Doctor Who Anagrams

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Here are some mixed up Doctor Who words, some of which are very fitting.




Ban Mercy

The Doctor

Rot The Cod

Tegan Jovanka

A vane Tank Jog / Jake Van Tango

The Master

Shatter me / Earth stem / Rat she met

The Rani

Near hit / Ain't her

Supreme Dalek

A Mere Elk Spud / Denmark Eel Pus


Nor Satan / Nor Santa

William Hartnell

A Thin Wallet Mill

Patrick Troughton

A Gothic Trunk Port

Jon Pertwee

Jeep Or Newt

Tom Baker

Bark To Me

Peter Davison

A Devon Priest

Colin Baker

Bank Or Lice

Sylvester McCoy

Come, Cry, Sly Vest

Mike Jayston (The Valeyard)

Joy Ate Minsk

The Valeyard

Ah, very Delta / Death Valery


Girly Leaf

E-mail more Whovian anagrams to me at [email protected]
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