 1997

Matthew M. Colville, Last Unicorn NetRep posted this FAQ on November 24th. 

Q: Do I have to engage a persona to play a tactic? 

A: No. 

Q: How do I use a tactic to stop a Venture? 

A: Before your rival can start his Venture, he must first declare his intent to do so. At that point you and the other players may play Tactic : Declaration card
to engage the persona attempting the Venture, stopping the Venture from happening. This does not cancel the Venture, it just delays it until the next time that persona is disengaged on his owners House Interval. There *are* tactics which cancel

Q: When do I play Tactic : Initiative : Declaration cards? 

A: Anytime during the Initiative phase before you all total up your declared favor and figure out who goes first. In other words, I could play a Tactic : Initiative:Declaration *before* I declare my favor, *after* I declare my favor, before *you* declare your favor or *after* you declare your favor OR in respons to *you* playing a Tactic : Initiative : Declaration card! Phew! This is distinctly different than the printed rules. Listen to your Unca' Matthew. The 'prior to declaring favor' is an ill choice of words. 

Q: Does 'a Battle' or 'Battle' or any other of the forms of kanly in a card text *always* refer to a Rite? 

A: Yes. Anytime a card says, in it's *text* not it's cardtype, "a battle" or "battle" it's referring to a Rite. 

Q: Can I play a card with a House Allegiance on a different House's card? 

A: NO!! This is a reversal of something I was wrong about! In fact you can only play an Atreides Battalion on an Atredies persona or fief, or an unaligned person or fief. Additionally, Dune becomes aligned to your House if you move there. 

Q: How do I design a House Profile if the CROE changes from Game to Game? 

A: From Game to Game. You don't design a permanent House Profile. You get to change it before every game. Note that when you register with the Landsraad, you don't send in your Hosue Profile. 

Q: "Declared Favor" is different than "Favor," right? 

A: Right. A change to your Declared Favor doesn't change your actual Favor, just your chance of going first during the Initiative Phase. 

Q: How does Unprecedented Intercession work? How am I supposed to know what my rival has in his Assembly? 

A: The Hard Way. You have to either (1) use a card to look at your rival's assembly (there is such a card) or (2) wait for him to fail in petitioning a holding. You only have to remember the name of the holding, not it's location in your rivals assembly. This isn't Concentration. 

Q: Do personas which Gain or Adopt allegiance now have Allegiance to two different Houses? 

A: Yes. 

Q: Really? Now my brain hurts! What happens if I'm House Harkonnen and I move to Dune, then deploy Dr. Kynes? Or if I already govern Dr. Kynes? 

A: In either case, he immedeately becomes subdued and you have to burn tons of favor to bring him back out (favor = his deployment cost.) The same is true for Secret Allegiance. 

Q: Hmm. . .ok, if I am the Fremen, and I move to Dune, can I burn favor to bring Dr. Kynes out? 

A: Yes. 

Q: Petitioning Tithe says that after I deploy it, no other house can. Does this mean for the WHOLE GAME?! 

A: No. Just for that one Petition. 

Q: But you said you yourself were playing with it, ruling that it couldn't be duplicated the entire game. Doesn't this mean you're a bonehead? 

A: Yes. I have just as much potential to be a bonehead as anyone else. 

Q: Why does Caryall have a resistance rating? 

A: Because there *are* cards which can target it. 

Q: In that case, what about cards which don't have a Resistance Rating? 

A: All cards without Resistance Ratings printed are considered to have a Resistance of 1 if it ever comes up. 

Q: Do cards which produce Solaris, yet don't require you to engage continue to produce solaris if engaged? 

A: Yes. 

Q: Do 'Native' personas have to be assigned to a Fief or Charter? 

A: Nope. They work just like other personas, except that you must govern either a Dune Fief or the Forbidden Zone in order to deploy them. 

Q: When I subdue a card for any reason, do all attached cards automatically become subdued? 

A: Yes. 

Q: Do I govern subdued cards in my House Domain? 

A: No. Subdued cards are not considered governed by any player. Any time you run across a card which states "a subdued card you govern" or any reasonable variation thereof, consider it to say "a subdued card in your House Domain." 

Q: Does this mean I can't play Imperium Events if my Homeworld is subdued? 

A: Yes. Unless, of course, your Homeworld card is subdued because you have Dune in play. Remember that Dune becomes your homeworld (and gains the alignement icon in the corner) when you deploy it. 

Q: When I Counter, does my rival still gain the bonus for vanquishing my persona? 

A: No. A player only gains the bonus for vanquishing the *original* target of the Rite. 

Q: What if a persona with Counter *is* the original target of the Rite? 
A: The rite proceeds normally, bonuses are still rewarded for vanqushing.

Q: How many personas of Command Rank 0 can I bring in when Directing? 

A: For purposes of Direct only, personas of Command Rank 0 are considered to have Command Rank 1. 

Q: Am I mistaken, or can a MALE become a Full Reverend Mother? 

A: Consider the Full Reverend Mother card to have a Sisterhood Allegiance symbol in the upper right. 

Q: Isn't Shield Failure made redundant by Device Malfunction? 

A: Consider Sheild Failure to read "discard a target shield." 

Q: Under the heading "The Forms of Rites/Initiation Interval," it says "beginning with defender, each player may now play one or more Declaration Tactics." Does this means only the defender and attacker, or all players? 

A: During the Attacker declaration phase only, any player may play 'generic' Declaration Tactics, beginning with the defender. However, only the attacker and defender may play 'Rite specific declaration tactics during this phase. During the remaining phases of the Rite (Defender Declaration, Attacker Engagement & Defender Engagment) only the attacker and defender may deploy tactics; all other players are excluded from participating. Since the Attacker declaration is also considered a 'general' declaration (such as those occuring during the initiation of any rule or card operation) the rules allow any player to deploy simple Declaration tactics (those that are not Rite specific). But given the nature of Rite specific tactics, only the attacker and defender are able tobenefit from their particular operations and effects. So instead of dividing the declaration into two separate Declaration phases (generic vs. Rite Specific), use the aforementioned ruling to cover both possibilites, still giving the defender first opportunity to play either type of Declaration Tactic (generic vs. Rite specific).

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