The Shipper’s Corridor


The Hall of ‘X’ is proud to extend this unsolicited award to the following sites

for their eXcellence in perpetuating the belief of romance and catering to the

“Shipper” Phile.  NoRomos beware!!!!!







Site Name and Link                                                      Web Master/Mistress


Member since 6/2700

v     Agents In Love                                                                    JoAnn Medrano

v     Hopelessly Romantic X-Files                                              Linda Phillips

v     The Jori Remington Archive                                               Jori Remington


Member since 5/5/00

v     Dawson’s X-File Fan Fic Home Page                                   Dawson Rambo


Member since 4/19/00

v     With Love All Things Are Possible                                       Jen

(the fan fiction of MD1016)


Member since 4/6/00

v     E’s X-Page                                                                           Erin

v     It’s Raining Sleeping Bags                                                  DD4Me2

v     Hall of Fan Fic                                                                    Ari

v     X-Files Fan Fic by Xenoprobe                                             Xenoprobe


Member since 3/19/00

v     Gertie’s Shipper Friendly X-Files Page                               Gertie

v     Twilight Time                                                                      Tara W.

v     eXpositions                                                                         Lydia Harkness

v     The Phile Cabinet                                                               Enessevay

v     Truth, Trust, and Love                                                        Kate

v     The Salvation Site                                                               Teagan Lynn







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